Biden's Plan to Keep Votes in Michigan by Cutting off Weapons to Israel may Cost Him Election

I wouldn't be sure about that.

Doesn't say anything like that in the Constitution.

It would create an interesting problem, probably resulting in impeachment if he was elected, but given how corrupt the GOP is, I wouldn't expect anything to come of it.

That's what he inherited from the Orange Blob, runaway inflation.
Inflation was 1.2% when Biden took office. You and Biden are blatant Liars
It is not inevitable that Biden will lose to Trump. I hope Trump will be in prison by election day, and ineligible to run.

If Biden does lose it will probably be because of Biden's loose immigration policy. Immigration is Trump's strongest issue, and Biden's weakest issue.
So the Economy is chopped liver ?
So the Economy is chopped liver ?
Inflation is a world wide phenomenon. I do not hold Biden responsible. I do not think Trump has any solution but tax cuts for the rich.
Why do Republicans think it is fiscally responsible to cut taxes while raising military spending?

Republicans used to value balanced budgets. Why did that change?
Why do you not want low taxes? Why do you want to pay the government more?
Why do you not want low taxes? Why do you want to pay the government more?
That is not the answer to my question. Answer my question.

But I will answer your question. I do not want to pay higher taxes. I want the rich to pay higher taxes. So do most Americans.



Tax the Rich Is Actually a Popular Bipartisan Stance, Poll Shows​

Laura Davison
March 26, 2024

Fully 69% of registered voters in seven swing states say they favor higher taxes on billionaires, and they support higher income taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year by the same margin, a potential boon to Democratic President Joe Biden’s economic agenda if he wins a second term.

Biden is proposing a new tax to squeeze more from America’s richest families. That’s in addition to his plan to raise the 21% corporate rate, which 51% of swing-state voters backed in the poll conducted March 8-15.

The strong support for more taxes on billionaires shows up across party lines in the survey with 58% of Republicans, 83% of Democrats and 66% of independents approving of the idea.

"It seems that everybody is for taxing the rich. This is a good populist issue for the Biden campaign," said Eli Yokley, US politics analyst for Morning Consult.

The preference for taxing billionaires, which Senator Elizabeth Warren helped popularize during her 2020 presidential campaign, has grown in recent years from a fringe, left-wing wish-list item to a centerpiece of Biden’s economic policy.

That is not the answer to my question. Answer my question.

But I will answer your question. I do not want to pay higher taxes. I want the rich to pay higher taxes. So do most Americans.



Tax the Rich Is Actually a Popular Bipartisan Stance, Poll Shows​

Laura Davison
March 26, 2024

Fully 69% of registered voters in seven swing states say they favor higher taxes on billionaires, and they support higher income taxes on people who make more than $400,000 a year by the same margin, a potential boon to Democratic President Joe Biden’s economic agenda if he wins a second term.

Biden is proposing a new tax to squeeze more from America’s richest families. That’s in addition to his plan to raise the 21% corporate rate, which 51% of swing-state voters backed in the poll conducted March 8-15.

The strong support for more taxes on billionaires shows up across party lines in the survey with 58% of Republicans, 83% of Democrats and 66% of independents approving of the idea.

"It seems that everybody is for taxing the rich. This is a good populist issue for the Biden campaign," said Eli Yokley, US politics analyst for Morning Consult.

The preference for taxing billionaires, which Senator Elizabeth Warren helped popularize during her 2020 presidential campaign, has grown in recent years from a fringe, left-wing wish-list item to a centerpiece of Biden’s economic policy.

Tax cuts typically are helpful to the economy. That is good for all of us. Maybe that's why Republicans like them. Defense spending keeps us safe, maybe that's why Republicans like it. Does that answer your question?
Tax cuts typically are helpful to the economy. That is good for all of us. Maybe that's why Republicans like them. Defense spending keeps us safe, maybe that's why Republicans like it. Does that answer your question?
I got this from your website:


How Tax Cuts Affect the Economy​

tax cuts reduce government revenues and lead to budget deficits or growth in government debt...

tax cuts for the wealthy that may not “have any significant effect on economic growth and unemployment,” and “lead to higher income inequality” according to a 2022 study of 18 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including the United States.4...

personal income tax cuts trigger a short-lived boost to GDP, productivity, and hours worked but have no long-term effects.7
National Bureau of Economic Research. "Short Term Tax Cuts, Long Term Stimulus."

Last edited:
Ronald Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. This is what effect that had on income distribution during Reagan's two terms:

inequality 5.webp

These are some of the longer term effects of Republican efforts to cut taxes for the rich, and to keep them low:



7 More Charts That Show The Average American Has Been Getting Screwed For Decades​

Eric Goldschein

In 1979, production and non-supervisory workers saw a 119 percent rise in productivity and a 100 percent rise in compensation from 1947. Their wages have gone up just 8 percent since:​

The bottom fifth lost four percent in income percentage, while the top fifth gained 55 percent:...​

Around 1991, the share of capital income became skewed towards the top 1 percent:...​

The bottom 20 percent has $136 billion less than if the growth rate had stayed the same as before 1979:...​

Corporations have seen enormous gains in total liquid assets since the 1970s:...​

The flat payroll tax, which has helped pick up the slack from corporate tax loop holes, hits the middle class the hardest:​

Inflation is a world wide phenomenon. I do not hold Biden responsible. I do not think Trump has any solution but tax cuts for the rich.
Inflation is worldwide because the dollar is the premier currency on planet earth. If the dollar goes down the toilet, the rest of the currencies go with it.

If we have another four years of Biden, that won’t really be a problem anymore. If he destroys a dollar any further, it won’t be the worlds premiere currency.
Ronald Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. This is what effect that had on income distribution during Reagan's two terms:

View attachment 945318

These are some of the longer term effects of Republican efforts to cut taxes for the rich, and to keep them low:



7 More Charts That Show The Average American Has Been Getting Screwed For Decades​

Eric Goldschein

In 1979, production and non-supervisory workers saw a 119 percent rise in productivity and a 100 percent rise in compensation from 1947. Their wages have gone up just 8 percent since:​

The bottom fifth lost four percent in income percentage, while the top fifth gained 55 percent:...​

Around 1991, the share of capital income became skewed towards the top 1 percent:...​

The bottom 20 percent has $136 billion less than if the growth rate had stayed the same as before 1979:...​

Corporations have seen enormous gains in total liquid assets since the 1970s:...​

The flat payroll tax, which has helped pick up the slack from corporate tax loop holes, hits the middle class the hardest:​

No if you read the article I sent you it said the economy does better when taxes are lower. You're dead wrong, do us a favor and don't vote coming up in this election
No if you read the article I sent you it said the economy does better when taxes are lower. You're dead wrong, do us a favor and don't vote coming up in this election
I quoted from the article you posted. You so not seem to have read it with understanding.
I quoted from the article you posted. You so not seem to have read it with understanding.
I don't think you did. You use some article from Business Insider. I know that the Reagan tax cuts spurred the economy and brought us out of the Carter malaise. The Trump tax cuts spurred the economy and created a better standard of living than what was currently going on. Biden has already raised my cost of living by 20% with his inflationary policies. I am set to see my cost of living go up another 20% when he gleefully allows the Trump tax cuts to expire as I am on a fixed income. Seems to me rich people pay their fair share if not more. When you regulate them and charge them more to live often times they just pass it on to us. While not perfect a lower taxed Society does better.
I don't think you did. You use some article from Business Insider. I know that the Reagan tax cuts spurred the economy and brought us out of the Carter malaise. The Trump tax cuts spurred the economy and created a better standard of living than what was currently going on. Biden has already raised my cost of living by 20% with his inflationary policies. I am set to see my cost of living go up another 20% when he gleefully allows the Trump tax cuts to expire as I am on a fixed income. Seems to me rich people pay their fair share if not more. When you regulate them and charge them more to live often times they just pass it on to us. While not perfect a lower taxed Society does better.
Look at my comment #49.Once again I will quote several passages from it.


How Tax Cuts Affect the Economy​


Updated August 21, 2023
Reviewed by
Michael Boyle

Reviewed by Michael J Boyle
Full Bio
Michael Boyle is an experienced financial professional with more than 10 years working with financial planning, derivatives, equities, fixed income, project management, and analytics.
Learn about our Financial Review Board
Fact checked by

Regardless of opinion, tax cuts reduce government revenues and lead to budget deficits or growth in government debt...

  • Critics of tax cuts claim that cuts only benefit the wealthy and reduce necessary government services for the lower-income bracket.

How Tax Cuts Affect the Economy

The critics are right. Low income people are not the only people hurt by Republican tax cuts for the rich. Working class and middle class people will be hurt by Republican cuts in Social Security and Medicate to pay for those tax cuts.
Look at my comment #49.Once again I will quote several passages from it.


How Tax Cuts Affect the Economy​


Updated August 21, 2023
Reviewed by
Michael Boyle

Reviewed by Michael J Boyle
Full Bio
Michael Boyle is an experienced financial professional with more than 10 years working with financial planning, derivatives, equities, fixed income, project management, and analytics.
Learn about our Financial Review Board
Fact checked by

Regardless of opinion, tax cuts reduce government revenues and lead to budget deficits or growth in government debt...

  • Critics of tax cuts claim that cuts only benefit the wealthy and reduce necessary government services for the lower-income bracket.

How Tax Cuts Affect the Economy

The critics are right. Low income people are not the only people hurt by Republican tax cuts for the rich. Working class and middle class people will be hurt by Republican cuts in Social Security and Medicate to pay for those tax cuts.
Actually they're wrong, Trump's tax cuts helped everybody. I'm not going to back off how devastating it will be when Trump's tax cuts expire, Biden is celebrating this. Fuck Joe Biden. And fuck you. LOL
The upside of tax cuts beats the downside according to this article
Actually they're wrong, Trump's tax cuts helped everybody. I'm not going to back off how devastating it will be when Trump's tax cuts expire, Biden is celebrating this. Fuck Joe Biden. And fuck you. LOL
The upside of tax cuts beats the downside according to this article
The following chart, which I have already posted, proves that you are mistaken.

inequality 5.webp

David Stockman also disagrees with you.

The following chart, which I have already. posted, proves that you are mistaken.

View attachment 945378
David Stockman also disagrees with you.

View attachment 945380
Your charts mean nothing to me. Not everyone can be rich you know,. We actually need rich people they pay the majority of the tax in the country Plus they provide jobs. Do you work for a living? Why don't you sit down and pay extra to the government. No One Is Stopping You. We need to elect Trump and get those tax cuts permanent so we can maintain our standard of living. It's the smart thing to do. Low taxes are a good way of life. Why are you jealous of rich people? Why don't you just shut up and do the best you can for your life and pay less taxes? I get tired of you bitching and moaning about rich people, did somebody put their thumb on you and hold you down in Life or something?
Dude, Trump is killing it right now at his rally. The guy is a machine, he just mentioned Biden allowing his tax cuts to expire. What a disaster that could be. Fjb

Biden Portrays Next Phase of Economic Agenda as Middle-Class Lifeline​

The president used his State of the Union speech to pitch tax increases for the rich, along with plans to cut costs and protect consumers.

President Biden used his State of the Union speech on Thursday to remind Americans of his efforts to steer the nation’s economy out of a pandemic recession, and to lay the groundwork for a second term focused on making the economy more equitable by raising taxes on companies and the wealthy while taking steps to reduce costs for the middle class.


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