Big Al is ready to spill the beans on "the Don"

Fucking liar

Wow Hezbollah Hannah - you have no honor at all and will say ANYTHING to promote the Reich.

There were 23 socialist parties in Germany when Hitler got out of prison - the Nazis were just one. In his bid to become Chancellor - Hitler formed alliances with most of his fellow socialists - and absorbed them.

You can read about it here:

But of course, you'll continue to lie, regardless. It is your nature to lie.

You have no credibility on history, or anything else for that matter.

Clearly some kind of deal was struck.

I wouldn't get too excited about Weiselberg testifying publicly though

The deal may have been that he supplied information with which to guide the investigation
surada AKA Hezbollah Hannah is a fucking liar - everyone on the board knows this.

To "correct" her I offer a quote by Gregor Stasser - minister of the economy under Chancellor Adolf Hitler and #2 man of the Nazi party. Hitler had Strasser murdered in 1934 due to internal Nazi conflicts and power struggles

{In August 1932, Hitler was offered the job of Vice-Chancellor of Germany by then Chancellor Franz von Papen at the behest of President Paul von Hindenburg, but he refused. Strasser urged him to enter a coalition government, but Hitler saw the offer as placing him in a position of "playing second fiddle".[39][40]}

Anyway, on to the quote.

“We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of today’s capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of human beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy this system whatever happens!”​

Looks exactly like the Commies in America's strategy.
Allen H. Weisselberg, who for decades was one of Donald J. Trump’s most trusted executives, is expected to plead guilty on Thursday to a long-running tax scheme at the former president’s family business — a serious blow to the company that could imperil its chances in an upcoming trial.

The plea deal will allow Mr. Weisselberg, who was facing up to 15 years in prison, to spend as little as 100 days behind bars, according to people with knowledge of the matter. And it does not require Mr. Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s longtime chief financial officer, to cooperate with the Manhattan district attorney’s office in its broader investigation into Mr. Trump, who has not been accused of wrongdoing.

But Mr. Weisselberg is expected to admit to all 15 felonies he was charged with and will have to testify about his role in a scheme to avoid paying taxes on lavish corporate perks, the people said. That requirement will put the company at a disadvantage and make Mr. Weisselberg a central witness at its trial in October, where it will face many of the same charges.

If Trumpleton's believe Don, who is an acknowledged control freak, wasn't aware Al committed those felonies you might also believe the election was stolen from him.
Allen H. Weisselberg, who for decades was one of Donald J. Trump’s most trusted executives, is expected to plead guilty on Thursday to a long-running tax scheme at the former president’s family business — a serious blow to the company that could imperil its chances in an upcoming trial.

The plea deal will allow Mr. Weisselberg, who was facing up to 15 years in prison, to spend as little as 100 days behind bars, according to people with knowledge of the matter. And it does not require Mr. Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s longtime chief financial officer, to cooperate with the Manhattan district attorney’s office in its broader investigation into Mr. Trump, who has not been accused of wrongdoing.

But Mr. Weisselberg is expected to admit to all 15 felonies he was charged with and will have to testify about his role in a scheme to avoid paying taxes on lavish corporate perks, the people said. That requirement will put the company at a disadvantage and make Mr. Weisselberg a central witness at its trial in October, where it will face many of the same charges.

If Trumpleton's believe Don, who is an acknowledged control freak, wasn't aware Al committed those felonies you might also believe the election was stolen from him.
So what "beans" is he going to spill?

This is just another battle in the war the deep state is waging on everyone who supports Donald Trump or has any kind of relation with him. It's truly astounding how much they hate and fear him.
Who says he ever touched or even saw it? It was stuff packed up for him by a crew at The White House.
Not at his direction?

You going with that?

I wonder why he stonewalled and lied for a year and a half to keep it then...
Not at his direction?

You going with that?

I wonder why he stonewalled and lied for a year and a half to keep it then...
What difference at this point does it make? :dunno:

Clearly some kind of deal was struck.

I wouldn't get too excited about Weiselberg testifying publicly though

The deal may have been that he supplied information with which to guide the investigation
I think that's right. The feds wouldn't have been so lenient in their sentencing agreement if Al hadn't given them significant info that is damaging to the Trump Org.
I think that's right. The feds wouldn't have been so lenient in their sentencing agreement if Al hadn't given them significant info that is damaging to the Trump Org.
Or they think it could be but isn't.

There's no way of denying it's a perversion of justice.
Because she was using the server for her work email - and it was LEGAL at the time. Added to which, they were SENT to Hillary by others. What Trump did was to TAKE documents he wasn't entitled to have. What Trump did was NEVER LEGAL.

Hillary had a handful of "classified" documents - ALL of which were classified "after the fact". Trump had boxes of documents marked "Secret", "Top Secret" and HIGHER - NONE of which he had reasons for having.

What did Trump want these documents for???
You don't know what the fuck your talking about.
That's an absurd assertion. He is pleading guilty to 15 felonies.
And what will be his penalty again? That's my point.

If it was you, you'd be under the jail for 130 years.

But all's fair in love and the quest to Get Trump, huh?

Allen Weisselberg, a Top Trump Executive, to Plead Guilty in Tax Scheme​

One of Donald J. Trump’s most trusted executives is expected to stand before a judge on Thursday and plead guilty to 15 felonies, admitting that he conspired with Mr. Trump’s company to carry out a scheme to avoid paying taxes on lavish corporate benefits — even while refusing to implicate the former president himself.

As part of the plea deal, the executive, Allen H. Weisselberg, will be required to testify at the company’s trial if prosecutors choose to call on him, and to admit his role in conspiring with Mr. Trump’s company to carry out the tax scheme. That testimony could tilt the scales against the company, the Trump Organization, as it prepares for an October trial related to the same accusations.

Under the terms of the plea deal, Mr. Weisselberg is expected to receive a five-month jail term, and with time credited for good behavior, he is likely to serve about 100 days.

Nope. Hitler split with the Socialists in 1926 and purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats in 1933. He had used the Democratic Socialist party to get his foot in the door. He hated Socialists and put them in concentration camps.
Purged of Communist not his brand of socialism. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei look it up moron.

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