Biden VP

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I’d love to see it...

My money says Trump would back out and blame the Democrats

He has actually already had such an exam and the results have been made public.

Biden is nest, then Bernie, then maybe crazy Nancy and crying Chuck

No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)
We can start with his weight

President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?
Do Alzheimer’s sufferers think they had airports in the Revolutionary war?
Do they confuse words like origins with oranges?
Do they make up words like covfefe?

Glass houses my friends
Oh please, Trumps gaffs are just that, Biden on the other hand is in cognitive decline.

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By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or in fact anyone on Earth ---- moved his own father's birthplace five thousand miles to another continent, and then repeated it three times. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- claimed not to have uttered something that they were caught on video saying, again multiple times. By ALL means show us where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- tried to change the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- invented "thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops". And be sure to show us where all these people never had the stones to admit they fucked up.
Look, you should be concerned that your party is banking on a candidate that doesn't know what state he's in, or which office he's running for. It's sad....

But hey, keep those record players on, and teach the kids words.

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I don't have a 'party' slimeball. You're not real observant, are ya.

Certainly not observant enough to touch even a single point you just quoted, ZERO of which had anything whatever to do with "parties" or even "politics". Sucks 2BU I guess.
Oooooh....touched a nerve? .

What I said you know is idiots are going to lose, and you'll have nobody but yourselves to blame....suck it loser.

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Here in the real world what *I* said was true --- you can't touch a single point. You don't dare.

Watch me demonstrate with a simple, one-question quiz, comin' atchya yet again. Open book test.
  1. Where is the Bronx?
He has actually already had such an exam and the results have been made public.

Biden is nest, then Bernie, then maybe crazy Nancy and crying Chuck

No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)
We can start with his weight

President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

I don't know anyone who has the stomach to look inside Rump's shoes :puke: but when you consider we're dealing with a combover freak who paints his own face orange and invents fake magazine covers to masturbate himself, yeah I'd say wearing lifts is a pretty solid bet.
You're sure of that based on the previous public statements on his "health"? :lol:

Hillary isn't running. Sanders has lost. Yes, I think Biden would if Trump did. Trump won't making your silly demands completely moot.

In reality I don't think any of them will do it, Because they all know that what ever the medical experts said the media would lie about it, either to make it better or worse. Our media today is the biggest corrupting influence in this country. Nothing is reporting any more, its all propaganda for one side or the other.

Awww, look at you making excuses for Fat Donnie already. :lol: You could set your watch by you pussing out on some claim you make. :lol:

what I said is factual, the media would lie if all the candidates submitted their medical records, and you fricken well know it.

as to Trumps tax returns. they consist of hundreds of pages and are prepared by some of the best lawyers and tax accountants in the country. The IRS under Obama found nothing amiss with them

If he released them, some media hack would pull out one line on one page, make up lies about it, and the country would waste weeks exchanging bullshit about it. He is smart to not release them

No, we don't know the media would lie about the results. They weren't the one lying about Trump's results, Trump was.

what did he lie about? His weight? who doesnt lie about that? I bet even you do.

No, he lies about his height so as not to be clinically obese.

Lost cause...
Horseshit, the klan does not exist in any significant numbers today. and when you cite the Wash post as a source you reveal that you know nothing about the topic at hand.

It doesn't really matter how many there are left...they are all Trump supporters and most of them support Republicans. How do we know that? Because they live, primarily, in the south. Most southern white voters are Republicans. This isn't hard math...

You are wrong again, the KKK today consists of ignorant rednecks and survivalists who hate both parties.

Can you stop the partisan bullshit for just a few posts?

and Yes, the southern states tend to lean right and support conservative ideas, the constitution, and enforcing our laws. There are exceptions however: Miami/Dade, Houston, Austin, Orleans parish, Dekalb county in Atlanta and a few others are hot beds of liberalism trending toward socialism.

No, they really aren't. They are predominately southern, white people. Or, in other words, Trump voters.

Maybe they are, do you think there are enough ignorant sheet wearing fools to swing the election? next question: are there more Antifa and BLM idiots than KKK idiots? and which party do they support?

none of this shit is as clear as you try to make it.

Ah, and now we have the Redfish obligatory strawman argument. Nobody said they were swinging elections. Gosh, two Redfish tactics in one post...strawman and then a deflection. You going for some sad little trophy? :lol:

You said they were all Trump voters, the implication that that was somehow significant. But I am glad that you now agree that its not.

Are you proud to associate yourself with every freak that voted for obama? or Hillary? Are youi proud that antifa supports the same candidates that you support?
No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)
We can start with his weight

President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

I don't know anyone who has the stomach to look inside Rump's shoes :puke: but when you consider we're dealing with a combover freak who paints his own face orange and invents fake magazine covers to masturbate himself, yeah I'd say wearing lifts is a pretty solid bet.

you are a pathetic sick excuse for a human being. Hate has destroyed your mind.
In reality I don't think any of them will do it, Because they all know that what ever the medical experts said the media would lie about it, either to make it better or worse. Our media today is the biggest corrupting influence in this country. Nothing is reporting any more, its all propaganda for one side or the other.

Awww, look at you making excuses for Fat Donnie already. :lol: You could set your watch by you pussing out on some claim you make. :lol:

what I said is factual, the media would lie if all the candidates submitted their medical records, and you fricken well know it.

as to Trumps tax returns. they consist of hundreds of pages and are prepared by some of the best lawyers and tax accountants in the country. The IRS under Obama found nothing amiss with them

If he released them, some media hack would pull out one line on one page, make up lies about it, and the country would waste weeks exchanging bullshit about it. He is smart to not release them

No, we don't know the media would lie about the results. They weren't the one lying about Trump's results, Trump was.

what did he lie about? His weight? who doesnt lie about that? I bet even you do.

No, he lies about his height so as not to be clinically obese.

Lost cause...

you and pogo should get a room, I think you would turn each other on with your bullshit.
He has actually already had such an exam and the results have been made public.

Biden is nest, then Bernie, then maybe crazy Nancy and crying Chuck

No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)
We can start with his weight

President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

At his last physical he was clinically obese. 6'1" and 239 lbs.

Trump next to Obama? Okay...

Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Gretchen Whitmer- governor of Michigan.

Important swing state- and someone with administrative experience.
Awww, look at you making excuses for Fat Donnie already. :lol: You could set your watch by you pussing out on some claim you make. :lol:

what I said is factual, the media would lie if all the candidates submitted their medical records, and you fricken well know it.

as to Trumps tax returns. they consist of hundreds of pages and are prepared by some of the best lawyers and tax accountants in the country. The IRS under Obama found nothing amiss with them

If he released them, some media hack would pull out one line on one page, make up lies about it, and the country would waste weeks exchanging bullshit about it. He is smart to not release them

No, we don't know the media would lie about the results. They weren't the one lying about Trump's results, Trump was.

what did he lie about? His weight? who doesnt lie about that? I bet even you do.

No, he lies about his height so as not to be clinically obese.

Lost cause...

you and pogo should get a room, I think you would turn each other on with your bullshit.

Uh oh...I sense one of Redfish's famous "I'm going to ignore you" posts...

(It happens when he's getting spanked badly)
No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)
We can start with his weight

President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

At his last physical he was clinically obese. 6'1" and 239 lbs.

Trump next to Obama? Okay...


thanks, Trump is leaning and barry is standing up straight. got any pics of Michael Obama when "she" was pregnant?
what I said is factual, the media would lie if all the candidates submitted their medical records, and you fricken well know it.

as to Trumps tax returns. they consist of hundreds of pages and are prepared by some of the best lawyers and tax accountants in the country. The IRS under Obama found nothing amiss with them

If he released them, some media hack would pull out one line on one page, make up lies about it, and the country would waste weeks exchanging bullshit about it. He is smart to not release them

No, we don't know the media would lie about the results. They weren't the one lying about Trump's results, Trump was.

what did he lie about? His weight? who doesnt lie about that? I bet even you do.

No, he lies about his height so as not to be clinically obese.

Lost cause...

you and pogo should get a room, I think you would turn each other on with your bullshit.

Uh oh...I sense one of Redfish's famous "I'm going to ignore you" posts...

(It happens when he's getting spanked badly)

you have never spanked anyone on this forum and I am not interested in what you do in private with your girlfriends.

You and your lib buddies like hoppy pogo and rightwinger are the laughing stock of USMB everyone on this board knows that you are a group of biased ignorant liars. NO one takes anything you post seriously.

No, I won't put you on ignore, you provide too much amusement and with every post you help ensure another Trump term.
We can start with his weight

President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

I don't know anyone who has the stomach to look inside Rump's shoes :puke: but when you consider we're dealing with a combover freak who paints his own face orange and invents fake magazine covers to masturbate himself, yeah I'd say wearing lifts is a pretty solid bet.

you are a pathetic sick excuse for a human being. Hate has destroyed your mind.

THAT's how you characterize the fact that I can smell phony a mile away?
Last edited:
I'm curious, sanders and biden have seemed to be getting along quite well this week. Made me wonder, what would happen if sanders decided to play #2 and became bidens vp? What would that ticket look like?
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Gretchen Whitmer- governor of Michigan.

Important swing state- and someone with administrative experience.

If you want a broad from Michigan, why not Rashida Tlaib instead? From the showcase Liberal Paradise of Detroit, Tlaib would be the first woman as well as first muslim to serve as Vice President. She oozes class.
President Trump has got his weight under control. His listed weight on his driver's license in 175- not bad.

Wearing an extra long necktie gives him a svelte appearance.

Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

I don't know anyone who has the stomach to look inside Rump's shoes :puke: but when you consider we're dealing with a combover freak who paints his own face orange and invents fake magazine covers to masturbate himself, yeah I'd say wearing lifts is a pretty solid bet.

you are a pathetic sick excuse for a human being. Hate has destroyed your mind.

THAT's how you characterize the fact that I can see phony a mi

your mirror would be much closer than a mile away. You are the phony here hopstick, everyone knows that. Its why the intelligent posters are always making fun of you.
Link? His last physical had him at 6'3" (he's no taller than the 6'1" Obama) and weighing over 200 lbs. He's clinically obese.

6"1" 200 pounds is not obese. Look at pics of trump and obozo together, Trump is taller in every one.

I guess now you will claim he wears lifts in his shoes.

my God woman, are you as dense as you seem to be?

I don't know anyone who has the stomach to look inside Rump's shoes :puke: but when you consider we're dealing with a combover freak who paints his own face orange and invents fake magazine covers to masturbate himself, yeah I'd say wearing lifts is a pretty solid bet.

you are a pathetic sick excuse for a human being. Hate has destroyed your mind.

THAT's how you characterize the fact that I can see phony a mi


your mirror would be much closer than a mile away. You are the phony here hopstick, everyone knows that. Its why the intelligent posters are always making fun of you
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting

Or Joy Bayhard.

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Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Sad circumstances for the dims.

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How about Biden/Whoopi? they get a female,black and lesbian all in go with the old senile white guy diversity
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