Biden: "Who Needs Centrists and Moderate Republicans Anyway?"

Tell the Biden and Harris 'moderate' policies.

Healthcare: They don’t support scrapping our healthcare and replacing with Medicare for All. Biden supports enhancing Obamacare and expanding eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid.

Green New Deal. Biden does not support the reach of GND and wants to expand alternative energy, return to the Paris accords, enforce environmental laws.

Defund the police. Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police but is willing to look at the role our police holds and existing policies.


LOL right the $80 trillion dollar green new deal is moderate. Defunding the police is moderate. What are you smoking??

Have you always struggled with reading comprehension?
Read what I wrote and show where I said those were moderate positions
Tell the Biden and Harris 'moderate' policies.

Healthcare: They don’t support scrapping our healthcare and replacing with Medicare for All. Biden supports enhancing Obamacare and expanding eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid.

Green New Deal. Biden does not support the reach of GND and wants to expand alternative energy, return to the Paris accords, enforce environmental laws.

Defund the police. Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police but is willing to look at the role our police holds and existing policies.


LOL right the $80 trillion dollar green new deal is moderate. Defunding the police is moderate. What are you smoking??

Have you always struggled with reading comprehension?
Read what I wrote and show where I said those were moderate positions

Harris supports defunding the police, and the green new deal explain it.
You really believe independent Americans would do what the President said if they didn't think it were necessary??

I think if Trump told you to drink bleach, some of you would do that. Oh, wait, some of you did.

Yeah, it was SOOO horrible prior to the China flu, right? You guys are so duped it is scary.

Actually, the economy was still shit for most people before TRUMP PLAGUE made it shit for everyone.
You really believe independent Americans would do what the President said if they didn't think it were necessary??

I think if Trump told you to drink bleach, some of you would do that. Oh, wait, some of you did.

Nah none of those supporting Trump would be dumb enough to do that. That's why we support Trump.

You, on the other hand, would drink bleach. LOL
You really believe independent Americans would do what the President said if they didn't think it were necessary??

I think if Trump told you to drink bleach, some of you would do that. Oh, wait, some of you did.

Nah none of those supporting Trump would be dumb enough to do that. That's why we support Trump.

You, on the other hand, would drink bleach. LOL

A leftist fed aquarium cleaner to someone s/he wanted to murder.

Accomplishing the Murder part of Burn, Loot, Murder.

According to media it was Trump's fault, as usual.
Harris was picked to appeal to the centrists. Specifically, suburban women.

Biden didn't need to appeal to blacks and leftists. He already had those groups locked down.

Calling Harris far-left is one weirdass delusion. She's moderate, she'll deliver those suburban women, and that will contribute to the Democratic landslide.

As far as energy goes, the left is energized, the right is demoralized. The left would crawl through broken glass to vote this year, while much of the right will be staying home.
Kamala Harris is a moderate? Really, Mamooth? 'Cause as we ALL know...California Democrats are never far left... FOMCL!
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

(I see you got your talking points. She is hardly radical left. Biden cou;ld have gone much further left if he had wanted. She is left of center. Trump is more radical than Harris is.

The fact is that suburban women are the ones who are galvanized. They are galvanized to smash Trump. She is hardly more liberal than Sanders. Even Sanders supporters agree with that.

I see YOU got your talking points. They even included a link you can use to convince yourself that you're correct because someone on Yahoo told you so. That's nice.

According to Progressive Punch, her "progressive score" of her voting record as a Senator makes her the fourth farthest-left Senator, after Mazie Hirono but before Elizabeth Warren.

LOL Doesn't matter what kind of message was sent. 350 million Americans are going to do exactly as they want. If you think differently then you ain't to smart. No one tells Americans what to do and it doesn't matter if the top is Dem or Rep or who is in the WH.

Again, if Trump said to wear a mask, you cultists would have worn masks and beat up anyone who didn't.

You really believe independent Americans would do what the President said if they didn't think it were necessary??

I never wear a mask unless the place I'm going demands it. I practice social distancing and have had no problems.

But you can bet your sweet ass I wouldn't wear one because someone in Govt. said that I had to. Let see anyone enforce that.

I sorta wear it because the government said so, but not because they told ME to; because they told businesses THEY had to require it. I figure business owners and their employees have far too many extra problems to deal with right now, without me giving them one more.

I was social distancing before it was trendy, because I just prefer not to get that close to most people.
The Biden campaign will AVOID TALKING ABOUT SPECIFIC ISSUES, to the extent that is possible

Issues like Trumps horrific leadership during COVID
Issues like the worst economy in 80 years
Issues like a $3 trillion deficit
Issues like an abusive immigration policy
Issues like a record tax cut for the wealthy
Issues like healthcare

Cant wait to talk about the issues

Oh I doubt like hell Biden or Harris want to talk issues. Foot in mouth Biden kills himself every time he opens his mouth.

Oh guess you forgot about how great the economy was before Chinese Covid hit the world and who was at the helm for that Great economy. That's right Trump was at the helm. UE was the lowest its been in 50 years and there were jobs all across this country. Just do you think voters will trust to get that great economy back on track?? I doubt it will be Biden.

I doubt you dumbass Dems would have done anything differently as far as Covid goes. Its a pandemic and there is only so much anyone can do.

Oh and what's abusive about wanting illegal out of country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions every year. And that includes the DACA kids that Barry broke the law to bring into this country. Another EO he wrote.

Everyone got a tax cut not just the rich as you seem to think.

HC needs to be kicked back to the private sector where it belongs.

Oh I can't wait to talk about issues either.

They should want to talk issues. Trump and Republicans are on the wrong side of every issue. I guess you forgot the fact the economy was improving when Trump took office. Unemployment was 4.7%. Trump's GDP growth has not been any better than Obama's. The fact is that Trump wants to take billions of dollars out of the economy by his refusal to negotiate. That clearly shows he has no clue what he is doing on the economy. What happens when unemployed state and local workers get laid off? We get a depression.

I don't. Democrat Governors have done a much better job on the coronavirus than Republixcans. A few such as DeWine and Scott have done a better job but Democrat Governors have done a better job overall. A national lockdown and mask mandate should have been done in March. If it had been done, we might have been over this and not needed a seconde bill.

DACA is overwhelmingly supported by voters and that includes Republicans. They are not costing anything. They are contributing by making up for the baby bust that the US is experiencing.

The rich got the majority of the breaks. A tax break for real estate trusts strongly favored the rich.

HC does not need to be kicked completely to the private sector. The private sector partially failed as millions were left without insurance.

You don't want to talk iswsues. That is why Republicans are kicking about college football. They have nothing left to talk about.

Nope. I didn't forget that Barry left Trump a fair hand. Trump improved on it greatly which is something you won't admit.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country and that included the DACA kids that never should have been brought her to begin with. Barry broke the law with the EO. Those kids and all illegals have cost we tax payers billions every year.

The Govt has no business in HC. You won't find it in the Constitution just like you won't find charity in the Constitution.

Everyone in the country got a tax break. To bad you won't see that.

As for your Dem Governors doing a better job? I doubt that. No one tells Americans what to do. They will do exactly as they want to do no matter who heads their state or Govt. They don't care if its a Dem or a Rep. They will do exactly as they want to do and since there is no way to enforce the mask or social distancing there is nothing either a Dem or a Rep can do about it.

Greatly? It went down 1.2%. The GDP growth was not much better than Obama's.

Most Americans support DACA. DACA is a conservative idea. I have no doubt that Ronald Reagan wou;ld have supported it. They also support a path to citizenship. Again you have no clue what you are talking about.

The government has a right to help people. Insurance companies were getting away with murder before Obamacare was passed. It clearly needs some adjustment but it has been partially successful.

We are in the midst of a pandemic and you are talking rights. There are certain times when other things are more important. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. Yes Democrat Governors are generally getting higher marks than Republicans. The Republicans who are getting stromg ,marks too stromger actions.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

(I see you got your talking points. She is hardly radical left. Biden cou;ld have gone much further left if he had wanted. She is left of center. Trump is more radical than Harris is.

The fact is that suburban women are the ones who are galvanized. They are galvanized to smash Trump. She is hardly more liberal than Sanders. Even Sanders supporters agree with that.

I see YOU got your talking points. They even included a link you can use to convince yourself that you're correct because someone on Yahoo told you so. That's nice.

According to Progressive Punch, her "progressive score" of her voting record as a Senator makes her the fourth farthest-left Senator, after Mazie Hirono but before Elizabeth Warren.

But Trump and the Republicans are saying she is a moderate and and far left at the same time. You guys need to get your stories straight. If she were that liberal, Sanders supporters would be jumping for joy. Theyb will support the ticket but they do not see Harris as one of them.
now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate.

Not a problem for Dems, they have ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos already portraying Harris as a moderate, shocker.
Both Harris and Biden are moderates

Conservatives calling them far left and Commies will register with nobody except the far right

Harris is a left of center politician but she is not far right.
Trump and Republicans are on the wrong side of every issue. I guess you forgot the fact the economy was improving when Trump took office. Unemployment was 4.7%. Trump's GDP growth has not been any better than Obama's.

Obama had nowhere to go but up from 2008. Democrats were claiming the economy would tank if Trump was elected. It got better, in fact, the stock market got a bump the day after the election. I can tell you what the stock market will do if Biden wins. I will give you a hint. There won't be a bump. As must as the left hates the "rich", which evidently is anyone with money invested in the markets, the "rich" aren't stupid, in fact, quite the opposite. The "rich", meaning middle-upper to upper income earners know who to vote for an it isn't Biden and it isn't for tax breaks. Your McDonalds workers also know who to vote for and it isn't Trump. They want to be paid a higher salary for burger flipping and wouldn't mind some "free" stuff along the way.

I don't. Democrat Governors have done a much better job on the coronavirus than Republixcans. A few such as DeWine and Scott have done a better job but Democrat Governors have done a better job overall. A national lockdown and mask mandate should have been done in March. If it had been done, we might have been over this and not needed a seconde bill.

No earlier lockdown would have resolved the problem, just delayed it. Take a look at NZ.

DACA is overwhelmingly supported by voters and that includes Republicans. They are not costing anything. They are contributing by making up for the baby bust that the US is experiencing.

The problem is that as far as Democrats go, DACA will never end, encouraging more and more illegal immigration, which is EXACTLY what the Democrats want. Evidently, Democratic voters aren't astute enough to understand that if the US is the maintain its sovereignty, we must enforce our borders and immigration policies.

The rich got the majority of the breaks. A tax break for real estate trusts strongly favored the rich.

This is incorrect and has been proven so ad nauseum. According to the left, I am "rich" but I actually pay more taxes now than before the tax breaks. My accountant said the hardest hit with the "tax breaks" were those in the upper middle and upper incomes, minus the ultra-wealthy who have teams of accountants and a litany of write-offs and they weren't affected negatively or positively. The largest beneficiaries were the middle and lower classes, minus those at the very bottom that didn't pay anyway or pay very little. As far as real estate trusts, you will have to be more specific as to how this favored the rich.

HC does not need to be kicked completely to the private sector. The private sector partially failed as millions were left without insurance.

HC won't be completely in the private sector. Medicare and Medicaid aren't going anywhere. HC certainly shouldn't be left up the the government alone as the single payer. That will be an unmitigated disaster and that is what the left wants.

You don't want to talk iswsues. That is why Republicans are kicking about college football. They have nothing left to talk about.

I am all for talking about the issues. Anyone with an open mind would see the the left is out far, far out in left field.

I don't give Obama any credit for the economy. However I don't give Trump any credit. The economy grew somewhat on their watch and that is it.

Obamacare is the way to go. It needs improvement but I do not support single payer.The overwhelming majority of the benefits went to the rich. The real estate tax trust deduction was a last minute addition. It clearly favors the rich as they have the most dollars to put into real estate trusts. Most voters opposed the tax cuts. Republicans tried to make it a issue but it fell flat.

It is Trump that is to the far right. Biden leads Trump on alkl but one or 2 issues. Trump can't talk about issues.
Harris was picked to appeal to the centrists. Specifically, suburban women.

Biden didn't need to appeal to blacks and leftists. He already had those groups locked down.

Calling Harris far-left is one weirdass delusion. She's moderate, she'll deliver those suburban women, and that will contribute to the Democratic landslide.

As far as energy goes, the left is energized, the right is demoralized. The left would crawl through broken glass to vote this year, while much of the right will be staying home.

Harris is first and foremost the epitome of "political whore", as she fucked her way into politics with Willie Brown. She actually says dumber shit about the 2nd Amendment that even Hitlary does, asserting she would enact laws that actually already exist. Like banning the import of AR15's. That has been done, all AR's are made here. She's all for late term abortion (I like the idea of liberals being aborted into the 395th trimester myself), the Green Turd Deal, massive tax increases, massive spending and was a sociopath as a DA, putting people in prison for pot, while smoking it herself.


She is so far left stalin and mao, in hell, are embarrassed by china joe biden taking her.....

You got your talking points too. She is not far left.

If Biden/Harris wins and implement their policies, the country will fall in short order. Ignorant Democrats will blame it on Trump.

Irf Trumjp enacts his policies the country is doomed.

Yeah, it was SOOO horrible prior to the China flu, right? You guys are so duped it is scary.

When you start at 4.7%, 3.5 is not a large drop.
now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate.

Not a problem for Dems, they have ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos already portraying Harris as a moderate, shocker.
Both Harris and Biden are moderates

Conservatives calling them far left and Commies will register with nobody except the far right

Are you saying Biden and Harris have been LYING to placate liberals? Look either we can belief the far left crap they are spewing or they are lying it's one or the other.
Explain which of their positions are far left.

I know Conservatives call anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh is far left, but there is more to the political spectrum

No lets back up, you first define moderate as it pertains to Biden and Harris. Because that in fact this may be far left in comparison to true moderates. We won't let you get away with painting Biden and Harris as moderate given the leftist policies both have promised if elected.
Post above yours

You people are the ones saying Harris and Biden are moderates. So define moderate and back this up. Tell the Biden and Harris 'moderate' policies.

Republicans are saying she is far left and moderate at the same time. Maybe you guys need to make up your mind.
Harris was picked to appeal to the centrists. Specifically, suburban women.

Biden didn't need to appeal to blacks and leftists. He already had those groups locked down.

Calling Harris far-left is one weirdass delusion. She's moderate, she'll deliver those suburban women, and that will contribute to the Democratic landslide.

As far as energy goes, the left is energized, the right is demoralized. The left would crawl through broken glass to vote this year, while much of the right will be staying home.

Harris is first and foremost the epitome of "political whore", as she fucked her way into politics with Willie Brown. She actually says dumber shit about the 2nd Amendment that even Hitlary does, asserting she would enact laws that actually already exist. Like banning the import of AR15's. That has been done, all AR's are made here. She's all for late term abortion (I like the idea of liberals being aborted into the 395th trimester myself), the Green Turd Deal, massive tax increases, massive spending and was a sociopath as a DA, putting people in prison for pot, while smoking it herself.


She is so far left stalin and mao, in hell, are embarrassed by china joe biden taking her.....

You got your talking points too. She is not far left.

If Biden/Harris wins and implement their policies, the country will fall in short order. Ignorant Democrats will blame it on Trump.

Irf Trumjp enacts his policies the country is doomed.

Yeah, it was SOOO horrible prior to the China flu, right? You guys are so duped it is scary.

When you start at 4.7%, 3.5 is not a large drop.

Are you implying that the economy was not good under Trump prior to the pandemic? If so, you are even more confused than I first thought.
Of course, Biden has not said this, but he might as well say it, now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate. I am truly baffled by Biden's selection of Harris. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about voting for Biden if he chose a solid, credible centrist as his VP nominee. Harris is a race-baiting, anti-Christian radical and socialist who makes the Dem ticket totally unacceptable to me.

Perhaps Biden was getting polling data that persuaded him that he had to pick someone acceptable to the far left because otherwise far-left voters would either not vote at all or would vote third party, given their long-standing doubts about him.

As others have noted, in 2018 Harris equated ICE with the KKK. She supports Medicare for All, an idea that Biden himself strongly and repeatedly attacked as being far too expensive and unrealistic just a few months ago. She is one of the most nauseatingly anti-life, pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom politicians on the planet.

One thing is certain: Biden's selection of Harris will galvanize conservative voters to turn out, since there is a good chance that Harris would become president during Biden's first term if he were elected.

Even Newsweek has acknowledged that Harris is more liberal than Bernie Sanders!

(I see you got your talking points. She is hardly radical left. Biden cou;ld have gone much further left if he had wanted. She is left of center. Trump is more radical than Harris is.

The fact is that suburban women are the ones who are galvanized. They are galvanized to smash Trump. She is hardly more liberal than Sanders. Even Sanders supporters agree with that.

I see YOU got your talking points. They even included a link you can use to convince yourself that you're correct because someone on Yahoo told you so. That's nice.

According to Progressive Punch, her "progressive score" of her voting record as a Senator makes her the fourth farthest-left Senator, after Mazie Hirono but before Elizabeth Warren.

But Trump and the Republicans are saying she is a moderate and and far left at the same time. You guys need to get your stories straight. If she were that liberal, Sanders supporters would be jumping for joy. Theyb will support the ticket but they do not see Harris as one of them.

"Well, well, well . . . you HAVE to believe this, because XYZ person said it, and how DARE you not believe whatever you're told like I do?"

She's not a moderate. I don't give a damn if you tell me that the Archangel Gabriel came down and said she was a moderate. I CAN HEAR HER. And unlike you, I can think for myself. I don't "need to get my story straight" with anyone, because I'm not a leftist and not part of a collective that puts a priority on goose-stepping in perfect synchrony. Thanks, though, for all your advice on how to be just like you.
now that he has chosen far-left radical Kamala Harris as his running mate.

Not a problem for Dems, they have ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos already portraying Harris as a moderate, shocker.
Both Harris and Biden are moderates

Conservatives calling them far left and Commies will register with nobody except the far right

Are you saying Biden and Harris have been LYING to placate liberals? Look either we can belief the far left crap they are spewing or they are lying it's one or the other.
Explain which of their positions are far left.

I know Conservatives call anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh is far left, but there is more to the political spectrum

No lets back up, you first define moderate as it pertains to Biden and Harris. Because that in fact this may be far left in comparison to true moderates. We won't let you get away with painting Biden and Harris as moderate given the leftist policies both have promised if elected.
Post above yours

You people are the ones saying Harris and Biden are moderates. So define moderate and back this up. Tell the Biden and Harris 'moderate' policies.

Republicans are saying she is far left and moderate at the same time. Maybe you guys need to make up your mind.

"THIS Republican said this, and THAT Republican said THAT. How can you guys POSSIBLY think different things from each other?! You have to be like leftists, and all share the same thoughts about everything!"

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