Big deal if Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
So Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree. Big deal. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a college degree. Bill Gates didn't get a college degree until long after he became a multi-billionaire. There were 3 great presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Harry S. Truman who didn't have college degrees.

This big deal the left is making about Scott Walker just goes to show how completely out of touch they are with the middle class and are nothing more than a bunch of arrogant elitist pompous assholes with their noses up in the air, but do a great job of lying about how they identify with the middle class.

These attacks on Walker will backfire, Scott Walker is middle class America. Far more Americans will identify with Walker than some arrogant stuck up asshole with a college degree.

The current dumbshit occupying the White House, and the previous dumbshit that occupied the White House have done great jobs of destroying our economy, run up the debt, dividing America, and destroying our Constitutional rights and freedoms. All these people with college degrees have a done a real good job of fucking over America. I'm all for someone like Walker who doesn't have a college degree.
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I don't hold a lack of a degree against the man, it's the lack of concern for anyone except the wealthy that leads me to believe he is a piece of shit.
So Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree. Big deal. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a college degree. Bill Gates didn't get a college degree until long after he became a multi-billionaire. There were 3 great presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Harry S. Truman who didn't have college degrees.

This big deal the left is making about Scott Walker just goes to show how completely out of touch they are with the middle class and are nothing more than a bunch of arrogant elitist pompous assholes with their noses up in the air, but do a great job of lying about how they identify with the middle class.

These attacks on Walker will backfire, Scott Walker is middle class America. Far more Americans will identify with Walker than some arrogant stuck up asshole with a college degree.

The current dumbshit occupying the White House, and the previous dumbshit that occupied the White House have done great jobs of destroying our economy, run up the debt, dividing America, and destroying our Constitutional rights and freedoms. All these people with college degrees have a done a real good job of fucking over America. I'm all for someone like Walker who doesn't have a college degree.

How many threads do we need from people saying that Walker doesn't need a college degree- when no one is arguing that he does?

I don't care.

I haven't seen a poster here who cares.

Absolutely not relevant.
So Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree. Big deal. Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a college degree. Bill Gates didn't get a college degree until long after he became a multi-billionaire. There were 3 great presidents: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Harry S. Truman who didn't have college degrees.

This big deal the left is making about Scott Walker just goes to show how completely out of touch they are with the middle class and are nothing more than a bunch of arrogant elitist pompous assholes with their noses up in the air, but do a great job of lying about how they identify with the middle class.

These attacks on Walker will backfire, Scott Walker is middle class America. Far more Americans will identify with Walker than some arrogant stuck up asshole with a college degree.

The current dumbshit occupying the White House, and the previous dumbshit that occupied the White House have done great jobs of destroying our economy, run up the debt, dividing America, and destroying our Constitutional rights and freedoms. All these people with college degrees have a done a real good job of fucking over America. I'm all for someone like Walker who doesn't have a college degree.

How many threads do we need from people saying that Walker doesn't need a college degree- when no one is arguing that he does?

I don't care.

I haven't seen a poster here who cares.

Absolutely not relevant.

Watch these far left drones suddenly change their tune if Walker gets the nomination..
Many very talented, competent people don't have college degrees. Hell when I was a military recruiter the only person I had in 5.5 years to max the ASVAB had a 7th grade education, while I had many college grads, including teachers who couldn't even pass it. The snobbish left are just concentrating on this because the have nothing else.
Do Shelia Jackson Lee and Maxine Waters have any degrees whatsoever? Talk about who the real dummies are! yah ,ok, Our founding fathers signed the declaration of "Much Emanstipation of Procasteration" in 1613. (well thats what Al Sharpton Calls It)
Many very talented, competent people don't have college degrees. Hell when I was a military recruiter the only person I had in 5.5 years to max the ASVAB had a 7th grade education, while I had many college grads, including teachers who couldn't even pass it. The snobbish left are just concentrating on this because the have nothing else.
I don't see anyone concentrating on this except you guys, I do not have a degree and yet I test very high on intelligence tests so I personally know that a degree is no indication of anything about a person except what they did for a few years after high school. However what he has done to demonize public sector unions and unions in general makes him a useful tool of the plutocracy and not to be trusted.
Many very talented, competent people don't have college degrees. Hell when I was a military recruiter the only person I had in 5.5 years to max the ASVAB had a 7th grade education, while I had many college grads, including teachers who couldn't even pass it. The snobbish left are just concentrating on this because the have nothing else.
I don't see anyone concentrating on this except you guys, I do not have a degree and yet I test very high on intelligence tests so I personally know that a degree is no indication of anything about a person except what they did for a few years after high school. However what he has done to demonize public sector unions and unions in general makes him a useful tool of the plutocracy and not to be trusted.

I see the far left will lie on many levels as they push their religious propaganda!
Many very talented, competent people don't have college degrees. Hell when I was a military recruiter the only person I had in 5.5 years to max the ASVAB had a 7th grade education, while I had many college grads, including teachers who couldn't even pass it. The snobbish left are just concentrating on this because the have nothing else.
I don't see anyone concentrating on this except you guys, I do not have a degree and yet I test very high on intelligence tests so I personally know that a degree is no indication of anything about a person except what they did for a few years after high school. However what he has done to demonize public sector unions and unions in general makes him a useful tool of the plutocracy and not to be trusted.

I think the majority of the people in his state would disagree, they elected him 3 times in 4 years, must be doing something right.
Obama doesn't have college degrees either. If he does, it's the top tier of secret information on the national landscape. Steve Jobs finished two semesters at a junior college. Bill Gates never went back for his sophomore year at Harvard. They had a world to restructure. Oh isn't the left running terrified of Walker already. The more filth they pile on, the more terrified they are.
Obama doesn't have college degrees either. If he does, it's the top tier of secret information on the national landscape..

Yeah- 'top tier of secret information'


Brian Connolly, Columbia Spokesman

A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political science. He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information on his grades is sealed. A program from the 1983 graduation ceremony lists him as a graduate.

Robert Hornsby, Columbia Spokesman

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law limits the release of information about a student, but he could confirm that "Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class."

As well protected as a Denny's menu

Nobody cares that Walker has no college degree. Except so far the right which seems to want to be outraged by the lack of outrage
And look at what has happened to all of those deep blue states, governed by college graduates? does anyone know if Cuomo, Moonbeam, and Pelosi have any degrees? they sure did a fine job keeping their states in the black.
Many very talented, competent people don't have college degrees. Hell when I was a military recruiter the only person I had in 5.5 years to max the ASVAB had a 7th grade education, while I had many college grads, including teachers who couldn't even pass it. The snobbish left are just concentrating on this because the have nothing else.
I don't see anyone concentrating on this except you guys, I do not have a degree and yet I test very high on intelligence tests so I personally know that a degree is no indication of anything about a person except what they did for a few years after high school. However what he has done to demonize public sector unions and unions in general makes him a useful tool of the plutocracy and not to be trusted.

I think the majority of the people in his state would disagree, they elected him 3 times in 4 years, must be doing something right.
Republicans love tools of the plutocracy. Never will figure out why you people hate the working class so damned much.
And look at what has happened to all of those deep blue states, governed by college graduates? does anyone know if Cuomo, Moonbeam, and Pelosi have any degrees? they sure did a fine job keeping their states in the black.

By 'moonbeam'- I presume you are speaking of Jerry Brown?

Well with Jerry Brown as governor, we are back in the black for the first time in years.

Jerry actually is a pretty good governor- he was good as mayor of Oakland too.
Obama doesn't have college degrees either. If he does, it's the top tier of secret information on the national landscape..

Yeah- 'top tier of secret information'


Brian Connolly, Columbia Spokesman

A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political science. He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information on his grades is sealed. A program from the 1983 graduation ceremony lists him as a graduate.

Robert Hornsby, Columbia Spokesman

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law limits the release of information about a student, but he could confirm that "Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class."

As well protected as a Denny's menu

Nobody cares that Walker has no college degree. Except so far the right which seems to want to be outraged by the lack of outrage

But his GPA is still a secret guarded more closely than our nuclear submarine firing codes?
I don't hold a lack of a degree against the man, it's the lack of concern for anyone except the wealthy that leads me to believe he is a piece of shit.

Really? It would be impossible for Walker to look out for and be a bigger puppet for the top 1% than Barack Obama. Obama has been the best friend of the top 1% by a great margin. Instead of looking at the pubic hairs of the first Democrat you get on your knees for, maybe you should try this thing known as objectivity. Read this, about how the wealthy love Obama.

OC Politics Blog President Obama is the best friend of the 1
Really? So republicans should love him too if he takes such good care of the plutocrats? I guess they really do only hate him cause he's an uppity negro.
Obama doesn't have college degrees either. If he does, it's the top tier of secret information on the national landscape..

Yeah- 'top tier of secret information'


Brian Connolly, Columbia Spokesman

A spokesman for the university, Brian Connolly, confirmed that Mr. Obama spent two years at Columbia College and graduated in 1983 with a major in political science. He did not receive honors, Mr. Connolly said, though specific information on his grades is sealed. A program from the 1983 graduation ceremony lists him as a graduate.

Robert Hornsby, Columbia Spokesman

School spokesman Robert Hornsby told WND that federal law limits the release of information about a student, but he could confirm that "Barack Obama applied for and was granted admission to Columbia College as a transfer student in 1981. He enrolled for the fall term of that year as a political science major. With the conclusion of the spring semester of 1983, Obama completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and graduated with his class."

As well protected as a Denny's menu

Nobody cares that Walker has no college degree. Except so far the right which seems to want to be outraged by the lack of outrage

But his GPA is still a secret guarded more closely than our nuclear submarine firing codes?

ah the usual Birther moving of goal posts.

First you told of the great secrecy regarding whether the President had graduated.

Now that I showed you want something else- maybe a cookie next time?

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