Biden’s Halt to Border Wall Construction to Cost About 5,000 Jobs, Billions of Dollars

SUE his pants off. Biden will soon find out that the COURTS, and the hundreds of judges Trump appointed (including 3 on the US Supreme Court), are going to be a big obstacle for him.

Awww poor baby.

Keep crying I'm so enjoying it.

Why do lefties want unsecured borders?

Why do lefties want people unemployed?
Lefties want people utterly dependent on the people can be under complete control.

Leftists are would-be totalitarians. They can't be trusted with power. Every time, they abuse it.
You have some imagination.... The rightists love failure. Trump was all huge deficits, giant socialist bailouts, socialist tariffs, riots, recession, most pandemic deaths...
You need to change your username in compliance with Truth in Advertising laws.
I really don't know what Biden could do to be a bigger anti American dipshit. This guy needs to be impeached.
The guy isnt even his own man. He sold his soul long ago. They didnt put him in office to "defend the Constitution of the United States"

That's correct.^^^

The Chinese along with the demonRats and the Globlalists put him there to fuck America forever.

May they all burn in Hell.
Trump cult fascist loser tears are such a sweet delicacy. More please.
For the Globlalists, demonRats, is wall for us ,but no walls for you, you little stupid people!

Makes me vomit, the hypocrisy of these Communist so called American, thugs!


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