Biden to double minimum wage

So the employer is going to pack in?
Hopefully not

but they often reduce the number of employees they hire

sometimes that means slower service, sometimes it means automation

but it always means good news for the democrat party
That is anyway the case.
Do you care if private companies are forced out of business?

many libs dont care at all
Do you care about people suffering 7.25?

How so?

capt. blei has endorsed the theory of IN CASE OF SOCIAL DYSFUNCTION ----THROW MONEY AT IT
Like filling the Lehman Bubble with money?
Why do you think doubling the minimum wage would be a good thing?
I already explained it. It will make them buy more stuff, thus boosting the economy.

But it won't.

Right now, you get paid $7.50 an hour. You can buy a gallon of milk for, let's say, $3.49.

Well, when the government mandates that minimum wage goes up to $15, the retailer has to raise his price for that gallon milk. Why? Well, for starters, because they kid who used to stock the shelves at $7.50 and hour is now making double that. The retailer isn't going to simply absorb that extra $7.50, he's going to pass that on to you, the consumer, and there's not a single reason in the world why he shouldn't.

Furthermore, though, the retailer is also now paying more for that gallon of milk. If he buys a gallon of milk from a dairy, the guy running the milking machine is now making $15 an hour when he used to be making only $9 an hour. The dairy owner isn't going to absorb that extra $6 an hour, he's going to pass that on to his customers (ie: the retailer). The company that makes the bottles the milk goes into, likewise has to raise their prices, as does the companies which ship and deliver the milk, all because everyone is going to do everything they can think of to mitigate the negative impact of the higher operating costs on their bottom line.

I haven't had a minimum wage job since the Carter administration. Back then, minimum wage was $2.65 an hour. Man, I'd have thought doubling it to $5.30 an hour would've been great! Why? Because back then, when I was 16 years old, all I cared about was how much cash I had in my wallet, and not so much about what that cash could buy.

And of course, it is better for them. Once you are on 7.25, you will agree with me.

What people need to lose is the unfounded expectation that a person should be able to support a family of four on a minimum wage job. That's stupid. If you're married with kids, and you have a minimum wage job, you seriously fucked something up along the way...

As you know, this is far beyond the willing comprehension of the Democrats. They put their fingers in their ears and start shouting LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, as loud as they can, blocking out all common sense.

Your typical Democrat.
Don´t post fucking boys at me.

No fairies either.

After all that fat cat socialism under the Blob, Biden has some real useful present for the populace: An increase of the federal minimum wage by more than 100 %.

Businesses will go automated. Job losses, more poverty and more government assistance.

( At least you're in the right Location... )
We will see.
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.

How do you remedy a problem if you deny that it exists?
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.

How do you remedy a problem if you deny that it exists?
There is a problem agreed and has been going on for centuries. The vastness between people economically is great. As I alluded to in my previous post, there is little to no difference to a government tax auditor regarding the color of one’s skin except to determine minority status for benefits perhaps; it does not matter. It’s about how many bucks you earn, how much you pay out, and what you contribute to society for deductions. This criteria is used to determine benefits or government aid. There are factions of our society that benefit from the continued beat about class race wars. They (variety of entities in power who want to make sure they retain power) certainly don’t want the poor to rise up against the rich now do they?
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.

How do you remedy a problem if you deny that it exists?
Define a problem and back track to the self-invoked behavior that made it a problem.
When one's top skill is serving a hamburger, how much should that person be paid?
Why is serving a hamburger one's top skill?
After all that fat cat socialism under the Blob, Biden has some real useful present for the populace: An increase of the federal minimum wage by more than 100 %.

Biden and his socialist team will have us in another great depression within 6 months....they have no idea how a economy works.

View attachment 443430
the coming storm of socialism, repression and loss of freedom.

View attachment 443433
Define a problem and back track to the self-invoked behavior that made it a problem.
When one's top skill is serving a hamburger, how much should that person be paid?
Why is serving a hamburger one's top skill?

Didn't know they served hamburger at federal level. The US Fed Govt got stock in McDonalds?
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.

How do you remedy a problem if you deny that it exists?
Define a problem and back track to the self-invoked behavior that made it a problem.
When one's top skill is serving a hamburger, how much should that person be paid?
Why is serving a hamburger one's top skill?
That seems like a most fair and logical way to assess the catalyst for a problem, and I'll stick with your example of flipping burgers.

Flipping burgers is a choice for many young and retired people needing to supplement their incomes and wanting a low-stress job. Many employed people looking for low-stress supplemental income might consider it for a second job. Many people who have a restaurant within walking distance, don't have anyone else to support, maybe with room mates who split the rent/bills, might decide it's worth it to them. For some, it might be the only job they could obtain. It depends upon one's priorities and where they are in life. There are many other reasons a person might choose to flip burgers, but less reasons to continue flipping burgers after a certain point as the pay is typically minimal. Short-term burger flipping can lead to other things if one is pursuing additional education or training.

Most good employees are recognized within these businesses, if they just do the right thing show up, show up on time, respectful demeanor, considered a good co-worker) and work up the ladder within that business. Others perform their duties displaying a miserable attitude, and choose to wear that attitude on their sleeve. They don't get promoted, attitude worsens, and the odds of being hired elsewhere is slim to none.

I am guessing you are referring to long-term burger flippers who cannot afford to live on their paychecks right? As mentioned above, it still depends on where they are in life, age-wise and goals (or lack of) to find other employment. Most people who claim to be "stuck" in a dead-end job still have options, but these options take effort and the drive to accomplish. Some people who check out other options and figure out it takes too much work or effort to do it will often say things like: "The system is rigged and I have no choice but to keep flipping burgers", or "I hate people. They all have it good while us peons work hard and get nothing" and in that way justify their own predicament. Pity parties can be legit unfortunately, but most are 100% self-made. Black, red, white, green, etc. we all have choices.
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.

How do you remedy a problem if you deny that it exists?
Define a problem and back track to the self-invoked behavior that made it a problem.
When one's top skill is serving a hamburger, how much should that person be paid?
Why is serving a hamburger one's top skill?
That seems like a most fair and logical way to assess the catalyst for a problem, and I'll stick with your example of flipping burgers.

Flipping burgers is a choice for many young and retired people needing to supplement their incomes and wanting a low-stress job. Many employed people looking for low-stress supplemental income might consider it for a second job. Many people who have a restaurant within walking distance, don't have anyone else to support, maybe with room mates who split the rent/bills, might decide it's worth it to them. For some, it might be the only job they could obtain. It depends upon one's priorities and where they are in life. There are many other reasons a person might choose to flip burgers, but less reasons to continue flipping burgers after a certain point as the pay is typically minimal. Short-term burger flipping can lead to other things if one is pursuing additional education or training.

Most good employees are recognized within these businesses, if they just do the right thing show up, show up on time, respectful demeanor, considered a good co-worker) and work up the ladder within that business. Others perform their duties displaying a miserable attitude, and choose to wear that attitude on their sleeve. They don't get promoted, attitude worsens, and the odds of being hired elsewhere is slim to none.

I am guessing you are referring to long-term burger flippers who cannot afford to live on their paychecks right? As mentioned above, it still depends on where they are in life, age-wise and goals (or lack of) to find other employment. Most people who claim to be "stuck" in a dead-end job still have options, but these options take effort and the drive to accomplish. Some people who check out other options and figure out it takes too much work or effort to do it will often say things like: "The system is rigged and I have no choice but to keep flipping burgers", or "I hate people. They all have it good while us peons work hard and get nothing" and in that way justify their own predicament. Pity parties can be legit unfortunately, but most are 100% self-made. Black, red, white, green, etc. we all have choices.
Most good employees are recognized within these businesses, if they just do the right thing show up, show up on time, respectful demeanor, considered a good co-worker) and work up the ladder within that business.

Have you met any of these people?
I have discussions with these people and they hate what they're doing and get paid crap.
I ask them about their school years and most give me a look that says, "Nobody told me to pay attention in school".

We have a pizza shop in town that hired a Black teenager who seemed a bit too sophisticated to be serving food.
The manager asked her what she wanted to do with her life and said she wanted to be an engineer.
He told her if she ever skipped a night of homework he would fire her.
She's now in college majoring in Engineering.
As I predicted, Biden is driving the final sword into the heart of small business. $15 an hour minimum wage, a new raft of government regulations and Covid requirements will guarantee that no one in their right mind will want to start a new small business. Thank you China, thank you Democrats.

Biden thinks a black family that has no interest in actually working should be given the same amount of money that a hard working white family earns....thus he will take the tax monies of hard working americans and make sure the blacks get equal pay.

As he said upfront....he will reward them for voting for him.
Let’s exchange the black family for a poor family and we will be talking about more yet similar families. Poor people are mostly treated the same, regardless of skin color, by the government.
Exactly. It is ridiculous to define every problem as a 'Black Thing' or a 'White Thing'.

How do you remedy a problem if you deny that it exists?
Define a problem and back track to the self-invoked behavior that made it a problem.
When one's top skill is serving a hamburger, how much should that person be paid?
Why is serving a hamburger one's top skill?
That seems like a most fair and logical way to assess the catalyst for a problem, and I'll stick with your example of flipping burgers.

Flipping burgers is a choice for many young and retired people needing to supplement their incomes and wanting a low-stress job. Many employed people looking for low-stress supplemental income might consider it for a second job. Many people who have a restaurant within walking distance, don't have anyone else to support, maybe with room mates who split the rent/bills, might decide it's worth it to them. For some, it might be the only job they could obtain. It depends upon one's priorities and where they are in life. There are many other reasons a person might choose to flip burgers, but less reasons to continue flipping burgers after a certain point as the pay is typically minimal. Short-term burger flipping can lead to other things if one is pursuing additional education or training.

Most good employees are recognized within these businesses, if they just do the right thing show up, show up on time, respectful demeanor, considered a good co-worker) and work up the ladder within that business. Others perform their duties displaying a miserable attitude, and choose to wear that attitude on their sleeve. They don't get promoted, attitude worsens, and the odds of being hired elsewhere is slim to none.

I am guessing you are referring to long-term burger flippers who cannot afford to live on their paychecks right? As mentioned above, it still depends on where they are in life, age-wise and goals (or lack of) to find other employment. Most people who claim to be "stuck" in a dead-end job still have options, but these options take effort and the drive to accomplish. Some people who check out other options and figure out it takes too much work or effort to do it will often say things like: "The system is rigged and I have no choice but to keep flipping burgers", or "I hate people. They all have it good while us peons work hard and get nothing" and in that way justify their own predicament. Pity parties can be legit unfortunately, but most are 100% self-made. Black, red, white, green, etc. we all have choices.
Remember the movie "American Graffiti"? The discussion of burger flippers made me think of what burger joints were like in the 60s. Nearly all the workers were high school age just getting some work experience and making enough money to put gas in their car and go on dates. What the heck happened? Sixty years later we have people with families competing with school kids for low wage jobs. Is it the burger joints' responsibility to provide the family man (or woman) with a "living wage" so they can feed their family? :dunno:

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