Biden’s great leadership

Democrats should be punished for putting idiot Biden in the White House. No Dem president for the next 4 terms for starters.
The world waits eagerly for his next stutter.... will Briben waive his customary 10% commission for foreign aid? Can he stop eye-fucking a 9-year old long enough to address the issue? Will he be distracted by the possibility of his lowlife spawn going to prison? Can sophisticated solutions to geo-political problems be offered by a drooling vegetable that shits its pants in public?

So many questions.... the planet is hungry for answers....
—- Botched Afghanistan withdrawal

—-War in Ukraine

—- Iran and Hamas attack Israel and pledge death to America

—- China threatening control of the South China Sea and attacking Taiwan

—- America invaded via the Southern Border.

All you who voted for him.

Blood on your hands.

You didn't even mention that most Americans can't even afford to live anymore.
—- Botched Afghanistan withdrawal

—-War in Ukraine

—- Iran and Hamas attack Israel and pledge death to America

—- China threatening control of the South China Sea and attacking Taiwan

—- America invaded via the Southern Border.

All you who voted for him.

Blood on your hands.

The usual chaos after the typical GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world Depression of 2008 and the GOP new style worst pandemic reaction ever world depression of 2020. I don't know how anyone can vote for the GOP, obviously GOP voters have absolutely no clue, baffled by total BS....
—- Botched Afghanistan withdrawal

—-War in Ukraine

—- Iran and Hamas attack Israel and pledge death to America

—- China threatening control of the South China Sea and attacking Taiwan

—- America invaded via the Southern Border.

All you who voted for him.

Blood on your hands.

"Hey, lets give billions of dollars to the Iranian Mullahs, what could possibly go wrong"?

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