Biden VP list narrows down to six serious contenders

As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?
What happened to the fat chick? Oh man Stacey Abrams is going to be PISSED! :omg:

She's too fugly.
All may be contenders, not a single one is serious by any stretch of the word.

Every one of them would make a better President than Trump. Maybe you need to get a serious candidate for President.

30 states and 2,623 counties with no record and no experience in government. Could a “serious” candidate do better than that?
We all know what black leaders of anything accomplish...NOTHING
Look around the world at anything black ran. I’m not making this shit up.

It was not a sign of support for Trump. It was a lack of enthusiasm for Clinton. Trump was the devil we don't know. Now Trump is the devil we don't know and that is why he is trailing. No Clinton states are in jeopardy of switching. However Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Iowa could switch. Throw in traditional Republican states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona and that shows a revolt against Trump which is taking place.
Trump supporters should never use morality as a campaign issue. Glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

Nor should you.

Liberals demand that the other side be morally pristine while electing morally corrupt officials to run their party and enact policy.

Do you really care about morality in politics? At all?

If I had the attitude that everyone I vote for be morally pristine, I would never vote for anyone in any election whatsoever.

Using morality to hit Trump means you can't hit him with any cogent critiques of his policy.
Elizabeth Warren is more caring of issues that matter to me.
-Helping the poor
-Helping the homeless
-more money for the safetynet

Getting away from the current shit and back on important stuff like the above is the only way Biden can beat trump.
^ And ALL of that is better done through localized nonprofits
that have greater accountability to the people they serve instead of relying on federal govt.

The problem I have with Democrats is pushing social programs into federal govt
where this causes conflicts and problems in multiple areas
(1) it take resources and attention AWAY from building the social support locally
so people and communities become self reliant and sustainable. So when pandemic
or other disabling attacks hit any area, all regions can be self supporting and not
be forced to shut down if they are not depending on federal govt to manage them.
The reason poor communities are harder hit, is constant reliance on outside support.
So if Democrats really care about the poor, they would help them to become independent.
Like wanting to help families support themselves. Not stay dependent on govt and continue to vote the same party into office!
(2) too many social programs "bogging down" federal govt
also prevent federal govt from focusing on national issues such as security,
and other areas ONLY FEDERAL GOVT can do. Most social issues can be
handled locally or statewide, with the exception of NATIONAL emergencies.
So if TOO much of the programs that could be done by local or state
are Collectively pushed onto the FEDERAL level from all 50 states,
that ties up the govt which should be freed up and reserved ONLY for federal level
emergencies. That's why the response gets bogged down -- it should be organized
on the grassroots level first, where most of the demands are met already.
And only the NATIONAL level should be handled by federal govt.
(3) Lastly, half the nation being conservative, that means taxpayers
DON'T ALL CONSENT to running social programs through federal govt!
To many Conservatives and Constitutionalists, it's not even LAWFUL to impose
social legislation, especially abortion, through federal govt on everyone!

Why can't the liberals understand this?

Socialism is like Christianity, and Social Programs for the benefit of charity or humanity
are like Christian outreach that also saves lives and helps millions of people meet needs.
However, it is NOT lawful to impose Christianity or Christian programs or beliefs through Govt.
And likewise, Socialist programs and beliefs are not Constitutional either,
DESPITE the good intent of helping more people and "saving lives."

Politicallyinsane That is FINE if you personally believe in paying
for more of the social programs. My argument is for DEMOCRATS
who believe in that as a personal political religion, that is your
right to exercise that as your creed. But you (and Warren, Pelosi and Sanders)
have ZERO right to abuse govt to force socialist beliefs or policies
on the public, and force taxpayers to fund and comply with YOUR beliefs
that Conservatives and Constitutionalists both deem UNLAWFUL to impose on them through govt.

If it's NOT lawful to impose Christian beliefs and programs
through Govt and make "all taxpayers fund that to save lives"
then it isn't lawful to impose secular Socialist equivalents either.

People should have equal freedom to exercise their own beliefs,
in which case Christians who want to fund charities or schools, including medical services,
through their own nonprofit organizations should be able to choose that
instead of being forced to fund these through Govt against their beliefs.
Elizabeth Warren is more caring of issues that matter to me.
-Helping the poor
-Helping the homeless
-more money for the safetynet

Getting away from the current shit and back on important stuff like the above is the only way Biden can beat trump.

Warren is a non starter

She would have to give up her Senate seat and a Republican Governor would get to pick her replacement.
I wish these NaziCon racists would find another thread to troll.

Can't take opposing views, can you? You must CENSOR them because you have NO RATIONAL ARGUMENT for these terrible candidates that are ALL about their Skin Color and/or Gender or other meaningless characteristics. What has any of them ACCOMPLISHED???
All may be contenders, not a single one is serious by any stretch of the word.

Every one of them would make a better President than Trump. Maybe you need to get a serious candidate for President.

30 states and 2,623 counties with no record and no experience in government. Could a “serious” candidate do better than that?
We all know what black leaders of anything accomplish...NOTHING
Look around the world at anything black ran. I’m not making this shit up.

It was not a sign of support for Trump. It was a lack of enthusiasm for Clinton. Trump was the devil we don't know. Now Trump is the devil we don't know and that is why he is trailing. No Clinton states are in jeopardy of switching. However Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Iowa could switch. Throw in traditional Republican states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona and that shows a revolt against Trump which is taking place. have a lot of neat OPINIONS.
Since being elected Trump has done nothing but deliver for the people who voted for him...I haven’t heard of a single person who voted for him in 2016 that won’t do the same this year.
Hillary spent $1 billion on her campaign and was a much better candidate than the corrupt, almost dead, barely coherent Biden. Trust me, you guys are fucked. You’re getting bitchslapped for another four years.
Val Demmings is his best bet.

She is a strong and talented lady. I also like her husband, Jerry. I'm torn between her and Susan Rice. Actually, I'd be pleased with any of them - except Amy Klobuchar.

View attachment 349602

Her husband, Jerry Demings, is the former Orange County Sheriff and current mayor of Orange County, Florida.[18] He served as the Chief of the OPD, the first African American to do so, from 1999 to 2002.[1][9] The two met while on patrol in the OPD; they married in 1988 and have three children.[1]

Val Demings - Wikipedia
Amy Klobuchar is the wrong color. At least Warren is a native American.
Really, still believing that lie
As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?

Why isn't Stacy Abrams on the short list? She could easily deliver Georgia assuming of course that Crooked Kemp doesn't go wild purging half a million voters from minority districts a week before the election again.

My thoughts:

Warren - Nope .. TOO progressive, too divisive, and too easy for Trump
Klobuchar - Nope, various problems, mostly being white .. Black females (the most reliable voting contingency in the country) will be pissed
Kamala - Like her but we don't need anyone to deliver California
Susan Rice - Too divisive due to her Benghazi testimony
Bottoms - Smart, tough, also could deliver Georgia
Grisham - Strong contender .. Brings Hispanics out in droves but Biden is up in NM by 8.1 point in the RCPA

That leaves my top pick assuming she vets well - Val Demings who almost certainly delivers Florida, and 29 electoral votes.
As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?
What happened to the fat chick? Oh man Stacey Abrams is going to be PISSED! :omg:

Is this Stacy Abrams? I know she's really fat......


WTF is up with your obsession with obese black women and why do you prefer obese orange men?
The thing with Biden is MSM has totally covered up for him. Most Americans will soon see his child sniffing for the first time and wonder how a perv like that became the nominee. They will blame the DNC shills.
Trump supporters should never use morality as a campaign issue. Glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

In fact, as Trump has no virtues, character should never be used against Biden.

Neither candidate has morals and both should never have been nominated but you fools will continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, and you will still wind up with, well, evil.
Jesus isn't running so we have to decide which human is less evil. Acting like your better somehow shows you are even worse.

Never claimed I was better dumb ass. The last two election cycles we have had the two worst candidates in US history. You might like them but neither have real redeeming qualities, neither is a leader, both are senile 70 plus year old men. We need real candidates, we need leaders, not what we have as a choice now. You idiots are just plain ignorant.

Joe wasn't my pick either. Too old. But he's head and shoulders a better choice than giving Donnie another four years after which, we won't recognize our country (assuming we still have one now).

IMHO, there should be a new rule on age. On election day, a candidate must be between the ages of 35 and 65.
The thing with Biden is MSM has totally covered up for him. Most Americans will soon see his child sniffing for the first time and wonder how a perv like that became the nominee. They will blame the DNC shills.
Trump supporters should never use morality as a campaign issue. Glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

In fact, as Trump has no virtues, character should never be used against Biden.

Neither candidate has morals and both should never have been nominated but you fools will continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, and you will still wind up with, well, evil.
Jesus isn't running so we have to decide which human is less evil. Acting like your better somehow shows you are even worse.

Never claimed I was better dumb ass. The last two election cycles we have had the two worst candidates in US history. You might like them but neither have real redeeming qualities, neither is a leader, both are senile 70 plus year old men. We need real candidates, we need leaders, not what we have as a choice now. You idiots are just plain ignorant.

Joe wasn't my pick either. Too old. But he's head and shoulders a better choice than giving Donnie another four years after which, we won't recognize our country (assuming we still have one now).

IMHO, there should be a new rule on age. On election day, a candidate must be between the ages of 35 and 65.
As long as there is a mandatory retirement age of 70 for both housed of congress and the supreme court
Trump supporters should never use morality as a campaign issue. Glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

In fact, as Trump has no virtues, character should never be used against Biden.
Well, it just won't work. Nobody's gonna buy it.

Republicans can never use morality again going forward.

Thanks to their full-on support of the most immoral piece of scum to ever cross the doors of the White House, the current POTUS.
Trump supporters should never use morality as a campaign issue. Glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

Nor should you.

Liberals demand that the other side be morally pristine while electing morally corrupt officials to run their party and enact policy.

Do you really care about morality in politics? At all?

If I had the attitude that everyone I vote for be morally pristine, I would never vote for anyone in any election whatsoever.

Using morality to hit Trump means you can't hit him with any cogent critiques of his policy.
Not morality but ethics, virtue, humanity, empathy, compassion, penetence, humility. Trump has no virtue. None. Pointing that out is both obvious and necessary.
Trump supporters should never use morality as a campaign issue. Glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

In fact, as Trump has no virtues, character should never be used against Biden.
Well, it just won't work. Nobody's gonna buy it.

Republicans can never use morality again going forward.

Thanks to their full-on support of the most immoral piece of scum to ever cross the doors of the White House, the current POTUS.

Nope, they irrevocably sold their "Party of Family Values" claim for eternity.
If Biden actually is the candidate (dubious) and he doesn't choose a black, Spanish-speaking trannie then he's a sexist racist.

Oh, wait, we KNEW that already.....

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