biggest difference between Catholic and Protestant... Real Presence

Having statues in a church and obvious offerings before them is impossible to separate from worship. It places these images on the same level as the central message of Jesus.
Jesus' message is filled with imagery that took nothing from his message and on the contrary, made it more powerful.
Jesus' message is filled with imagery that took nothing from his message and on the contrary, made it more powerful.
In fact he only taught through parables. That should be more appreciated by people.
Imagery is not worshipped, and imagery is not images placed in a house of worship in equal juxtaposition to the founder of that faith. In the case of Christianity, such a thing corrupts the central message.
Let's study a little history and how many words have more than one definition. Ever hear of Father Abraham? In Jesus day, many cults were springing up and the leaders of these cults were called "Father" (the definition for this usage of 'father' being the person who originated or established something). Jesus pointed out that true origination comes from God. Jesus is the originator of Christianity, not any parish priest.

Now let's go to another definition even more commonly in use--the familial use. No one has ever argued that Jesus commanded children not to call their male parent 'Father'.

Jesus, John, Paul are just three who called those who followed them, 'children' signifying a familial relationship. You can locate these scripture passages in the New Testament. 'Father' in this case continues the familial relationship put into place by Christ and the Apostles. The Catholic Church follows both scripture and Apostolic tradition. (The Bishop of Rome was called Papa. Papa evolved into 'Pope'.)
Thank you for your spin. Obviously, there is nothing inherently wrong with these titles in everyday situations. We are certainly permitted to address our earth father as “father," our 3rd grade math teacher as “teacher,” and our president or prime minister as “leader” etc. On the other hand, Jesus was saying that we may not use these titles in a religious context, because someone greater already possess these titles, spiritually speaking. So, when you say Jesus, John, Paul called people their children, they did not possess the title, "Father." Jesus is the Son of the Father. John and Paul were apostles (prophets, seers and revelators). The Catholic Church may use the term "Father" when referring to them. But, that is exactly what Jesus didn't want when you read the entire chapter.
Let me ask you, do you view your Catholic Father at Church your "spiritual leader?" I believe you do. And, that is the real problem. The chapter also says not to use "Teacher" in the context of a spiritual teacher because the Holy Ghost is our spiritual teacher. However, we use "teacher" in context with sharing the gospel with others and doing is work helping others with their needs to learn. Just like a math teacher teaches how to do mathematics. But, like in mathematics, some people revere certain math teachers (including physics) as spiritual giants for them. Same thing can happen with those who are leaders in a Church as well. Who comes in first to a Mass and everyone follows? The Father Priest.
In fact he only taught through parables. That should be more appreciated by people.
Imagery is not worshipped, and imagery is not images placed in a house of worship in equal juxtaposition to the founder of that faith. In the case of Christianity, such a thing corrupts the central message.
statues corrupt the message?

maybe that means that the viewer is already corrupt... (I mean, you know... more than humans normally are...). I mean: If he or she can SEE something bad simply by looking at a neutral statue... something's wrong w/ that person, not the statue... (neutral as in: whatever is seen by looking @ the statue is seen in such and such a way by the eye of the beholder
I'm not wrong on any account. You bow before the idol and do your crossing.
I remember one mass for the staff and teachers I was at. The Father doing the mass read from Matthew 23:9, "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven." Yet, every Catholic in the room called the dude, "Father" John. I looked over at another teacher and I could see a puzzled look on him too. Don't call anyone FATHER and don't bow down before IDOLS! And, there are 2 things the Catholic Church mucked up. :boohoo:
Is It Sinful to Call Someone “Father” Besides God? Jesus is saying don't call hypocrites father. Why are you mocking the Catholics,?
Is It Sinful to Call Someone “Father” Besides God? Jesus is saying don't call hypocrites father. Why are you mocking the Catholics,?
Nope. He says to not call people their spiritual leader such as "Father" or "Teacher." Can we use the words father and teacher? Sure! Our parents, school teachers, bible teachers. But, they aren't our spiritual father or teacher. We aren't to replace Father in Heaven, His Son nor the Holy Ghost as Father or Teacher. Catholics Church Doctrine does just the same thing the Sadducees and Pharisees did.
Nope. He says to not call people their spiritual leader such as "Father" or "Teacher." Can we use the words father and teacher? Sure! Our parents, school teachers, bible teachers. But, they aren't our spiritual father or teacher. We aren't to replace Father in Heaven, His Son nor the Holy Ghost as Father or Teacher. Catholics Church Doctrine does just the same thing the Sadducees and Pharisees did.
He was talking about scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites.
n fact he only taught through parables. That should be more appreciated by people.
Imagery is not worshipped, and imagery is not images placed in a house of worship in equal juxtaposition to the founder of that faith. In the case of Christianity, such a thing corrupts the central message.
Just out of curiosity, do you believe posters in a classroom corrupts the central teaching?
Is It Sinful to Call Someone “Father” Besides God? Jesus is saying don't call hypocrites father. Why are you mocking the Catholics,?
what's really strange is that this criticizer of people calling someone Father

himself called the priest Father...

whoa.... doesn't get any weirder than that...

In any case, there's this: If we took this absolutely literally as some protesters want to do... we couldn't even call our biological father Father
Shrug. It was a waste of time. You have no interest in Jewish history and customs.
We live in the year 2022. I'm well aware of Jewish history and customs being that I'm a convert from Judaism. Are you?
Just out of curiosity, do you believe posters in a classroom corrupts the central teaching?
Wouldn't that depend on the subject and the posters? For instance, if the subject were love and respect in a relationship and the posters were S&M illustrations, corruption might take place, no?
Am I what? And what does what I am have to do with misinformation I am constantly noting in your own posts. You didn't even know the history behind how Catholic priests came to be called Father, and that it is part of Apostolic tradition. You are happy with your own conclusions. Shrug. That makes no difference to me.

What I also notice are the times you are happier tearing at another faith than teaching your own.
Wouldn't that depend on the subject and the posters? For instance, if the subject were love and respect in a relationship and the posters were S&M illustrations, corruption might take place, no?
You live where S & M are part of public school curriculum? Shrug. I guess if the community is okay with it, they would be okay with illustrations as well. Do you believe this corrupts teaching about S & M, if this is part of your school's curriculum?

Public schools in my area do focus on the reproductive system, and in some classes students draw their own sketches of this system, just as they sketch out the cardio-vascular, digestive, and respiratory systems. There are posters of these systems, just as there are posters on Greek, Chinese, and American history and cultures. I am especially fond of a mouse in an English classroom illustrating all the prepositions (up, under, behind, before, etc.)

My question remains. Do classroom posters corrupt the central teaching?
Am I what? And what does what I am have to do with misinformation I am constantly noting in your own posts. You didn't even know the history behind how Catholic priests came to be called Father, and that it is part of Apostolic tradition. You are happy with your own conclusions. Shrug. That makes no difference to me.

What I also notice are the times you are happier tearing at another faith than teaching your own.
yeh, a lot of protesters I've talked to in the past seemed to be like that... always attackng the Catholic faith but not focusing so much on their own...

tells u something..

And they insist they are right even when they have NO argument to submit against a given Catholic tenet of the faith

well, what do we expect of people who are not in the Church Christ founded?

well, what do we expect of people who are not in the Church Christ founded?
I am going to use Oneness Pentecostal as an example, as I know a former Catholic who became Oneness Pentecostal. His reasons: Oneness theology, though not perfect, made more sense to him than Trinity theology. Catholic rites are mostly calm, whereas Pentecostal rites are more exciting. They encourage speaking in Tongues and the spiritual boost this gives them.

This is why I am always noting that God meets us where we are and draws us ever closer from there. I came across The Book of Mormon before I was even aware of the LDS Church. While looking through it, I did feel a spiritual connection of the Spirit saying, "This is not for you." I always emphasize that the Spirit said, "Not for you," and did NOT say, "Not for anyone."

I have great faith in the power of the Holy Spirit and a great fan of staying out of his way. I have encouraged both goddaughter to return to her Jewish faith, and my daughter to study the Jewish faith. I believe everyone should seek and find God. I found Him in the Catholic faith, but keep in mind people like Abraham, Noah, and Jacob found Him in the Jewish faith. My Oneness Pentecostal friend drew more closely to God in that faith. None of the above ever once felt they had to tell me how wrong I was in my own faith.
I am going to use Oneness Pentecostal as an example, as I know a former Catholic who became Oneness Pentecostal. His reasons: Oneness theology, though not perfect, made more sense to him than Trinity theology. Catholic rites are mostly calm, whereas Pentecostal rites are more exciting. They encourage speaking in Tongues and the spiritual boost this gives them.

This is why I am always noting that God meets us where we are and draws us ever closer from there. I came across The Book of Mormon before I was even aware of the LDS Church. While looking through it, I did feel a spiritual connection of the Spirit saying, "This is not for you." I always emphasize that the Spirit said, "Not for you," and did NOT say, "Not for anyone."

I have great faith in the power of the Holy Spirit and a great fan of staying out of his way. I have encouraged both goddaughter to return to her Jewish faith, and my daughter to study the Jewish faith. I believe everyone should seek and find God. I found Him in the Catholic faith, but keep in mind people like Abraham, Noah, and Jacob found Him in the Jewish faith. My Oneness Pentecostal friend drew more closely to God in that faith. None of the above ever once felt they had to tell me how wrong I was in my own faith.
i dont agree

ONE faith
ONE faith
That is the ideal. Ahead of that I promote seek and find God. If someone finds God in an alternate place, I am all for it. However, I will not be the one to lead them there. The faith I know is Catholic. It was through the Catholic faith that I met up with God.
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