Biden uses FBI to terrify People

Unconstitutional. What other parts of the Constitution are you willing to simply ignore?
Nope, it can be taken away if they become citizens of other countries. So commies should either be thrown in jail, or given the option to leave the country, become a citizen elsewhere, and lose citizenship here.

Tucker Carlson: It's hard to believe this is happening

Fox News host Tucker Carlson calls out Biden for allegedly using the FBI intimidate his critics on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

TheReaper: Is there not one democrats who will admit they are wrong using these fascist violent tactics on regular people?

Tucker Carlson is a bigger idiot than YOU are and that's really saying something.

Biden isn't using the FBI to "intimidate his critics". The DOJ is using the FBI to investigate crimes against the government of the United States of America. IOW's the conspirators who planned the January 6th Insurrection.

They're not "regular people". They're seditionists.
Nope, it can be taken away if they become citizens of other countries.

No, it can't be taken away. People can rescind it.

A person can have dual citizenship.

So commies should either be thrown in jail, or given the option to leave the country, become a citizen elsewhere, and lose citizenship here.

Spoken by a person willing to ignore the Constitution.
What else did Putin tell Tucker Carlson to say?

Whatever it is, Trump cultists will faithfully echo it here. Such loyal commie America-haters, those Trump cultists.

Are you saying Friend wasn't suspended for refusing to SWAT a nonviolent person or this religious leader wasn't swatted, with his wife and 7 kids in the home, after he offered to surrender. And his only "crime" was protecting his 12 year old son.

Are you saying Friend wasn't suspended for refusing to SWAT a nonviolent person or this religious leader wasn't swatted, with his wife and 7 kids in the home, after he offered to surrender. And his only "crime" was protecting his 12 year old son.
Well, yeah. Everyone is saying that. Your masters made up a weird story, told you all to repeat it, and you all obeyed without question, same as you always do.
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Nope, it can be taken away if they become citizens of other countries. So commies should either be thrown in jail, or given the option to leave the country, become a citizen elsewhere, and lose citizenship here.
So will you be leaving the country or choosing jail?

yea, Joseph Bolanos was asking for it by boasting he was part of jan 6th.

And this other guy, Mark Houck was constantly threatening people with his knife. And then bringing is son along with such activities?

Nothing in your link shows he threatened anyone with a knife. I guess a person just having a knife is threatening to you snowflakes.

Moderate Democrats are just as dismayed as we are.
But the media will have us believe ALL Democrats are the same and are all onboard with the radical Left agenda.

The Fascist media has done a stellar job of dividing America and breeding a generation of useful, America hating imbeciles.
Your assessment is the most important observation of the day BHU.

How many US main stream media outlets would lose business if they suddenly stopped skewing party information to enhance a 2 party “us versus them” mentality? As if all Democrats are the same, as if all Republicans are the same, and as if the independents collectively don't outweigh these other two parties in numbers? Informed voters know better, yet many voters still believe in the “one size fits all” labeling which is a fallacy.

I’d love to know how US Mainstream Media journalists/editors determine whether or not a submitted piece that shows unity is “too boring”, one that doesn't depict enough friction but reveals people finding common ground. Shock and awe tactics sell stories, but intentionally leaving out positive stories for balance is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Media heads know this but will continue to follow the money for personal and political gain. So, who is to blame for leading this media side circus, the audience or the corruptive media outlets, that promote this cut and dry 2 split division when that isn’t the truth? It’s a toss up is my best guess.
What moderate Democrats? Where are they? Do you have video? I see none.

How can any moderate person vote for late term abortions, grooming and transgenderism, socialism and open borders? Because the democrats are openly for all those things and more.

Yes yes yes, you keep spamming your little fake news BS article in all my threads. Its crap, and so are you
There are still moderate Democrats, they just have been snuffed out almost at this point of time by the far leftists and those with a very different agenda than your traditional Democrats.
Nope, it can be taken away if they become citizens of other countries. So commies should either be thrown in jail, or given the option to leave the country, become a citizen elsewhere, and lose citizenship here.
Carlson has ZERO evidence of Biden having ANY direct input with FBI, let alone corrupt directing of small-time investigations.

Nutters like you love those sensationalist politico conspiracy theories and Carlson knows just how to grab your eyeballs.

Are you saying xiden is clueless about what's happening in his regime, even though the FBI and their tactics have been the topic in congressional hearings? Are you really that fucking stupid?

The reason to send the FBI is to arrest someone who is indicted for a felony offense.

That’s their entire purpose.

The guy offered to surrender himself, so NO that's not their entire purpose. The commie regime is engaging in terroristic tactics against the American population. Just wait till they turn on you.

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