Biggest tax cut EVER????..........Not really..


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Of course we all know (even Trump cultists) that our "beloved" president has a penchant for stretching the truth or outward lying.....So, when he stated:

....that the GOP tax plan he signed is "the biggest tax cut in U.S. history." he is wrong.

Even the most expansive estimate for this tax cut is exceeded by the 1981 tax cut in inflation-adjusted dollars.

........And as a percentage of GDP, a half-dozen or more previous tax cuts were larger

Ultimately, it doesn't make that much of a difference....This tax bill IS a tax scam on the middle class.

Donald Trump wrong that his tax plan is biggest cut ever
Yes, it is the biggest, boldest... ever. 1.5 trillion dollars. The middle class will be swimming in cash.

Merry Christmas.
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Yes, it is the biggest, boldest... ever. 1.5 trillion dollars. The middle class will be swimming in cash.

Happy swimming, Norm..try not to drown in all that borrowed cash.............LOL
Thank you Pres. Trump!! ...

If it's not the biggest tax cut, then wtf are you proggies bitchin' about anyhoo?
Of course we all know (even Trump cultists) that our "beloved" president has a penchant for stretching the truth or outward lying.....So, when he stated:

....that the GOP tax plan he signed is "the biggest tax cut in U.S. history." he is wrong.

Even the most expansive estimate for this tax cut is exceeded by the 1981 tax cut in inflation-adjusted dollars.

........And as a percentage of GDP, a half-dozen or more previous tax cuts were larger

Ultimately, it doesn't make that much of a difference....This tax bill IS a tax scam on the middle class.

Donald Trump wrong that his tax plan is biggest cut ever

In addition, it increases the debt and renders millions of Americans without access to affordable healthcare.

Tax scam, indeed.
Of course we all know (even Trump cultists) that our "beloved" president has a penchant for stretching the truth or outward lying.....So, when he stated:

....that the GOP tax plan he signed is "the biggest tax cut in U.S. history." he is wrong.

Even the most expansive estimate for this tax cut is exceeded by the 1981 tax cut in inflation-adjusted dollars.

........And as a percentage of GDP, a half-dozen or more previous tax cuts were larger

Ultimately, it doesn't make that much of a difference....This tax bill IS a tax scam on the middle class.

Donald Trump wrong that his tax plan is biggest cut ever

In addition, it increases the debt and renders millions of Americans without access to affordable healthcare.

Tax scam, indeed.

Scuze moi, but being FORCED TO PAY A FINE/TAX for not having health insurance is not exactly access to affordable healthcare, bub.

Getting rid of the FINE/TAX means people have more money to actually pay for healthcare and other things.
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The fiscal shift in the Reagan years was staggering. In January 1981, when Reagan declared the federal budget to be "out of control," the deficit had reached almost $74 billion, the federal debt $930 billion. Within two years, the deficit was $208 billion. The debt by 1988 totaled $2.6 trillion. In those eight years, the United States moved from being the world's largest international creditor to the largest debtor nation.

To some economists, the impact was clear. Interest rates rose in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the economy slowed, then slipped into recession, and productivity barely advanced. Americans feared their nation had slipped into the shadows of Japan and Germany.

Reagan's "economic policy . . . was a disaster," University of California at Berkeley economic historian J. Bradford DeLong wrote this past weekend on his Web site. "The tax cuts made America a more unequal place, and the deficits slowed economic growth in the 1980s significantly."

Reagan Policies Gave Green Light to Red Ink (
Getting rid of the FINE/TAX means people have more money to actually pay for healthcare and other things.

True......and when they get sick or in an accident?????...........
Just tell them fuck you"?
Obama didn't drown, why would anyone now?

Did Trump inherit the possibility of an all out DEPRESSION like Obama inherited from GWB???

Do any of you idiots remember that during the last months of GWB's administration there were 800,000 NEW unemployment claims per month??

Why is it so fucking hard for you right wingers to simply admit reality?

Obama made lots of mistakes.........But Trump had NO need for this tax scam except that GOP donors DEMANDED the scam otherwise they would cut off the gravy train for the upcoming midterms.
This turd has been fact checked by just about everyone and the consensus is that the claim is a 100% pants on fire lie.

But he figures that if he keeps repeating it - "the base" (most of whom he's royally screwing) will fall right in line.
This turd has been fact checked by just about everyone and the consensus is that the claim is a 100% pants on fire lie.

But he figures that if he keeps repeating it - "the base" (most of whom he's royally screwing) will fall right in line.

For ANY decent president, these repeated lies would be seriously damaging......But with this fucking clown in office, his base just swallows the bullshit and smirks.....
Getting rid of the FINE/TAX means people have more money to actually pay for healthcare and other things.

True......and when they get sick or in an accident?????...........
Just tell them fuck you"?

I'm not so stupid that I need the Government to force me to get health care.
I'm not so stupid that I need the Government to force me to get health care.

So, your conclusion is that ALL other citizens are as "smart" or as "dumb" as you are????

Secondly, he social contract that we are ALL in calls for shared responsibility and unless you are willing to have someone who has refused to buy HC insurance DIE outside of a hospital ER, you should agree that EVERYBODY should have insurance.
I'm not so stupid that I need the Government to force me to get health care.

So, your conclusion is that ALL other citizens are as "smart" or as "dumb" as you are????

Secondly, he social contract that we are ALL in calls for shared responsibility and unless you are willing to have someone who has refused to buy HC insurance DIE outside of a hospital ER, you should agree that EVERYBODY should have insurance.
Every other country believes its their obligation for citizens to have health care We stand alone
I'm not so stupid that I need the Government to force me to get health care.

So, your conclusion is that ALL other citizens are as "smart" or as "dumb" as you are????

Secondly, he social contract that we are ALL in calls for shared responsibility and unless you are willing to have someone who has refused to buy HC insurance DIE outside of a hospital ER, you should agree that EVERYBODY should have insurance.

My conclusion is that each of us has a natural right to make our own decisions regarding our own wellbeing or lack thereof.

IOW, it's none of your bloody business, bub.
I'm not so stupid that I need the Government to force me to get health care.

So, your conclusion is that ALL other citizens are as "smart" or as "dumb" as you are????

Secondly, he social contract that we are ALL in calls for shared responsibility and unless you are willing to have someone who has refused to buy HC insurance DIE outside of a hospital ER, you should agree that EVERYBODY should have insurance.
Every other country believes its their obligation for citizens to have health care We stand alone

And yet, most of the world is clamoring at our borders to get into the U.S.

Go figure.

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