Biden Steps Up Reelection Pitch To Black Voters With Speech At Girard College

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
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As they do every four years, Dems are reaching out to potential Black voters for their support.

The Biden campaign knows they are in deep trouble. Biden's policies have made it hard for poor people to put food on the table, and Trump has double-digit support from Black voters. If this continues, incumbent Biden will certainly lose the election.

So while the Biden Admin does more than any other to actually harm Black people, he has the need to do some serious pandering and divert attention from his abysmal record....

He gave a speech which was insulting and nauseating. He mentioned all the people he appointed who happened to have black skin. Never once did he mention their qualifications or character. You see, their black skin was what qualified them in Biden's racist eyes, not their merit. That's insulting.

At 18:40, he talks about pardoning people for drug possession. He fails to mention that he and Kamala have locked up incredible numbers of Black men for drug possession.

Biden tells us the old story that "I have a lot of Black friends...."

20:30... "I appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court.... I appointed more Black women to circuit courts than every other president in history combined... Overall, we appointed 200 Black judges to the federal bench...."
25:40... Biden lies and says Trump told people to inject bleach.
26:30... Biden lies and says Trump wants to cut social security and medicare.
28:00... Biden notes that he stood next to a Black man on Memorial Day.
29:15.... Biden lies and tells the crowd that Trump wanted to tear gas them as they peacefully protested.

The racist pandering and outright lies are getting kind of tiring. Smart Black people aren't buying it, and they know that they were better off under Trump, who worked for them every day, not just before the election.

On the positive side, Biden was wise enough not to repeat his false story that Brown people ate his uncle.
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As they do every four years, Dems are reaching out to potential Black voters for their support.

The Biden campaign knows they are in deep trouble. Biden's policies have made it hard for poor people to put food on the table, and Trump has double-digit support from Black voters. If this continues, incumbent Biden will certainly lose the election.

So while the Biden Admin does more than any other to actually harm Black people, he has the need to do some serious pandering and divert attention from his abysmal record....

He gave a speech which was insulting and nauseating. He mentioned all the people he appointed who happened to have black skin. Never once did he mention their qualifications or character. You see, their black skin was what qualified them in Biden's racist eyes, not their merit. That's insulting.

At 18:40, he talks about pardoning people for drug possession. He fails to mention that he and Kamala have locked up incredible numbers of Black men for drug possession.

Biden tells us the old story that "I have a lot of Black friends...."

20:30... "I appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court.... I appointed more Black women to circuit courts than every other president in history combined... Overall, we appointed 200 judges to the federal bench...."
25:40... Biden lies and says Trump told people to inject bleach.
26:30... Biden lies and says Trump wants to cut social security and medicare.
28:00... Biden notes that he stood next to a Black man on Memorial Day.
29:15.... Biden lies and tells the crowd that Trump wanted to tear gas them as they peacefully protested.

The racist pandering and outright lies are getting kind of tiring. Smart Black people aren't buying it, and they know that they were better off under Trump, who worked for them every day, not just before the election.

On the positive side, Biden was wise enough not to repeat his false story that Brown people ate his uncle.

Where is IM2? Where is the outrage at the obvious pandering and condescension to this young dynamic group of Black graduates? How insulting. How demeaning. How typically Democrat.
Pandering to get votes is what ALL POLITICIANS do.
All politicians don't wait until an election year and then give Racist, divisive, and degrading speeches at HBCU colleges. This might be the first election in decades where the Democrats get less than 80 percent of the Black vote.
Breaking: Biden bitches and complains that the MSM didn't cover his pathetic gathering, but instead is covering Trump and the jury deliberations.

As they do every four years, Dems are reaching out to potential Black voters for their support.

The Biden campaign knows they are in deep trouble. Biden's policies have made it hard for poor people to put food on the table, and Trump has double-digit support from Black voters. If this continues, incumbent Biden will certainly lose the election.

So while the Biden Admin does more than any other to actually harm Black people, he has the need to do some serious pandering and divert attention from his abysmal record....

He gave a speech which was insulting and nauseating. He mentioned all the people he appointed who happened to have black skin. Never once did he mention their qualifications or character. You see, their black skin was what qualified them in Biden's racist eyes, not their merit. That's insulting.

At 18:40, he talks about pardoning people for drug possession. He fails to mention that he and Kamala have locked up incredible numbers of Black men for drug possession.

Biden tells us the old story that "I have a lot of Black friends...."

20:30... "I appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court.... I appointed more Black women to circuit courts than every other president in history combined... Overall, we appointed 200 judges to the federal bench...."
25:40... Biden lies and says Trump told people to inject bleach.
26:30... Biden lies and says Trump wants to cut social security and medicare.
28:00... Biden notes that he stood next to a Black man on Memorial Day.
29:15.... Biden lies and tells the crowd that Trump wanted to tear gas them as they peacefully protested.

The racist pandering and outright lies are getting kind of tiring. Smart Black people aren't buying it, and they know that they were better off under Trump, who worked for them every day, not just before the election.

On the positive side, Biden was wise enough not to repeat his false story that Brown people ate his uncle.

It must be an election year, Biden is comin to town.
We'll see how successful Sleepy Joe is. The blacks have been pledged to the Democrats ever since LBJ signed the "Great Society" platform and declared to a standing ovation at the NAACP convention "By signing the establishment of the welfare state, I will have you N-words voting for the Democrat Party for a hundred generations".
Biden has done things for us during his enture presidency. He has not waited until election year.
Why do you ignore the race based rhetorc coming out of trumps mouth all the time?
This is not fake news Jim. Furthermore Biden was telling the truth.
Why do you ignore the race based rhetorc coming out of trumps mouth all the time?

This is not fake news Jim. Furthermore Biden was telling the truth.

I rated it fake news because I think it is fake news and you have not backed it up with any proof. Acceptable proof would be actual audio/video of Trump making the racist statement, or a verified quote (not "according to sources.")

You said "all the time." Please provide at least one example, but two would be preferred.

Here we go again, the Democrat claiming the Republican candidate will <fill in the blank> blacks. God how many decades have Democrats been claiming life will end as we know it for blacks if a Republican wins?? The past 50 years minimum.
As they do every four years, Dems are reaching out to potential Black voters for their support.

The Biden campaign knows they are in deep trouble. Biden's policies have made it hard for poor people to put food on the table, and Trump has double-digit support from Black voters. If this continues, incumbent Biden will certainly lose the election.

So while the Biden Admin does more than any other to actually harm Black people, he has the need to do some serious pandering and divert attention from his abysmal record....

He gave a speech which was insulting and nauseating. He mentioned all the people he appointed who happened to have black skin. Never once did he mention their qualifications or character. You see, their black skin was what qualified them in Biden's racist eyes, not their merit. That's insulting.

At 18:40, he talks about pardoning people for drug possession. He fails to mention that he and Kamala have locked up incredible numbers of Black men for drug possession.

Biden tells us the old story that "I have a lot of Black friends...."

20:30... "I appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court.... I appointed more Black women to circuit courts than every other president in history combined... Overall, we appointed 200 Black judges to the federal bench...."
25:40... Biden lies and says Trump told people to inject bleach.
26:30... Biden lies and says Trump wants to cut social security and medicare.
28:00... Biden notes that he stood next to a Black man on Memorial Day.
29:15.... Biden lies and tells the crowd that Trump wanted to tear gas them as they peacefully protested.

The racist pandering and outright lies are getting kind of tiring. Smart Black people aren't buying it, and they know that they were better off under Trump, who worked for them every day, not just before the election.

On the positive side, Biden was wise enough not to repeat his false story that Brown people ate his uncle.

This time I don't think it's going to work.
Here we go again, the Democrat claiming the Republican candidate will <fill in the blank> blacks. God how many decades have Democrats been claiming life will end as we know it for blacks if a Republican wins?? The past 50 years minimum.
And the exact opposite happens....

They elect Dems, and Dems bring crime, high taxes, terrible schools, homelessness, illegal aliens, etc. to the cities.

Some people are finally waking up because there are more sources of information than the Regime media.

There has been a net decline in real (adjusted for inflation) income for Blacks under Biden...


You can ignore the blsck judges he has appointed all you want, but that is the best and most importantthing he has done for blacks and he didn't wait for election year to do it. What have republicans done over these 4 years? NOTHING.

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people​

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