Biden VP list narrows down to six serious contenders

Biden's VP Selection Process:

1 Are you black?
2 Do you have a vagina?

There are millions of women who meet that criteria.

Obviously, the other criteria that would normally apply to white guys with dicks who've held the job since the founding would also apply here.

That said, Vice Presidential Selections just aren't that important. We haven't had a VP become President through succession in 46 years. We haven't had one become president due to death of a president in 57 years.
As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?

Why isn't Stacy Abrams on the short list? She could easily deliver Georgia assuming of course that Crooked Kemp doesn't go wild purging half a million voters from minority districts a week before the election again.

My thoughts:

Warren - Nope .. TOO progressive, too divisive, and too easy for Trump
Klobuchar - Nope, various problems, mostly being white .. Black females (the most reliable voting contingency in the country) will be pissed
Kamala - Like her but we don't need anyone to deliver California
Susan Rice - Too divisive due to her Benghazi testimony
Bottoms - Smart, tough, also could deliver Georgia
Grisham - Strong contender .. Brings Hispanics out in droves but Biden is up in NM by 8.1 point in the RCPA

That leaves my top pick assuming she vets well - Val Demings who almost certainly delivers Florida, and 29 electoral votes.

Abrams is too easy a target to attack in the media.
Val Demings would be harder to hit.

WHY on Abrams? She's "fat"?
I'm certain Fat Impeached Donnie would go there! ;)
She is half his age!

Good - Exactly what he needs. And she'd wipe the floor with the pasty holier than God dude.

As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?
All scum, like you.
As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.

While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events.

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?

Amy Klobuchar asked Biden to withdraw her name for VP consideration. She told him he should pick a woman of color.

She just broke this news on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell a few minutes ago.
That’s funny. Everyone, including even you, knew she wouldn’t get it, after her corrupt actions of protecting bad cops.

Whoever Sniffy picks better be ready for the top job, because Joe might be found mentally incompetent.
Biden's VP Selection Process:

1 Are you black?
2 Do you have a vagina?

There are millions of women who meet that criteria.

Obviously, the other criteria that would normally apply to white guys with dicks who've held the job since the founding would also apply here.

That said, Vice Presidential Selections just aren't that important. We haven't had a VP become President through succession in 46 years. We haven't had one become president due to death of a president in 57 years.

Love how you useful idiots can explain any ANYTHING
As few as six serious contenders are entering a second round of vetting to become a potential vice presidential nominee.

Elizabeth Warren
Kamala Harris
Susan Rice
Val Demings
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Michelle Lujan Grisham

Biden has several qualified and talented women to choose from. What do you think?

I thought you said there were 6 'serious' contenders....then again, Biden as the LPSD Party's candidate is hysterically bizarre.

Joe is an old, white, elitist, racist, criminal, pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting, dementia-suffering pedophile who promises blacks liberation from the lowest black unemployment rate in US history, economic growth, and greater independence by returning them to the LPSD's 'plantation' through returning to Obama's policies and regulations of 'economic slavery'.

Warren is a career 'stolen culture' conman who is a lying piece of socialist dung...

Kamala Harris slept her way to the position she has & her record blows (almost as well as she does, I hear)...and Joe picking her would be a bitter pill to swallow for Joe, seeing as how she savaged him in the primaries early on ... not that he would remember at this point. The other day in a rally Joe couldn't remember where he was.

The one think Susan Rice and Joe Biden have in common is that hey should both be in prison right now for their part in Obama's failed political coup attempt. 'Conspiracy' to overthrow a newly elected President and attempting to alter US Presidential lections are a crime...

Besides, we have already had a black pathological, anti-American POS in the WH - we don't need another. Her non-stop lies which began on the Sunday talk shows in an attempt to cover Hillary's and Barry's criminal Benghazi f*-up was an unforgiveable attack on the live of the men they chose to sacrifice. (At least THEY got to go out fighting - unlike the 8,000+ elderly Cuomo murdered in NY,)

Demings was one of the failed Impeachment Managers who pushed Pelosi's / Nadler's / Schiff's 1st-Ever US politically partisan Impeachment, an Impeachment based on ZERO CRIME, ZERO EVIDENCE, AND ZERO WITNESSES. She earned her LPSD 'stripes' by proving she is willing to put the PARTY's benefit over this nation, over every single living American citizen, believing this is her time to rise in greater power among the ranks of the traitors.

Bottoms' has serious problems, as she was investigated for money/hiring issues....not to mention her city is under siege also. She has handled her city better than Portland, but that isn't saying much.

Michelle Lujan Grisham is the oppressive Libtard who seized power, trampled Constitutional and civil rights in New Mexico, yet kept her personal jewelry store open in the midst of lick-down so she could buy her favorite jewelry.

There isn't a 'serious' candidate in the mix, unless you are shopping for a Socialist, oppressive, nation/constitution-hating, token female / faux Indian / black...

Not one is ready for the 'Big Time' as President, including Joe, but you can bet those who know they are on the list are chomping at the bit to be the pick as Joe is a dead-man-walking, meaning Joe is going to be the 1st US President removed from office via the 25th Amendment.

Joe doesn't know where he is half the time, and his frail, feeble-minded self is being manipulated into handing the country over to foreign-funded Socialists, extremists, and foreign terrorists...he is a shell, a puppet whose strings are being pulled.

IF he wins, his masters will 'make him dance', making millions of Illegals US citizens, and perpetrating other moves to ensure no Republican will ever win again. They will milk him for every thing he is worth, knowing he is easier to control than his VP / heir-apparent will be...but when he is used up, so mentally unstable it is obvious to everyone he must go, Joe will either 'Step Down' or be removed from office through a 25th Amendment coup by his own party.

The only thing 'serious' in all of this is how dangerous Biden is and how dangerous a Biden win will be for America.
Biden's VP Selection Process:

1 Are you black?
2 Do you have a vagina?

Republican VP Selection Process

1. Are you white?
2. Do you hate Negroes, Mexicans, Muslims, Gays, the poor?
Besides an accurate voter database, the greatest threat to the American Taliban would be if Trump both reformed our educational system and broke the intergenerational chain of minority poverty caused by LBJs "Great Society "
Besides an accurate voter database, the greatest threat to the American Taliban would be if Trump both reformed our educational system and broke the intergenerational chain of minority poverty caused by LBJs "Great Society "

Uh, guy, that was supposedly broken by Clinton's "Welfare Reform", which really didn't end poverty, it just ended the facade of government help.
Besides an accurate voter database, the greatest threat to the American Taliban would be if Trump both reformed our educational system and broke the intergenerational chain of minority poverty caused by LBJs "Great Society "

Uh, guy, that was supposedly broken by Clinton's "Welfare Reform", which really didn't end poverty, it just ended the facade of government help.

You crack me up! Are you really an American?
Hey Lakhota, how come dementia doesn't consider an indian for VP? Is he saying they're not good enough or none are capable?

And why do you think it's important to pick a female VP as opposed a male or turn-gender?
Biden's VP Selection Process:

1 Are you black?
2 Do you have a vagina?

There are millions of women who meet that criteria.

Obviously, the other criteria that would normally apply to white guys with dicks who've held the job since the founding would also apply here.

That said, Vice Presidential Selections just aren't that important. We haven't had a VP become President through succession in 46 years. We haven't had one become president due to death of a president in 57 years.

You're black and have a vagina lyin Joe.

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