Big cities and media wields a heavy hand


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
So, our big liberal progressive cities are wanting to start controlling the people more like communist authoritarian countries do.

In NYC, the media there, ie; the NYTimes has called for 7 tic toc users, women who‘ve been sucker punched in the face recently, to stop posting about it, because it will stoke “fear and anxiety“ about crime in the city.

And in LA, officials have warned citizens fed up with potholes in their neighborhoods to stop filling potholes to stop filling them because “it poses a risk to the safety of their infrastructure”…

This is outrageous. Clearly the progressive government in these states don’t want their failures to be talked about among the population.

I’m unclear as to whether or not any official has threatened arrest if these people continue to do these things, but how far off can that be once they’ve issued these kinds of absurd demands?

Folks, we are in an election season, where admittedly we don’t have the best of choices, but surely this march to authoritarian socialism has got to stop! And, there’s one party pushing it. We know who that is, Democrats.

Remember that at the polls.
LOL.....The very last bunch in the world I would listen to as far a doing or not doing something would be the media.
Oh, I get it, but this highlights how the media like the NYTimes are no longer an independent news outlet anymore. The media is accepting State control just like in China.
I see our liberal friends don't want to touch this with a 10 ft pole....That's one way to know it is 100% true.

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