biden's illegal alien children


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
When President Trump was in office he was blamed for the living conditions of illegal alien children. He was demonized by the media everyday . Well things are even worse now, many of these children are infected with covid . Many illegal aliens have been released into the US population by dementia joe's policies and many are infected with covid. But the media is mainly silent on what is going on. They are giving dementia joe a free ride. US citizens must make their voices heard in the mid term elections. We must take our country back
When President Trump was in office he was blamed for the living conditions of illegal alien children. He was demonized by the media everyday . Well things are even worse now, many of these children are infected with covid . Many illegal aliens have been released into the US population by dementia joe's policies and many are infected with covid. But the media is mainly silent on what is going on. They are giving dementia joe a free ride. US citizens must make their voices heard in the mid term elections. We must take our country back
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Just yesterday Biden gave a nationally televised speech imploring everyone to get vaccinated as it is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH. But somehow it is OK to bus many thousands of unvaccinated and/or Covid infected immigrants into the country. Does anyone have a reasonable explanation to this contradiction?
Just yesterday Biden gave a nationally televised speech imploring everyone to get vaccinated as it is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH. But somehow it is OK to bus many thousands of unvaccinated and/or Covid infected immigrants into the country. Does anyone have a reasonable explanation to this contradiction?
Too bad trump didn’t take it seriously instead of calling it a democrat hoax.
So does anyone have a logical explanation for Biden stating that the vaccine is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH and then sending unvaccinated infected illegals all across the country?
Apparently you haven't yet figured out that the white-right bullshit version of what is happening is not the same as what is really happening.
So does anyone have a logical explanation for Biden stating that the vaccine is a matter of LIFE AND DEATH and then sending unvaccinated infected illegals all across the country?
Flooding the country with non whites is the most important matter for the progs and leftists.
Flooding the country with non whites is the most important matter for the progs and leftists.
Worrying about the % of whites in the country is the most important matter for white-right racists, supremacists, Nazis, Kluxers... all of whom are subhuman scum.

Every time a white-right Qtip says that, I go the border and smuggle in 10 illegal immigrants in my van.
Worrying about the % of whites in the country is the most important matter for white-right racists, supremacists, Nazis, Kluxers... all of whom are subhuman scum.

Every time a white-right Qtip says that, I go the border and smuggle in 10 illegal immigrants in my van.
Worrying about the % of whites in the country is the most important matter for genocidal anti white supremacists, communists, anti constitutional, anti American globalist satanic subhuman scum. You are not even a racist but a satanic commie.
The infected will gravitate to areas that are heavily populated by fellow criminals. Whatever diseases they have will spread. Some enterprising person should infect a few criminals with say, yellow fever and spread that among la raza.
Worrying about the % of whites in the country is the most important matter for genocidal anti white supremacists, communists, anti constitutional, anti American globalist satanic subhuman scum. You are not even a racist but a satanic commie.
So... you've simply abandoned the effort to try to make sense when you post, apparently...

Communists? I really can't find a Communist in the USA these days. Perhaps you're delusional.

Globalist? Meaningless term used white-right propagandists to scare people.

Satanic? Really, you don't want to get into that topic.

Genocidal? Your side has consistently supported genocide, most notably in recent decades in Reagan's funding of Guatemalan death squads.

Me, I don't care about the % of white people. I do want the % of white-right racists to decline... and I think the Delta variant is taking care of that for us!
The infected will gravitate to areas that are heavily populated by fellow criminals. Whatever diseases they have will spread. Some enterprising person should infect a few criminals with say, yellow fever and spread that among la raza.
For advocating bio-genocide, you are reported to HS. They like to keep tabs on terrorists.

The infected white-right red-state dupes who resisted vaccination, are already clustered together, and infecting each other at a rapid rate. I feel sorry for their children.
I live very close to the US southern border .You see everyday illegal aliens crossing into the USA. Some local shelters have closed because they are over filled. There are pregnant women rushing toward the local bridges to go into labor in the middle of the bridge so they can be taken to a US hospital and give birth in the USA. you see them in the local news saying my baby is a US citizen. illegal aliens use their children as US entry tickets .very recently an honduran man crossed illegally into the USA with his 8yr old son . he applied for asylum and was denied he was in Reynosa mexico saying he was not giving up , he was going to enter the USA illegally again., You see them in the local news saying they want their babies to be born in the USA because in the USA they will have life insurance. what they mean to say is in the USA they will get everthing free. when joe biden took over , there were so many local reports of illegal aliens saying biden has given us 100 days to enter the US. He will not deport us. biden opened the border to them. when Texas gov Abbott issued the order that anyone entering Texas illegally from a foreign country would be arrested and jailed, the mayor of McAllen tx spoke out against arresting illegal aliens and putting them in jail. just this past week he reversed himself now saying biden must secure the US-Mexico border saying too many covid infected illegal aliens are entering illegally. a local catholic charity rented all the Rooms in the Texas Inn in la Joya Tx and moved covid infected illegal aliens there. the catholic charity is suppose to provide everything they need so they wont have to leave the premise. well a family of illegal aliens did leave the inn and went to the local Whataburger a local fast food place. they were in there coughing their lungs out. the employees fearing for their heath asked them to leave . they refuse to leave so the employees call the police and the police removed them from the place. it turns out this family had been detained by the border patrol. they were tested and they tested positive for covid . they were released to the catholic charity who in turn took then to the Texas inn in la joya Tx. these kind of things happen everyday here by the southern border. People do not want illegal aliens released into their communities.. in the mean time people applying to immigrate legally to the USA go thru the legal process and wait in line for their turn.While these illegal border jumpers demand not just amnesty but they demand US citizenship and they wanted it NOW. Dementia Joe promised them they will get amnesty with a path to US citizenship

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