Time to Face the Truth

Yes both sides have similar objectives and methods. Both sides have increased their ability to inflict gross horrors on their enemy. I've watch this shit escalate since 72.
Really? Show us where the Jews have said this
Actually…no. Most were peaceful and were arrested for things like obstruction, refusing to disperse etc. However that isn’t the case with all: the students who smashed windows and took over a building or the protesters who violently attacked the camp of another group of protesters, tearing down the barricades.
The ones that will be let go and not charged with anything? Please let us know when the first of these go to prison.
Actually…no. Most were peaceful and were arrested for things like obstruction, refusing to disperse etc. However that isn’t the case with all: the students who smashed windows and took over a building or the protesters who violently attacked the camp of another group of protesters, tearing down the barricades.
"obstruction" is peaceful? Have you ever been in an ambulance? simple
stuff------smashing a window seems more peaceful to me than obstructing
a public street. Holding a person from going where he is going is--IMO--unlawful imprisonment----but, of course "peaceful"
I'd bet a million that you're muslim.
You’d lose. Of course, you only have a couple bucks to your name.

Now opposing Israel’s genocide means you’re a Muslim. You know like.. like…like why would anyone oppose genocide? Thinks the mental defective.

You get dumber with every post.

"obstruction" is peaceful? Have you ever been in an ambulance? simple
stuff------smashing a window seems more peaceful to me than obstructing
a public street. Holding a person from going where he is going is--IMO--unlawful imprisonment----but, of course "peaceful"
Yes, it is. Assaulting people is not. Destroying property is not. That doesn’t mean people can’t be removed for that but it is still PEACEFUL. It is not ”holding people”.
Many posters here watch Fox News religiously. As a result, they know every little that is true. They do support Israel unconditionally and typically hate Palestinians and Muslims generally.

I wonder if Israel murdered 100,000 Palestinian children would these idiots terminate their support. I’ve asked many of them and most refuse to answer, but some admit they’d like to nuke Gaza. The really crazy ones.
The question should be, do you support Hamas?
You’d lose. Of course, you only have a couple bucks to your name.

Now opposing Israel’s genocide means you’re a Muslim. You know like.. like…like why would anyone oppose genocide? Thinks the mental defective.

You get dumber with every post.

Genocide is the label you attach…
Amazing how tolerant the Left is when Jews are intimidated, threatened, bullied, assaulted, and even beat into unconsciousness in one instance, yet when Jews - frustrated that the Left is allowing antisemitic mobs to continue their abuse - fight back, out comes Coyote to condemn Jews as being violent attackers.

An antidemitic group may have made a donation to this site, and that is why you see such extreme anti-Jew bias perpetrated by a moderator. There’s no other explanation.
Genocide is the label you attach…
Jesus so many dumb fucks and so little time. Ive posted the following many times, but it never takes. Proving you baby killers are frauds.

Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as:... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7]
Amazing how tolerant the Left is when Jews are intimidated, threatened, bullied, assaulted, and even beat into unconsciousness in one instance, yet when Jews - frustrated that the Left is allowing antisemitic mobs to continue their abuse - fight back, out comes Coyote to condemn Jews as being violent attackers.

An antidemitic group may have made a donation to this site, and that is why you see such extreme anti-Jew bias perpetrated by a moderator. There’s no other explanation.
That's an astute observation about this site Lisa, I for one wouldn't be surprised to find that out...But, I think the problem is far worse than that...It's coming out of our institutions of "Higher Education" first and foremost...A study released a year ago last April showed some disturbing trends...

Another article explores specifically college campuses, and antisemitism there....

"My father, who passed away last year, wore a Star of David necklace," said the 20-year-old. "I wear it now but find myself tucking it in in certain classes because I have to worry about what my professor might think of me or what classmates might say. It's a balancing act every day."

The FBI's most recent statistics show that hate crimes against many groups are rising. But Jews, who make up less than 2% of the U.S. population, are the most targeted minority group in America on a per-capita basis. In 2021, over half of all crimes motivated by religious hatred were anti-Jewish, 51% of the total 1,590 incidents, according to the FBI, which compiles the reports from local law enforcement.

The numbers likely undercount the problem, because many incidents go unreported, the ADL says.

While antisemitism is a growing problem, I believe it is coming from within our colleges and universities...The absolute leftist filth they employ as professors, and teachers spreading views of hate from a position of authority is disgusting...And what's worse is that these institutions charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to spread this indoctrination....We should really stand and say no more.
Jesus so many dumb fucks and so little time. Ive posted the following many times, but it never takes. Proving you baby killers are frauds.
No one gives two shits about your frustration that your message falls flat…
Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as:... any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
— Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[7]
Talk about “a dumb fuck”… You don’t even understand what Israel is doing in Gaza…Israel is going to wipe out Hamas, not the entirety of the Palestinian population, you lying fuck. And they should. Israel has the right to exist, but you only see the destruction of Hamas as “genocide”, and not the stated goal, and actions of groups like Hamas killing “all Jews” as such. Now, open your dumb fuck mouth some more and show us all the level of real stupidity you harbor….
That's an astute observation about this site Lisa, I for one wouldn't be surprised to find that out...But, I think the problem is far worse than that...It's coming out of our institutions of "Higher Education" first and foremost...A study released a year ago last April showed some disturbing trends...

Another article explores specifically college campuses, and antisemitism there....

"My father, who passed away last year, wore a Star of David necklace," said the 20-year-old. "I wear it now but find myself tucking it in in certain classes because I have to worry about what my professor might think of me or what classmates might say. It's a balancing act every day."

The FBI's most recent statistics show that hate crimes against many groups are rising. But Jews, who make up less than 2% of the U.S. population, are the most targeted minority group in America on a per-capita basis. In 2021, over half of all crimes motivated by religious hatred were anti-Jewish, 51% of the total 1,590 incidents, according to the FBI, which compiles the reports from local law enforcement.

The numbers likely undercount the problem, because many incidents go unreported, the ADL says.

While antisemitism is a growing problem, I believe it is coming from within our colleges and universities...The absolute leftist filth they employ as professors, and teachers spreading views of hate from a position of authority is disgusting...And what's worse is that these institutions charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to spread this indoctrination....We should really stand and say no more.
It’s because antisemitic Arab money - mostly from Qatar - have these universities bought and paid for. There was an article the other day - I tried to find it to post it here, but couldn’t - that revealed that NYU distributes anti-Israel pamphlets to their incoming freshman.

It’s also why we have all these Jew-hating professors and administrators. Do you know that CUNY, in the middle of a city that is 20% Jewish, has not ONE Jewish administrator on its senior staff of 80 employees? This was by design.

And to make matters worse, the Dems will keep trying to make college free, or failing that, forgive student loans. This way, American taxpayers - including Jewish ones - will be funding the antisemitic indoctrination camps, formerly known as colleges.
You’d lose. Of course, you only have a couple bucks to your name.

Now opposing Israel’s genocide means you’re a Muslim. You know like.. like…like why would anyone oppose genocide? Thinks the mental defective.

You get dumber with every post.

Yeah that was a stupid thing to say, must Muslims don’t support your genocide and terrorism
It’s because antisemitic Arab money - mostly from Qatar - have these universities bought and paid for. There was an article the other day - I tried to find it to post it here, but couldn’t - that revealed that NYU distributes anti-Israel pamphlets to their incoming freshman.

It’s also why we have all these Jew-hating professors and administrators. Do you know that CUNY, in the middle of a city that is 20% Jewish, has not ONE administrator on its senior staff of 80 employees? This was by design.

And to make matters worse, the Dems will keep trying to make college free, or failing that, forgive student loans. This way, American taxpayers - including Jewish ones - will be funding the antisemitic indoctrination camps, formerly known as colleges.
They no longer teach advanced degrees in important subjects like Math, Engineering, and the Sciences without mandatory indoctrination courses in social studies, which means, no gender studies? No degree. Shameful.
OP quotes from Jewish Voice for Peace, a group of self-loathing Jews who advocate for violence. There was even discussion at one point whether to list them as a terrorist organization.
I thought they were marxist Hamas useful idiots!!

Nope. I’m pretty consistent. Free speech rights end when some one assaults another or destroys property. The police are taking a heavy handed approach, but the majority of the arrests are for failure to disperse, not violence. Maybe you should venture out of your echo chamber once in a while.
They have no right to take over private property and obstruct other paying customers from use of that property, nor do they have the right to vandalize it, barricade it, leave trash all over the place, and spray paint vile graffiti everywhere. End of story.
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Really? Show us where the Jews have said this
Actions speak louder than words. There is no question about Hamas's ghoulish goals.


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