Biden's America: Young 27 year old woman with baby behind on rent and bills walks in front of a train.

The feds could not mandate seat belts but threatened the states to do it if they want to continue to see highway funds come their way. That's how they got all states to lower their BAL to .08. Ours used to be .10 until we were forced to lower it.

Democrats only care about one thing--power. Look at what's going on with our border today. Over 100,000 dead Americans over fentantyl this year alone, does Biden seem to care? Hell no. Get enough of them into the country, make them all legal citizens like they're trying to push for now, and screw the Americans who die from dope or attacked by a Spanish speaking gang from another country. There is much more power by getting them into our borders than there is votes lost over all these poor Americans.
Hahaha, you guys are the best. The best pole vaulters, vaulting from one perceived dystopian nightmare (talking points) to blame on Biden to a another and another......
The petroleum industry says so. An engine can be adjusted to the lower operating temperature. Burning it has a zero net carbon footprint.
A Corvette can be tuned to get 40 MPG without sacrificing much performance. And ICE vehicles are practically at ZERO emission right now so only a brain dead moron installed dictator like Heil Biden owned by Fascists like Klaus Schwab would think banning gasoline engines by 2035 is a good idea.

CO2 is not a pollutant. Plants need it, you breath it and exhale it.

Only braindead lemmings think CO2 is a pollutant.
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Ethanol pollutes more than gasoline in the manufacturing process.


Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, the ethanol trade lobby, called the study "completely fictional and erroneous," arguing the authors used "worst-case assumptions [and] cherry-picked data."

It is a battle between agriculture and the petrochemical industry. Petro has won. Ethanol burns cleaner and is a net zero fuel source.
A Corvette can be tuned to get 40 MPG without sacrificing much performance. And ICE vehicles are practically at ZERO emission right now so only a brain dead moron installed dictator like Heil Biden owned by Fascists like Klaus Schwab would think banning gasoline engines by 2035 is a good idea.

CO2 is not a pollutant. Plants need it, you breath it and exhale it.

Only braindead lemmings think CO2 is a pollutant.
Well golly gee ya big fuckpuddle, we can agree on some things. I think banning new gas burning vehicles in 2035 is not a good idea.
Total disingenuous nonsense to go by rates with such massive disparities in populations.
While I might tend to agree with you I am not really seeing a huge difference. I mean I will admit, I was surprised that Wyoming was at the top of the list. Hell, I was even more surprised that New Jersey was at the bottom. Hell, if I had to listen to those people talk all day, I would probably put a bullet in my head. But the blue state red state dynamic really plays out here.

Geoff Cooper, president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association, the ethanol trade lobby, called the study "completely fictional and erroneous," arguing the authors used "worst-case assumptions [and] cherry-picked data."

It is a battle between agriculture and the petrochemical industry. Petro has won. Ethanol burns cleaner and is a net zero fuel source.

Of course he's going to say that. Why do you suppose that is? :aug08_031:

And what do you think happens when we burn up our food supply? That's right, it makes all our food much more expensive. It's a tax you don't even see. Oh, but that's only agricultural products! Think again, what do you suppose they feed livestock with, big macs?

I was in the commodities market when ethanol came out. I studied it even though I only invested in fuel once. I realized it was nothing but a money grabbing deal for the wealthy while screwing over the consumer. I mostly traded contracts on agriculture and meat products which is why I looked into it so intensely.

I trust independent research over a guy who is making tens of millions on a product he's pushing.
Let's we have a clear and obvious potential economic motive on our part.... Almost as good as a woman whose husband dies a mysterious death while she's got a million dollar policy on his life. POTUS Biden vehemently protested the opening of the pipeline. No eastern European country dependent of that line would want to blow it up - they're suffering because of it. The explosions occurred very close to TWO of our closest NATO allies. It occurred 1 day after our allies opened an alternate pipeline which competed with it.

What have YOU got??
So you have nothing. Why didn't you just say that?
Hahaha, you guys are the best. The best pole vaulters, vaulting from one perceived dystopian nightmare (talking points) to blame on Biden to a another and another......

How can you disagree when it's us on the right that have been predicting this since Dementia took over?

We said he's letting in these people on purpose and we were right; 5 million in just two years. We said the goal is to fix elections for all time by making these indigent people citizens and what's happening now that they lost? They want to reward all these law breakers with citizenship so they can vote, and we know who they will vote for.
Of course he's going to say that. Why do you suppose that is? :aug08_031:

And what do you think happens when we burn up our food supply? That's right, it makes all our food much more expensive. It's a tax you don't even see. Oh, but that's only agricultural products! Think again, what do you suppose they feed livestock with, big macs?

I was in the commodities market when ethanol came out. I studied it even though I only invested in fuel once. I realized it was nothing but a money grabbing deal for the wealthy while screwing over the consumer. I mostly traded contracts on agriculture and meat products which is why I looked into it so intensely.

I trust independent research over a guy who is making tens of millions on a product he's pushing.
Because they did. Is corn the best for alcohol % in a mash? I donno.

Well it is kind of obvious that's we'd have to have energy farms separate from, above and beyond the food supply.

Ethanol was use as motor fuel before we were born.
Boo-boo must be asleep at the wheel. Joe's comrades in CA and NY already banned fossil fuel cars from being sold after 2035. I don't know that Joe could do that on the federal level, but state level, perfectly constitutional.
Liberals do not realize they will have to pay for the cars they will outlaw. THAT is in the Constitution also!
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The feds could not mandate seat belts but threatened the states to do it if they want to continue to see highway funds come their way. That's how they got all states to lower their BAL to .08. Ours used to be .10 until we were forced to lower it.

Democrats only care about one thing--power. Look at what's going on with our border today. Over 100,000 dead Americans over fentantyl this year alone, does Biden seem to care? Hell no. Get enough of them into the country, make them all legal citizens like they're trying to push for now, and screw the Americans who die from dope or attacked by a Spanish speaking gang from another country. There is much more power by getting them into our borders than there is votes lost over all these poor Americans.
incorrect. The federal law requiring seat belts in automobiles took effect in 1968.
Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Safety Standard,
Don't let the lies coming from The Biden Administration fool you. He set us down this path towards a Green Scam Economy, and Regulation Hell. Banning the gasoline engine by 2035, trying to ban us from eating meat among other idiotic bleeding heart insanity schemes are destroying this country's economic energy. His war on energy, and war on American freedom, and Free Markets, and his open borders, free drugs, free love agenda is literally killing America. He and his globalist friends are discussing even more ingenious ways to destroy America and enslave you at the G20. When they said you would own nothing and be happy, they meant it.
View attachment 726887

Now it's to the point that you will own nothing and be so depressed you will take your own life.
Build back better my ass!
that Putin fker.
Don't let the lies coming from The Biden Administration fool you. He set us down this path towards a Green Scam Economy, and Regulation Hell. Banning the gasoline engine by 2035, trying to ban us from eating meat among other idiotic bleeding heart insanity schemes are destroying this country's economic energy. His war on energy, and war on American freedom, and Free Markets, and his open borders, free drugs, free love agenda is literally killing America. He and his globalist friends are discussing even more ingenious ways to destroy America and enslave you at the G20. When they said you would own nothing and be happy, they meant it.
View attachment 726887

Now it's to the point that you will own nothing and be so depressed you will take your own life.
Build back better my ass!
Your crocodile tears do not sway me.
incorrect. The federal law requiring seat belts in automobiles took effect in 1968.
Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Safety Standard,
That federal law required manufacturers to install seat beats true, but it is the states, most of them anyway, that mandated their citizens use them.

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