Biden trying to undermine a trump presidency: federal work from home deal

That is because the federal government requires college degrees and most low end positions have been contracted out
That's fine. For what they get, good pay, almost 100% job security, excellent vacation and federal holidays, good pension...they can show up to work.

millions of people have to do it every day.
There is no evidence that work at home reduces productivity. It saves the government money because it means that they need less office space. It also saves gas.

Fully remote employees 10% to 20% less productive.

Same statistic.

It saves the government money because it means that they need less office space

No it doesn't. They office buildings are still there, and they are having to pay to keep them heated and cooked, and maintained, but they are empty. It's a waste of money.

It also saves gas.

Good point. I've seen some numbers that suggest that the average person spends between 5k and 8k per year commuting back and forth to work. From gas to maintenance on their vehicle. Let's split the difference at $6500. Plus if you are working at home, that means you can get up and start work in your PJs, so you don't have to buy as many clothes, socks, underwear, shoes, less in laundry detergent,women can use less in makeup.

Then there is daycare costs, which can be as high as 10k per year , now that you are working from home, you won't have to pay that.

I'm sure there are other expenses that you save on, so, let's say, because you work from home, you save about..$18,000 per year. So, if you want to work from home, then they should lower your pay by 18k per year, since the average private sector worker will have to incur those expenses. If you are in remote work, that should be factored into your pay.
Office space is very expensive in DC and commutes can take hours

Both the government and workers benefit
The office space is still there and commuting costs for private sector workers can be costly. So, we can remove that amount from the federal workers pay if they work from home.
Trump needs to ensure performance metrics are in place and then he doesn’t need to worry about whether the work is done from home or on site
"Performance metrics?" Great idea.

If there is anything that a typical Federal employee would fear more than having to come to work, it would be having their performance measured.

I hope Trump realizes that he'll need to hire an outside company to collect the data. Letting federal workers do it would be folly for several obvious reasons.
That's fine. For what they get, good pay, almost 100% job security, excellent vacation and federal holidays, good pension...they can show up to work.

millions of people have to do it every day.
Yep the nation has us work our lives away. What a waste.

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