Biden VP

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you confuse class with bigotry.

When has our Vice President ever been "bigoted"? I missed that.

Pence is rigorous about adhering to the Pence Rule, which prohibits him from fucking women other than his own wife. Libs think that is somehow "bigoted", mainly I guess because that is just one less thing they can lynch him over.
I am sure to a bigoted fuck like you, Pence's war against gays is not being bigoted.out.

All the Vice President did was to stand up in Indiana for those who don't want to participate in Gay Marriage. Not everyone thinks that Sodomy should be glorified.
bullshit. He waged war against gays. He tried to force them to conversion camps.
That's why I voted for him and Trump. Fags are sick sexual perverts.

Why is there a period in that post?
Since the Democratic Party is the party of identity politics, just as Obama balanced his ticket by choosing an old white man with a history of middle class racism, to balance his ticket, Biden will need a black, hispanic, homosexual Islamic woman. Omar probably swings both ways so if she can speak Spanish, she might get the job.
Nothing wrong with a balanced ticket

Republicans only run white, Christian males
And the Democrats have a Catholic and an anti semitic Jew running for the nomination, but both old white men.
Republicans have never had a Catholic or a Jew on the ticket.

Paul Ryan though?

Course, that was 84 years after Al Smith broke through.

I remember being astonished as a child in 1960 that there was such a thing even still then as anti-Catholicism. Smith had the Klan running a national smear campaign against him for that reason.

The Klan, of course , were Democrats, and that posed a problem for Mr. Smith. The GOP took advantage of the situation by nominating the first Person of Color as their Vice Presidential candidate
Thing is, the KKK was not Democratic in the Northeast. They were loyal Republicans. But as you are well aware, the KKK had no political affiliation
Do Alzheimer’s sufferers think they had airports in the Revolutionary war?
Do they confuse words like origins with oranges?
Do they make up words like covfefe?

Glass houses my friends

alzheimers sufferers do not know where they are and are unable to say what their brain is trying to say. Everyone sometimes misspeaks. You do it, I do it, everyone does it. The more you talk the more you misspeak.

Biden is either suffering from senility or onset alzheimers, his doctor wife should care enough about him to see that and have him step out of the race rather than keep embarrassing himself.

Now, shall we talk about Hillary's obvious mental issues? No? didn't think so.

Glass houses

Want to accuse Biden of Alzheimer’s, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings



People aren't "accused" of having diseases like Alzheimer's. They are diagnosed as having them, capisce?

I have no idea what is causing Sleepy Joe's demented personality, maybe a leader neurosurgeon should take a look at it.

BTW, President Trump was already examined and determined to be the Healthiest President Ever. Even had the official cognitive test, Trump's score was an all-time record.

Now,let's look at Biden.
Then maybe you should have an actual diagnosis before you accuse Biden of anything

In the meantime......Covfefe!
Well, let's see if the quacks that tried to diagnose Trump, and wrote a book saying that he was mentally disturbed, will have the integrity to now do the same with Biden, who clearly, and sadly has something going on there.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Even if these same quacks wrote an opinion that Sleepy Joe was astute and as right as rain, nothing the matter at all with him, it would show people where they are coming from.
Do Alzheimer’s sufferers think they had airports in the Revolutionary war?
Do they confuse words like origins with oranges?
Do they make up words like covfefe?

Glass houses my friends

alzheimers sufferers do not know where they are and are unable to say what their brain is trying to say. Everyone sometimes misspeaks. You do it, I do it, everyone does it. The more you talk the more you misspeak.

Biden is either suffering from senility or onset alzheimers, his doctor wife should care enough about him to see that and have him step out of the race rather than keep embarrassing himself.

Now, shall we talk about Hillary's obvious mental issues? No? didn't think so.

Glass houses

Want to accuse Biden of Alzheimer’s, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings



People aren't "accused" of having diseases like Alzheimer's. They are diagnosed as having them, capisce?

I have no idea what is causing Sleepy Joe's demented personality, maybe a leader neurosurgeon should take a look at it.

BTW, President Trump was already examined and determined to be the Healthiest President Ever. Even had the official cognitive test, Trump's score was an all-time record.

Now,let's look at Biden.
Then maybe you should have an actual diagnosis before you accuse Biden of anything

In the meantime......Covfefe!
Well, let's see if the quacks that tried to diagnose Trump, and wrote a book saying that he was mentally disturbed, will have the integrity to now do the same with Biden, who clearly, and sadly has something going on there.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Biden is a stable genius.
Translation: Redfish knows that any misspeak by Biden will result in 20 from Dementia he'll pussy out. :lol:

What a stupid comment, We should be aware of everything that every candidate does or says. Did you wonder about Hillary when she fell up stairs, fell into her plane, had a seisure at the convention?

I want every candidate to have a complete physical and mental evaluation by an unbiased medical facility and the results made public. Do you agree?

Yup, Trump first.

sure, lets do it. Get the DNC on board, I want Biden, Hillary, Waters, and Bernie tested right after Trump and I want all the results made public. Do you?
I’d love to see it...

My money says Trump would back out and blame the Democrats

He has actually already had such an exam and the results have been made public.

Biden is nest, then Bernie, then maybe crazy Nancy and crying Chuck

No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)
What makes Abrams “nuts”?

Have you heard her speak? she is a certified moron. The voters of Georgia saw that. But I guess being a black female overrides the need to be intelligent and cogent.

Yes. Unlike Trump she uses actual words, doesn’t sniff or slur her speech and articulates her position clearly.

then I suggest that you write her name in on your ballot for president. Geez, you just become more idiotic with each new post.

Why would I do that? You really have no cogent arguments do you? When challenged you just revert to “yeah, well, why don’t you just (fill in the childish blank)”. Should I just kiss her if I lover her so much? Are you 10?

since you seem to like her more than the others, writing her in seems appropriate. But I really don't care how you vote.

Trump is going to be reelected in a landslide against old senile Joe and whoever his picks for his VP

Where do you get that? Because I asked a question? (a question that remains unanswered I might add).

As to who will be President in January 2021, we shall see come November.
Republicans have never had a Catholic or a Jew on the ticket.

Paul Ryan though?

Course, that was 84 years after Al Smith broke through.

I remember being astonished as a child in 1960 that there was such a thing even still then as anti-Catholicism. Smith had the Klan running a national smear campaign against him for that reason.

and in those days the KKK was all democrats.


Care to essplain to the class why "democrats [sic]" would be running a national smear campaign against their own candidate, while endorsing Hoover?

Care to essplain why they endorsed Coolidge four years prior? I can tell you why right now. Because Coolidge was the only candidate who refused to denounce them.

Care to essplain to the class why "democrats [sic]" would be running around persecuting Catholics, labor unions, blacks, Jews and immigrants, ALL of which were and are Democratic Party constituents?

Care to essplain why "democrats [sic]" were getting Owen Brewster, Ben Paulen, Ed Jackson, Rice Means and Clarence Morley elected, against their own candidates for those offices? Care to essplain D.C. Stephenson's Klan Republican machine in Indiana?

This should be oodles of fun. :popcorn:

' the KKK was all democrats' is grammatically correct, KKK is singular in that phrase so the s is appropriate.

now if I had said the KKK was made up of democrats that would also be correct, as would "the KKK was a democrat controlled organization".

There is no question that there were republican members of the KKK, mostly in northern states. But that does not change the fact that the majority of KKK members were democrats (sic)

I take no issue with your NUMBER --- I understood that you mean KKK as a singular. That's fine. What you said there was "all democrats". The [sic] is there because proper nouns are capitalized in English and you failed to do that.

You've also FAILED to explain why "Democrats" would be running a smear campaign against their own POTUS candidate or why it would be endorsing Republicans in numerous other examples already given (and none touched) including another POTUS election. On what planet does that even work?

As for your "majority" fantasy, we'll expect your link any eon now, but the fact is **NO** political affiliation was either required, or espoused, by the Klan ever. Its requirements were to be white, native born, Christian, specifically Protestant Christian, and to believe in "100% Americanism". NOTHING in there about political parties.

However while you're groping around the internets to find that reference I'll give you get you started:

>> The Klan of the 1920s "enrolled more members in Connecticut than in Mississippi, more in Oregon than in Louisiana, and more in New Jersey than in Alabama," wrote historian Stanley Coben. Over half a million Klansmen lived in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Klan-backed candidates, all running on platforms both dry and xenophobic, were elected governor in Oregon, Colorado, and Kansas. In Detroit a Klan candidate whose name wasn't even on the ballot was nearly elected mayor in an avalanche of write-in votes. << --- Political Alliances: The KKK and the Anti-Saloon League

There's one guy in that entire list, including the unmentioned/aforementioned Senator in Colorado and the others from the west coast) who was not a Republican. I've run this quiz before but guess which one.

The candidate for mayor in Detroit. His name was Charles Bowles and he had no party label (Detroit doesn't use parties in its elections).

But you go right ahead and furnish those numbers Sparky, since nobody anywhere ever took surveys of the political party affiliations of the Klan, it should be even more interesting.

in the 1800s and 1900s the KKK was mostly in the south, but there were KKK members in almost every state, very many in Illinois in those days. Since the south was mostly democrat and the KKK was mostly in the south, most KKK members were democrats. and yes, democrats in 1900 were not the same as democrats in 2020. they were more conservative and believed in states rights. Democrats of today are mostly progressives or socialists who want to destroy the foundation of this country because in their confused minds, when one man succeeds and another doesn't its some kind of discrimination that must be quashed.

You are also correct that party affiliation was not a requirement to join the KKK, so fricken what?
I see the common Conservative tactic to attack Joe Biden

Biden is senile
Biden molests young girls

The problem with those attacks is glass houses. Your candidate is Trump. For every Biden gaffe you point out you have Trump with his covfefe, I have the best words, oranges instead of origins.

You have pictures of Biden smelling hair and whispering in women’s ears. But your candidate has been accused of rape and molestation and has inappropriate pictures with his own daughter
Trump's shortcomings are brashness, Biden's is possible alzheimers...Big difference there.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

Do Alzheimer’s sufferers think they had airports in the Revolutionary war?
Do they confuse words like origins with oranges?
Do they make up words like covfefe?

Glass houses my friends
Oh please, Trumps gaffs are just that, Biden on the other hand is in cognitive decline.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or in fact anyone on Earth ---- moved his own father's birthplace five thousand miles to another continent, and then repeated it three times. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- claimed not to have uttered something that they were caught on video saying, again multiple times. By ALL means show us where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- tried to change the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- invented "thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops". And be sure to show us where all these people never had the stones to admit they fucked up.
Have you heard her speak? she is a certified moron. The voters of Georgia saw that. But I guess being a black female overrides the need to be intelligent and cogent.

Yes. Unlike Trump she uses actual words, doesn’t sniff or slur her speech and articulates her position clearly.

then I suggest that you write her name in on your ballot for president. Geez, you just become more idiotic with each new post.

Why would I do that? You really have no cogent arguments do you? When challenged you just revert to “yeah, well, why don’t you just (fill in the childish blank)”. Should I just kiss her if I lover her so much? Are you 10?

since you seem to like her more than the others, writing her in seems appropriate. But I really don't care how you vote.

Trump is going to be reelected in a landslide against old senile Joe and whoever his picks for his VP

Where do you get that? Because I asked a question? (a question that remains unanswered I might add).

As to who will be President in January 2021, we shall see come November.

you were praising her, you can take that back if you wish, again I don't care.

There is no way old senile Joe, with any running mate will beat Trump, anyone who tells you it will be close is delusional at best, lying at worst.
I see the common Conservative tactic to attack Joe Biden

Biden is senile
Biden molests young girls

The problem with those attacks is glass houses. Your candidate is Trump. For every Biden gaffe you point out you have Trump with his covfefe, I have the best words, oranges instead of origins.

You have pictures of Biden smelling hair and whispering in women’s ears. But your candidate has been accused of rape and molestation and has inappropriate pictures with his own daughter
Trump's shortcomings are brashness, Biden's is possible alzheimers...Big difference there.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

Do Alzheimer’s sufferers think they had airports in the Revolutionary war?
Do they confuse words like origins with oranges?
Do they make up words like covfefe?

Glass houses my friends
Oh please, Trumps gaffs are just that, Biden on the other hand is in cognitive decline.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or in fact anyone on Earth ---- moved his own father's birthplace five thousand miles to another continent, and then repeated it three times. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- claimed not to have uttered something that they were caught on video saying, again multiple times. By ALL means show us where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- tried to change the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- invented "thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops". And be sure to show us where all these people never had the stones to admit they fucked up.

your Trump-hate has destroyed what may have been at one time a fertile mind. Hate does that to people.
alzheimers sufferers do not know where they are and are unable to say what their brain is trying to say. Everyone sometimes misspeaks. You do it, I do it, everyone does it. The more you talk the more you misspeak.

Biden is either suffering from senility or onset alzheimers, his doctor wife should care enough about him to see that and have him step out of the race rather than keep embarrassing himself.

Now, shall we talk about Hillary's obvious mental issues? No? didn't think so.

Glass houses

Want to accuse Biden of Alzheimer’s, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings



People aren't "accused" of having diseases like Alzheimer's. They are diagnosed as having them, capisce?

I have no idea what is causing Sleepy Joe's demented personality, maybe a leader neurosurgeon should take a look at it.

BTW, President Trump was already examined and determined to be the Healthiest President Ever. Even had the official cognitive test, Trump's score was an all-time record.

Now,let's look at Biden.
Then maybe you should have an actual diagnosis before you accuse Biden of anything

In the meantime......Covfefe!
Well, let's see if the quacks that tried to diagnose Trump, and wrote a book saying that he was mentally disturbed, will have the integrity to now do the same with Biden, who clearly, and sadly has something going on there.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Biden is a stable genius.

I'm glad you have a positive opinion of your candidate, the man Americans call "Sleepy Joe".

But I'd like to hear an expert opinion on it, from the experts who reported on President Trump's mental acuity.
And the Democrats have a Catholic and an anti semitic Jew running for the nomination, but both old white men.
Republicans have never had a Catholic or a Jew on the ticket.

Paul Ryan though?

Course, that was 84 years after Al Smith broke through.

I remember being astonished as a child in 1960 that there was such a thing even still then as anti-Catholicism. Smith had the Klan running a national smear campaign against him for that reason.

and in those days the KKK was all democrats.
During Al Smith’s day, the KKK had a strong presence in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and NJ

They were Republicans

yes, there were a few assholes in those states as well and some had an R. But the vast majority of KKK members were democrats.

Were, as in past tense. Now they ARE primarily Republicans. Much better to have that racism part of your past not your present.
alzheimers sufferers do not know where they are and are unable to say what their brain is trying to say. Everyone sometimes misspeaks. You do it, I do it, everyone does it. The more you talk the more you misspeak.

Biden is either suffering from senility or onset alzheimers, his doctor wife should care enough about him to see that and have him step out of the race rather than keep embarrassing himself.

Now, shall we talk about Hillary's obvious mental issues? No? didn't think so.

Glass houses

Want to accuse Biden of Alzheimer’s, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings



People aren't "accused" of having diseases like Alzheimer's. They are diagnosed as having them, capisce?

I have no idea what is causing Sleepy Joe's demented personality, maybe a leader neurosurgeon should take a look at it.

BTW, President Trump was already examined and determined to be the Healthiest President Ever. Even had the official cognitive test, Trump's score was an all-time record.

Now,let's look at Biden.
Then maybe you should have an actual diagnosis before you accuse Biden of anything

In the meantime......Covfefe!
Well, let's see if the quacks that tried to diagnose Trump, and wrote a book saying that he was mentally disturbed, will have the integrity to now do the same with Biden, who clearly, and sadly has something going on there.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Biden is a stable genius.
[emoji23] laugh it up loser....we'll see in Nov what you're saying during your meltdown....[emoji38]

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
What a stupid comment, We should be aware of everything that every candidate does or says. Did you wonder about Hillary when she fell up stairs, fell into her plane, had a seisure at the convention?

I want every candidate to have a complete physical and mental evaluation by an unbiased medical facility and the results made public. Do you agree?

Yup, Trump first.

sure, lets do it. Get the DNC on board, I want Biden, Hillary, Waters, and Bernie tested right after Trump and I want all the results made public. Do you?
I’d love to see it...

My money says Trump would back out and blame the Democrats

He has actually already had such an exam and the results have been made public.

Biden is nest, then Bernie, then maybe crazy Nancy and crying Chuck

No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)

You don't know shit. I am quite sure that Trump would submit to an uinbiased physical and mental evaluation. Would Biden? Would Bernie? Would Hillary? Try to answer honestly if you can.
Yes. Unlike Trump she uses actual words, doesn’t sniff or slur her speech and articulates her position clearly.

then I suggest that you write her name in on your ballot for president. Geez, you just become more idiotic with each new post.

Why would I do that? You really have no cogent arguments do you? When challenged you just revert to “yeah, well, why don’t you just (fill in the childish blank)”. Should I just kiss her if I lover her so much? Are you 10?

since you seem to like her more than the others, writing her in seems appropriate. But I really don't care how you vote.

Trump is going to be reelected in a landslide against old senile Joe and whoever his picks for his VP

Where do you get that? Because I asked a question? (a question that remains unanswered I might add).

As to who will be President in January 2021, we shall see come November.

you were praising her, you can take that back if you wish, again I don't care.

Praising her by asking where she was inarticulate as you claimed. Is that your way of detracting from the fact you provided zero evidence to back up any of your claims? (You never actually do)

There is no way old senile Joe, with any running mate will beat Trump, anyone who tells you it will be close is delusional at best, lying at worst.

Are you trying to convince yourself? Keep trying, bub.
I see the common Conservative tactic to attack Joe Biden

Biden is senile
Biden molests young girls

The problem with those attacks is glass houses. Your candidate is Trump. For every Biden gaffe you point out you have Trump with his covfefe, I have the best words, oranges instead of origins.

You have pictures of Biden smelling hair and whispering in women’s ears. But your candidate has been accused of rape and molestation and has inappropriate pictures with his own daughter
Trump's shortcomings are brashness, Biden's is possible alzheimers...Big difference there.

Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

Do Alzheimer’s sufferers think they had airports in the Revolutionary war?
Do they confuse words like origins with oranges?
Do they make up words like covfefe?

Glass houses my friends
Oh please, Trumps gaffs are just that, Biden on the other hand is in cognitive decline.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or in fact anyone on Earth ---- moved his own father's birthplace five thousand miles to another continent, and then repeated it three times. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- claimed not to have uttered something that they were caught on video saying, again multiple times. By ALL means show us where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- tried to change the trajectory of a hurricane with a Sharpie. By ALL means show the class where Joe Biden --- or anyone on Earth --- invented "thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops". And be sure to show us where all these people never had the stones to admit they fucked up.
Look, you should be concerned that your party is banking on a candidate that doesn't know what state he's in, or which office he's running for. It's sad....

But hey, keep those record players on, and teach the kids words.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Republicans have never had a Catholic or a Jew on the ticket.

Paul Ryan though?

Course, that was 84 years after Al Smith broke through.

I remember being astonished as a child in 1960 that there was such a thing even still then as anti-Catholicism. Smith had the Klan running a national smear campaign against him for that reason.

and in those days the KKK was all democrats.
During Al Smith’s day, the KKK had a strong presence in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and NJ

They were Republicans

yes, there were a few assholes in those states as well and some had an R. But the vast majority of KKK members were democrats.

Were, as in past tense. Now they ARE primarily Republicans. Much better to have that racism part of your past not your present.

Horseshit, the klan does not exist in any significant numbers today. and when you cite the Wash post as a source you reveal that you know nothing about the topic at hand.
Yup, Trump first.

sure, lets do it. Get the DNC on board, I want Biden, Hillary, Waters, and Bernie tested right after Trump and I want all the results made public. Do you?
I’d love to see it...

My money says Trump would back out and blame the Democrats

He has actually already had such an exam and the results have been made public.

Biden is nest, then Bernie, then maybe crazy Nancy and crying Chuck

No, he has not had a complete physical by a non biased facility and had THOSE results made public.

When he does, I'm sure the other candidates would be happy to follow suit. Trump absolutely has to do it first though. We know he'd back out otherwise...just like he did with the taxes he promised he'd release. (or the money he promised he'd give veterans and on and on and on)

You don't know shit. I am quite sure that Trump would submit to an uinbiased physical and mental evaluation. Would Biden? Would Bernie? Would Hillary? Try to answer honestly if you can.

You're sure of that based on the previous public statements on his "health"? :lol:

Hillary isn't running. Sanders has lost. Yes, I think Biden would if Trump did. Trump won't making your silly demands completely moot.
then I suggest that you write her name in on your ballot for president. Geez, you just become more idiotic with each new post.

Why would I do that? You really have no cogent arguments do you? When challenged you just revert to “yeah, well, why don’t you just (fill in the childish blank)”. Should I just kiss her if I lover her so much? Are you 10?

since you seem to like her more than the others, writing her in seems appropriate. But I really don't care how you vote.

Trump is going to be reelected in a landslide against old senile Joe and whoever his picks for his VP

Where do you get that? Because I asked a question? (a question that remains unanswered I might add).

As to who will be President in January 2021, we shall see come November.

you were praising her, you can take that back if you wish, again I don't care.

Praising her by asking where she was inarticulate as you claimed. Is that your way of detracting from the fact you provided zero evidence to back up any of your claims? (You never actually do)

There is no way old senile Joe, with any running mate will beat Trump, anyone who tells you it will be close is delusional at best, lying at worst.

Are you trying to convince yourself? Keep trying, bub.

It seems that you are the one who is desperately trying to delude yourself. Even the fools at the NY times agree that Trump cannot be beaten by any of the dems. Bub !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul Ryan though?

Course, that was 84 years after Al Smith broke through.

I remember being astonished as a child in 1960 that there was such a thing even still then as anti-Catholicism. Smith had the Klan running a national smear campaign against him for that reason.

and in those days the KKK was all democrats.
During Al Smith’s day, the KKK had a strong presence in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and NJ

They were Republicans

yes, there were a few assholes in those states as well and some had an R. But the vast majority of KKK members were democrats.

Were, as in past tense. Now they ARE primarily Republicans. Much better to have that racism part of your past not your present.

Horseshit, the klan does not exist in any significant numbers today. and when you cite the Wash post as a source you reveal that you know nothing about the topic at hand.

It doesn't really matter how many there are left...they are all Trump supporters and most of them support Republicans. How do we know that? Because they live, primarily, in the south. Most southern white voters are Republicans. This isn't hard math...
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