Bidens gaffe thread/incoherent answers/ramblings thread

He's gonna slip soon and say something deeply racist and awful. Then what will they do?
shocked to see no thread on this; prob. the most important thread (videos) to display his utter lack of cognition. His handlers and wife are committing elder abuse daily. Can we get a thread (this one) on all his almost daily embarrassing speeches/answers etc in public?

Its not only laughable but sad supposedly this elder/dementia/alzheimers patient supposedly beat Trump in votes lmao.
Yo Semite!
President Biden may bumble, fumble and stumble - but he's doing a great job! It's not about how he says it - it's about how he does it. Go Joe!

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In Delaware if they are still building near the coast then he is a liar. One of thousands and thousands. His history is as a racist and bigot. By words and actions from and this there is no denial. The bar has methodically been set lower and lower by most of the Prog agendas over the decades. Like they are competing with themselves while blaming others for it.
Here's a good one. Xiden isn't even driving. There are other videos, it's a RH driver and Xiden turns the wheel upside down like a young kid in a toy............ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa@

I'm no fan of Biden's, but if you're going to make the claim that he's not driving that truck and that it is right-hand drive and someone else is driving it, at least have the evidence to back it up... otherwise, you're just lying.

Jesus, at the least the left had the decency to doctor photos when they claimed Bush was holding that book upside down in the classroom on 9/11...
Here's a good one. Xiden isn't even driving. There are other videos, it's a RH driver and Xiden turns the wheel upside down like a young kid in a toy............ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa@

I'm no fan of Biden's, but if you're going to make the claim that he's not driving that truck and that it is right-hand drive and someone else is driving it, at least have the evidence to back it up... otherwise, you're just lying.

Jesus, at the least the left had the decency to doctor photos when they claimed Bush was holding that book upside down in the classroom on 9/11...

That's been done many times. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

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