Biden’s EPA Holds Up Major Oil Refinery Amid National Fuel Crisis

Surada said that oil was a global COMMODITY, not that refineries are globally owned, you are the one that made the mix up. Might wanna do a bit closer reading so you don't make yourself look like an idiot.'s the definition of commodity, of which oil certainly is one, and on the global scale.



com·mod·i·ty kə-ˈmä-də-tē

1: an economic good: such as
a: a product of agriculture or mining
agricultural commodities like grain and corn
b: an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment
reported the damaged commodities to officials
c: a mass-produced unspecialized product
commodity chemicals
commodity memory chips
2a: something useful or valued
that valuable commodity, patience
… the many commodities incidental to the life of a public office …—Charles Lamb
3: a good or service whose wide availability typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors (such as brand name) other than price
4: one that is subject to ready exchange or exploitation within a market
… stars as individuals and as commodities of the film industry.—
Film Quarterly

Thanks. I've run out of patience for such idiocy.
Yes, oil is a global commodity. Read the definition in post 198 (right above yours), to see what a commodity is. Since oil is traded between nations, that means it's traded globally, and therefore, a global commodity. For someone who claims to be smart, you sure are dense.
Yes oil is a commodity and globally used but the sales are not global. Individual companies own it
Yes oil is a commodity and globally used but the sales are not global. Individual companies own it

You were one of the ones bitching about Biden going and asking the Saudis to produce more oil for crying out loud! YES, THE SALES ARE GLOBAL!!!! What part of "it's traded between nations" eludes you? Saudi Arabia and Venezuela sell their oil (a commodity) to the USA (selling between nations, i.e. globally), making it a global commodity. Yes, various companies might be privately owned, but when they sell that oil outside of their country, they are doing so between nations, and that means it's a global commodity. Are you really this dense in real life?
I actually made fun of him ignoring America’s petroleum

If he ignores America's petroleum, he has to get it from somewhere, and that somewhere is another country. Thank you for finally admitting that oil sales are global.

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