Biden uses FBI to terrify People

No one is actually terrified but Tucker and his crew WANT you to be terrified.

Terrified people are easier for them to control.
People that know what you are up to are harder to control, nimrod.
It is entirely on the Conservative Right for passively looking the other way while evil has flourished.
We (collectively) have not sacrificed to defend the commandments and have engaged in perversions God forbids. We are equally guilty if not more so.
^^ Bingo! The GOP have sat by complicit in the left radicalizing every institution in America over the last 50 years. Totally worthless lot. McCarthy was right, and we should had rooted out Marxists long ago and enforced our laws to throw them in jail or remove their citizenship.
Retired agents are speaking out on armed raids for misdemeanor suspects... "we never used openly armed agents in body armor to bring in people suspected of misdemeanors"....
"This is political intimidation"....
Retired agents don’t matter. The current agents are doing it and allowing others to do it.
^^ Bingo! The GOP have sat by complicit in the left radicalizing every institution in America over the last 50 years. Totally worthless lot. McCarthy was right, and we should had rooted out Marxists long ago and enforced our laws to throw them in jail or remove their citizenship.

Unconstitutional. What other parts of the Constitution are you willing to simply ignore?
But at the end of the day...

WE CONSERVATIVES are directly responsible for the course America is taking.
WE have long known that evil men exist and the FF's warned us we would have to defend freedom and gave us the means to do so.

It is entirely on the Conservative Right for passively looking the other way while evil has flourished.
We (collectively) have not sacrificed to defend the commandments and have engaged in perversions God forbids. We are equally guilty if not more so.
Any other acceptance is weakness and delusion.
And you're going to start "sacrificing" when exactly? Your act is getting stale.
Retired agents are speaking out on armed raids for misdemeanor suspects... "we never used openly armed agents in body armor to bring in people suspected of misdemeanors"....
"This is political intimidation"....
They’re dealing with extremist militia members.
Another win for the good guys:

From my old neck of the woods....

TYLER, TX (KLTV) - New details have been released about a massive FBI raid carried out at a rural East Texas home a week ago.

Oscar Davis was arrested last Wednesday when about a hundred federal agents raided a home east of Hughes Springs.

Federal agents converged on a compound in a major raid operation looking for Davis.

When Xi and Putin give you conflicting orders, whose orders do you obey?

That must be rough for you, trying to decide which authoritarian master you love more.
You shill for the Democrats and China, that is obvious with everything you post. This is clearly deflection.
When Xi and Putin give you conflicting orders, whose orders do you obey?

That must be rough for you, trying to decide which authoritarian master you love more.
Who do you think you're fooling wit this lame shit?
Moderate Democrats are just as dismayed as we are.
But the media will have us believe ALL Democrats are the same and are all onboard with the radical Left agenda.

The Fascist media has done a stellar job of dividing America and breeding a generation of useful, America hating imbeciles.
Well, it ain't like dems are coming out of the woodwork condemning this.
The whole fbi is corrupt not just the leadership
You only “know” what you’re told to “know”.
exactly, we have others telling us how it actually is. you stay stupid and under control.
When Xi and Putin give you conflicting orders, whose orders do you obey?

That must be rough for you, trying to decide which authoritarian master you love more.
you saw the orders?
How many needed psychological counseling for PTSD?
Probably Every Member of The FBI since they went 666 New World Order Fascist Brown Shirt on America and betrayed their country in treasonous fashion.
Most of them are beyond redemption even with counseling.

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