biggest difference between Catholic and Protestant... Real Presence

actually, this is not far off

Catholics DO believe you have to do good works to get to Heaven... Why wouldn't anyone believe that?

to believe otherwise is to say

OK, Jesus... there are starving people in the world and maybe I should feed some of them becaus I have a lot of $$ and can do so, but I don't have to so... um... yeh, maybe later or something

OK Jesus... I know someone who needs my help with (this/that) problem but... I just don't feel like it and probably won't in the future either and besides, I know I am saved anyway, so I am going to play golf right now and later have a few drinks.


Jesus does not teach that.

Read Mt 2531

Catholics are the ones who take the Bible seriously
Which flies in the face of Paul's letter to the Ephesians that Salvation is a gift. Not something to be earned.
society in general is anti-Christ.. they (people therein) try to get Catholics away from this "idea" that there is only one Way to Heaven...

we can't buy it..
There is one way to eternal life, but ours is not to judge who may, without knowing it, may be on it. To their own surprise, they might find themselves saying, "This is Jesus' Way to eternal life?

Take note of John 5:21 where Jesus says, " also does the Son give life to whomever he wishes."

While I do not seem to have the ability of drawing people into church, I have faith that if I sow seeds containing the words for the Way of Jesus, those seeds may sprout. Doesn't the Bible note that one who sows may not be the one who reaps what he has sown?
Which flies in the face of Paul's letter to the Ephesians that Salvation is a gift. Not something to be earned.
The Bible and the Commandments teach us that we are to Love God with everything in us, and to love one another as we love ourselves. In Heaven, God's will is done. Jesus taught us to discern the will of God and to follow it.

Try this perspective: If someone in your family loves to garden, you might consider to buy them a gift to use in the garden. Their gardening did not earn them the gift, the gift was the result of their love of gardening.

In the same way, our love of God and our tenderness towards one another--and our wish is to serve both God and mankind--that may prompt the Giver to give to the receivers something to have and to use as a result of what they already enjoy doing.

Why would God reward us with a life in His service and in service to others if that were something we would detest?
The Bible and the Commandments teach us that we are to Love God with everything in us, and to love one another as we love ourselves. In Heaven, God's will is done. Jesus taught us to discern the will of God and to follow it.

Try this perspective: If someone in your family loves to garden, you might consider to buy them a gift to use in the garden. Their gardening did not earn them the gift, the gift was the result of their love of gardening.

In the same way, our love of God and our tenderness towards one another--and our wish is to serve both God and mankind--that may prompt the Giver to give to the receivers something to have and to use as a result of what they already enjoy doing.

Why would God reward us with a life in His service and in service to others if that were something we would detest?
God did everything to secure salvation for us through Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection. Without that, we would still be condemned because of our sin. The service we do AFTER being born again ia to witness to God's love, His Grace, and His mercy. And to bring others to the Cross. No amounr of human effort can save the soul. Only the shed blood of Christ can.
Which flies in the face of Paul's letter to the Ephesians that Salvation is a gift. Not something to be earned.
nothing in my spirituality says otherwise... too bad you are always reading things into what Catholics say

then there is this

you can work for a gift... by ASKING for it...
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