Biden tells the Press that the polls are wrong


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

President Joe Biden on Tuesday chastized reporters for not reporting on polls he's winning but only looking at the New York Times' numbers, which has Donald Trump leading by four points.

'The last five polls you guys didn't report I’m winning. Five. Five in a row. You guys only look at the New York Times,' Biden told reporters as he made his way back to the White House from Camp David.

But it's unclear what five polls the president was referring to.

Both RealClearPolitics' polling average and Five Thirty-Eight's polling average show Trump leading Biden in the majority of the recent national polls on the 2024 presidential race. However a combination of polls in indivual states, mixed in with national polls, paints a better picture for the president.

Wow, Biden should thank the Press for protecting him from any hard questions.
He isn't getting any questions about the House investigation into his influence peddling crimes.
The Press should be fact checking everything that Biden says just like they do to Trump.
Oh man let this delusional old man who was helped through illegal votes to win 2020 to keep rambling like the fool he is. Trump doesn't even have to say much but let the crooked joe talk out of his ass!

President Joe Biden on Tuesday chastized reporters for not reporting on polls he's winning but only looking at the New York Times' numbers, which has Donald Trump leading by four points.

'The last five polls you guys didn't report I’m winning. Five. Five in a row. You guys only look at the New York Times,' Biden told reporters as he made his way back to the White House from Camp David.

But it's unclear what five polls the president was referring to.

Both RealClearPolitics' polling average and Five Thirty-Eight's polling average show Trump leading Biden in the majority of the recent national polls on the 2024 presidential race. However a combination of polls in indivual states, mixed in with national polls, paints a better picture for the president.

Wow, Biden should thank the Press for protecting him from any hard questions.
He isn't getting any questions about the House investigation into his influence peddling crimes.
The Press should be fact checking everything that Biden says just like they do to Trump.

President Joe Biden on Tuesday chastized reporters for not reporting on polls he's winning but only looking at the New York Times' numbers, which has Donald Trump leading by four points.

'The last five polls you guys didn't report I’m winning. Five. Five in a row. You guys only look at the New York Times,' Biden told reporters as he made his way back to the White House from Camp David.

But it's unclear what five polls the president was referring to.

Both RealClearPolitics' polling average and Five Thirty-Eight's polling average show Trump leading Biden in the majority of the recent national polls on the 2024 presidential race. However a combination of polls in indivual states, mixed in with national polls, paints a better picture for the president.

Wow, Biden should thank the Press for protecting him from any hard questions.
He isn't getting any questions about the House investigation into his influence peddling crimes.
The Press should be fact checking everything that Biden says just like they do to Trump.
Biden was referring to the polls in the Havana Herald, the Peking Post, Pravda, the Venezuela View and the North Korean Cryer.
Oh man let this delusional old man who was helped through illegal votes to win 2020 to keep rambling like the fool he is. Trump doesn't even have to say much but let the crooked joe talk out of his ass!
I want to see at least one debate between the two. Can you imagine?

President Joe Biden on Tuesday chastized reporters for not reporting on polls he's winning but only looking at the New York Times' numbers, which has Donald Trump leading by four points.

'The last five polls you guys didn't report I’m winning. Five. Five in a row. You guys only look at the New York Times,' Biden told reporters as he made his way back to the White House from Camp David.

But it's unclear what five polls the president was referring to.

Both RealClearPolitics' polling average and Five Thirty-Eight's polling average show Trump leading Biden in the majority of the recent national polls on the 2024 presidential race. However a combination of polls in indivual states, mixed in with national polls, paints a better picture for the president.

Wow, Biden should thank the Press for protecting him from any hard questions.
He isn't getting any questions about the House investigation into his influence peddling crimes.
The Press should be fact checking everything that Biden says just like they do to Trump.

Dont Taz Me Bro will tell you these are "fake polls"
Fortunately, they are real.

President Joe Biden on Tuesday chastized reporters for not reporting on polls he's winning but only looking at the New York Times' numbers, which has Donald Trump leading by four points.

'The last five polls you guys didn't report I’m winning. Five. Five in a row. You guys only look at the New York Times,' Biden told reporters as he made his way back to the White House from Camp David.

But it's unclear what five polls the president was referring to.

Both RealClearPolitics' polling average and Five Thirty-Eight's polling average show Trump leading Biden in the majority of the recent national polls on the 2024 presidential race. However a combination of polls in indivual states, mixed in with national polls, paints a better picture for the president.

Wow, Biden should thank the Press for protecting him from any hard questions.
He isn't getting any questions about the House investigation into his influence peddling crimes.
The Press should be fact checking everything that Biden says just like they do to Trump.
That damned MAGA New York Times!

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