Biden stares into space after speech

It's all about who gets the VP choice. He's going to appoint someone no one wants to vote for if they were running for Prez, and then if he wins he will resign and the VP will take over. Whoever bribes his kid with the most bucks wins the VP slot and ends up in the White House. There's a reason he went to Red China with his doper son in tow.
Kamala Harris is a potential pick.

Picking her panders to 2 major Democrat identity politics groups.

And besides that, she's an easy lay.
A whole lot of GOP butt hurting going on this morning. Super (black) Tuesday was painful for you all was it not? Sleazy Sue has been to 3 dozen trump rallies but Dear Leader still finds her ungropeable. :(
I don't know why. Forgive me but I LOL'ed at this.

I couldn’t laugh. This is just sad. Over and over he locks up like this and drifts off into never-never land. His wife scared him when she touched him. He had no Idea where he was or what was happening. I’ve seen this before in caring for a grandmother who died of Alzheimer’s.
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.

They'll toss him aside and present Michelle, Hillary or DiFi as their real candidate

My first guess is Michelle. DiFi is way too old. Hillary could be an option but she will lose easily, and I think they know she will lose.

She may even have to come out as a crossdresser
Rescued by wife.

Time for the media to recognize....'the emperor has no clothes'

Plain Ol' Johnny Graz on Twitter
Have you been watching Fat Donnie at the daily talks on TV? Watch him when he walks away. He has his head down because he knows all he can do is disrupt any semblance of a 3rd rate group of his own picking. It is his own demise. He sucks and should stay away. It's not a fucking rally.
FDR was supposed to end the Great depression! The crippled bastard and his carpet munching wife could do nothing. They let people suffer and die and live with little for a decade. Then he let more people die to force us into a bloody war. And gave up half of Europe near the end of it to another monster. And many look at him fondly today.
Rescued by wife.

Time for the media to recognize....'the emperor has no clothes'

Plain Ol' Johnny Graz on Twitter
Have you been watching Fat Donnie at the daily talks on TV? Watch him when he walks away. He has his head down because he knows all he can do is disrupt any semblance of a 3rd rate group of his own picking. It is his own demise. He sucks and should stay away. It's not a fucking rally.
FDR was supposed to end the Great depression! The crippled bastard and his carpet munching wife could do nothing. They let people suffer and die and live with little for a decade. Then he let more people die to force us into a bloody war. And gave up half of Europe near the end of it to another monster. And many look at him fondly today.
Guess who is the f'n Pres now. You fondler.
Rescued by wife.

Time for the media to recognize....'the emperor has no clothes'

Plain Ol' Johnny Graz on Twitter
Have you been watching Fat Donnie at the daily talks on TV? Watch him when he walks away. He has his head down because he knows all he can do is disrupt any semblance of a 3rd rate group of his own picking. It is his own demise. He sucks and should stay away. It's not a fucking rally.
FDR was supposed to end the Great depression! The crippled bastard and his carpet munching wife could do nothing. They let people suffer and die and live with little for a decade. Then he let more people die to force us into a bloody war. And gave up half of Europe near the end of it to another monster. And many look at him fondly today.
Guess who is the f'n Pres now. You fondler.
But you just threw one of your heros under the bus because he is not the President anymore. You hate Trump. I get it. You hate him so much that you do not respect the position he is in. That is a no no. Trump is not an extremist. He has bended over backwards for people. And it is never enough for you. Obama did not do that. His handlers kept the prog agendas straight and true. His press secretaries were attack dogs who would insult people even with softball questions. Trump has shown us the traitors to our nation. The politicians....elected and non elected, government and private employees, rich men and women, the media, the entertainers, and anyone else. It just getting past political persuasions that people are finding hard. Freedom is tenuous. Once lost, getting it back can kill many. And we lost many right already in the guise of using social justice to blur it.
Rescued by wife.

Time for the media to recognize....'the emperor has no clothes'

Plain Ol' Johnny Graz on Twitter

The media might not recognize, but Crazy Bernie certainly does. He's in the same age bracket and a lot of his friends are fading out.

As a result, he'd be a dam fool if he left the race. There is a definite possibility that Creepy Joe doesn't make it to Milwaukee, and if he doesn't he would be the only game in town for the D's.
A whole lot of GOP butt hurting going on this morning. Super (black) Tuesday was painful for you all was it not? Sleazy Sue has been to 3 dozen trump rallies but Dear Leader still finds her ungropeable. :(

It's painful to witness how your Stalinist Party treats a dementia patient
It's actually very sad. Only the Leftists in this nation are actually heartless enough to put an old man CLEARLY suffering from dementia up there and expect him to perform.

As opposed to the Nazi with Dementia you support. But he hates gays and Mexicans just like Jesus did... so that's the important thing.

Crazy Joe stands tall in it's support for The Demented, a new 'Oppressed Minority' the Commies can claim Solidarity with! Will this lead to legalizing marriages with bottles of Prozac?

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