Biden's America: Young 27 year old woman with baby behind on rent and bills walks in front of a train.

Your Hero Joe, promised this and is using THE EPA to illegally force Car Manufacturers to produce EVs no one wants, and to abandon the gasoline engine by 2035. Additionally Joe Biden's EPA is now leveling exorbitant fines against Oil companies for not being able to produce and invent yet nonexistent forms of Ethanol to water down our gasoline with. Yes, Joe Biden is a puppet but is a dangerous one when he wages war against our economy.

What do you think The Illegal Paris Accords and other Illegal Treaties are about that Joe Illegally signed us up for placing The United States under The Legal Jurisdiction of Foreign Governments? It's nothing but a declaration of war against America's Economy, our standard of living, our democracy and our people.

Are you really that daft, or just ignorant? NO AMERICAN VOTED FOR THIS.

Boo-boo must be asleep at the wheel. Joe's comrades in CA and NY already banned fossil fuel cars from being sold after 2035. I don't know that Joe could do that on the federal level, but state level, perfectly constitutional.
Biden's America is so terrible that people in England are killing themselves over it!

Saul Biden man, it's Saul Biden.
Homelessness and suicide are near record highs since the illegitimate EmperorShitzHizPantz was installed into office.

Boo-boo must be asleep at the wheel. Joe's comrades in CA and NY already banned fossil fuel cars from being sold after 2035. I don't know that he could do that on the federal level, but state level, perfectly constitutional.
The only reason any industrialized nation would ban hydrocarbon fuel and hyrdocarbon cars is that it's leaders want to bankrupt that nation and restrict the movement of it's people.

Also stop calling it fossil fuel. That is a debunked 100 year old theory. Hydrocarbons are endlessly manufactured by The Earth. They are Abiotic.
The only reason any industrialized nation would ban hydrocarbon fuel and hyrdocarbon cars is that it's leaders want to bankrupt that nation and restrict the movement of it's people.

Also stop calling it fossil fuel. That is a debunked 100 year old theory. Hydrocarbons are endlessly manufactured by The Earth. They are Abiotic.

The average EV costs $63,000 today which many people can't afford. If they get rid of gasoline and diesel vehicles, the only people that could afford to drive will be the well-to-do. That means for the poor and middle-class, we would be forced to use public transportation, another commie favorite they've been pushing for the last couple of decades.

When most people have to rely on government to get around, that creates much more government dependency which is what the Democrat party is all about. That's their long-term goal.
Homelessness and suicide are near record highs since the illegitimate EmperorShitzHizPantz was installed into office.

Yeah, "near record highs." The actual record high in recent times occurred while Trump was president.

What was your point again, Stumpy?

A New York home oil delivery man said that some of his customers are going without hot water and heat due to no money.
A $600.00 fill last year costs well over $900.00 this year!
You, must know this delivery man because I see no link to prove. Maybe you can dig something up on gateway pundit or breitbart.
The average EV costs $63,000 today which many people can't afford. If they get rid of gasoline and diesel vehicles, the only people that could afford to drive will be the well-to-do. That means for the poor and middle-class, we would be forced to use public transportation, another commie favorite they've been pushing for the last couple of decades.

When most people have to rely on government to get around, that creates much more government dependency which is what the Democrat party is all about. That's their long-term goal.

If the middle class is forced to use public transportation, we'll witness daily Bernie Goetz incidents as vigilantism will skyrocket!!
You, must know this delivery man because I see no link to prove. Maybe you can dig something up on gateway pundit or breitbart.

He was interviewed while doing his job by a Fox affiliate on Fox.
Disbelieve what you want. I don't give a fuck about you!
Boo-boo must be asleep at the wheel. Joe's comrades in CA and NY already banned fossil fuel cars from being sold after 2035. I don't know that Joe could do that on the federal level,

It is a suicide pact for the world largest producer of petroleum to ban gasoline burning engines. They can be converted to use ethanol which produces no net CO2 emissions. There is plenty of time for the voters to replace the representatives who support it.

The feds couldn't mandate seat belts........
The average EV costs $63,000 today which many people can't afford. If they get rid of gasoline and diesel vehicles, the only people that could afford to drive will be the well-to-do. That means for the poor and middle-class, we would be forced to use public transportation, another commie favorite they've been pushing for the last couple of decades.

When most people have to rely on government to get around, that creates much more government dependency which is what the Democrat party is all about. That's their long-term goal.
Forcing us Peasants to use Public Transportation is gone over in detail in The Sustainable Development Doctrine, discussed by The WEF, and Agenda 2030. And yes, they are serious about taking your privately owned vehicle from you and forcing you to walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation. Wonder how that is going to work in Kansas and other places where there are wide open spaces?
If the middle class is forced to use public transportation, we'll witness daily Bernie Goetz incidents as vigilantism will skyrocket!!

Don't count on it. It will be too slow of a process. It won't happen overnight.

First they stop selling cars and trucks. There will still be plenty of people using them. After people are forced to convert, more and more gas stations will begin closing down. They never really made their money off gasoline, they make their money on the convenience store products they sell, but few of them will be able to stay open without gasoline to draw them into the store.

For people that refuse to get rid of their cars, they will have to driver further and further to get gasoline. There won't be a gas station around every corner like there is today.

In the end all gas stations will have to close because very few people will want to sit by a charging station for several hours. They will make sure their car is fully charged before leaving the house. It will cost millions of jobs, but when has the Democrats ever cared about destroying American lives to get their way?
It is a suicide pact for the world largest producer of petroleum to ban gasoline burning engines. They can be converted to use ethanol which produces no net CO2 emissions. There is plenty of time for the voters to replace the representatives who support it.

The feds couldn't mandate seat belts........
CO2 is not an emission nor is it a pollutant, nor is it a greenhouse gas. It's all nonsense and there is ZERO science to prove global warming is anything but a Marxist Fascist DemNazi Wet Dream. If CO2 is a pollutant then help us save the planet by quit exhaling it. Also, get rid of all the things that oil and carbon make possible like you using an electronic device to post Leftist Propaganda on USMB.

Save The Planet!
Quit Breathing.

And Screw Ethanol. Methanol and Ethanol ruins engines.
You dumbasses talk about saving a planet that does not need saving and you want to use Food, and Trees for Fuel now?
What the Hell is wrong with you Inbred, Hair Sniffing, Cross Dressing, Earth Worshipping Morons?

And The Oil companies have not signed up for this. It's being mandated on them same as Biden is using The EPA to mandate phasing out the combustion engine. Why is Joe Biden and his Gestapo EPA leveling exorbitant fines against Oil Companies for not producing new types of Ethanol and blending it with their gasoline when those types of Ethanol have not been invented yet?

Here is just one more dose of stupid for you.

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Don't count on it. It will be too slow of a process. It won't happen overnight.

First they stop selling cars and trucks. There will still be plenty of people using them. After people are forced to convert, more and more gas stations will begin closing down. They never really made their money off gasoline, they make their money on the convenience store products they sell, but few of them will be able to stay open without gasoline to draw them into the store.

For people that refuse to get rid of their cars, they will have to driver further and further to get gasoline. There won't be a gas station around every corner like there is today.

In the end all gas stations will have to close because very few people will want to sit by a charging station for several hours. They will make sure their car is fully charged before leaving the house. It will cost millions of jobs, but when has the Democrats ever cared about destroying American lives to get their way?
Excellent Post. This is the Left's Plan. It's an old tactic called gradualism.
You live in your own fantasy world. Suicide rates, by state, I will start with the highest.

New Mexico
South Dakota
West Virginia

Ouside of Colorado, I believe all of those are republican ran "shitholes".

Suicide rates are highest among Native Americans, but coming in a close second, non-Hispanic white males--Trump's primary demographic.

Lowest rates of suicide, starting with the lowest

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

Pretty sure all of those states are Democrat ran "shit-holes".

Total disingenuous nonsense to go by rates with such massive disparities in populations.
It is a suicide pact for the world largest producer of petroleum to ban gasoline burning engines. They can be converted to use ethanol which produces no net CO2 emissions. There is plenty of time for the voters to replace the representatives who support it.

The feds couldn't mandate seat belts........

The feds could not mandate seat belts but threatened the states to do it if they want to continue to see highway funds come their way. That's how they got all states to lower their BAL to .08. Ours used to be .10 until we were forced to lower it.

Democrats only care about one thing--power. Look at what's going on with our border today. Over 100,000 dead Americans over fentantyl this year alone, does Biden seem to care? Hell no. Get enough of them into the country, make them all legal citizens like they're trying to push for now, and screw the Americans who die from dope or attacked by a Spanish speaking gang from another country. There is much more power by getting them into our borders than there is votes lost over all these poor Americans.
CO2 is not an emission nor is it a pollutant, nor is it a greenhouse gas. It's all nonsense and there is ZERO science to prove global warming is anything but a Marxist Fascist DemNazi Wet Dream. If CO2 is a pollutant then help us save the planet by quit exhaling it. Also, get rid of all the things that oil and carbon make possible like you using an electronic device to post Leftist Propaganda on USMB.

Save The Planet!
Quit Breathing.

And Screw Ethanol. Methanol and Ethanol ruins engines.

And The Oil companies have not signed up for this. It's being mandated on them same as Biden is using The EPA to mandate phasing out the combustion engine. Why is Joe Biden and his Gestapo EPA leveling exorbitant fines against Oil Companies for not producing new types of Ethanol and blending it with their gasoline when those types of Ethanol have not been invented yet?

Here is just one more dose of stupid for you.

The petroleum industry says so. An engine can be adjusted to the lower operating temperature. Burning it has a zero net carbon footprint.
I'm sure the folks in England appreciate you sentiments. Didn't read the link, did ya?

He completely ignored the links I posted on homelessness and suicide in the US, and predictions of people not being able to afford to heat their homes or feed their families this winter, or this link which was in the OP.

As always, they never want to actually discuss the issue, just extricate Dirty Diaper Joe and absolve him or all responsibility.
Accounting/finance could have been mandatory in our high schools since Sputnik. Instead everyone must take 4 years of English literature.
What good is that?

How would 60 years of financial education for every high school graduate have affected the economy by now? Why haven't economists suggested it by now?

Blaming Biden is idiotic.


That's stupid and wrong.

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