Big business endangers our liberty!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I'm in a state that forces people to buy auto insurance. It's not a big deal but it still pisses me off that fines are often excessive. I suspect that the same is true in other states as well. I know there are people out there who think that this is necessary. I am not one of them but let's put that aside for the moment and ask some basic questions.

Why are fines for not having insurance excessive? In some cases it is like a thousand dollars to begin with. Why is that? I know that it is essential to comPly with all road laws for safety but why don't we fine people at that level for things like not wearing a safety belt or running a stop sign? Those are important laws as well and if you break them you directly endanger other drivers. Those might warrant a stronger penalty because of that but car insurance fines are at least twice as much as those. On top of that the government goes out of its way to ensure you buy insurance sch as making it impossible to register your vehicle without it. Why the urgency for this violation and none for the others?

The other thing is why can't we buy auto insurance out of the state or even country? I would think a little competition might improve the average price and service of the insurance but the local insurance companies enjoy a monopoly since they are protected from other competitors. We can't undo those f'n laws can we because the insurance companies are in control of our elected officials. How much money do they contribute to local campaigns by the very same insurance companies?

What gets me is the dosilness of the people in this country because if there was any reason to revolt I would think the fact that some companies see politics as an investment in their future. It fuckin God damn disgust me that nothing can be done about this situation. The fuckin answer I get from people is that it is the law. It isn't a fuckin law that I ever voted on and I doubt anyone else would freely agree to it.

The insurance companies would then run their TV adds saying people are going to die. Save the children! Buy our insurance! They will then say how many uninsured motorist we have. It almost sounds like the run up for another piece of shit bill known as Obama fuckin care! Same fuckin thing and I doubt there is any politician out there who is going to undo these crappy laws because corporations contribute a lot to campaigns of both parties.

I can say the same thing about amnesty which is better known as don't deport our illegal workers that have been working here for years. One day we will just follow the money and figure out who is doing what or we will just revolt. Personally I think a revolt will happen way before any politician gives up their perks.
Yes, it does. Sadly neither the Repubs OR the Dems seem to have any interest in reigning it in. They have been bought and paid for.
We have high living standards partly because of the wealth big business have pumped into our economy...I think competition is good and I think we need more of it but business is a good thing! ;)

As long as they're regulated and pay their workers well...I am a supporter of business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, it does. Sadly neither the Repubs OR the Dems seem to have any interest in reigning it in. They have been bought and paid for.

This wasn't an attack on businesses that don't do things like this but more about the shit that happens when governments want to protect businesses from competition. They just end up working together.
Obviously no one read the whole thing because I ripped into obamacare. It's a part of the everyone must be insured crap.

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