Bigot Trump’s Transgender Ban Likely Un-Constitutional

A liberal uses the word "Constitutional" in anything other than a dirty joke?

No, really????

As with “science”, when a LIbEral uses the word “Constitutional”, the word is rarely used to mean what sane people understand it to mean.
I voted for Republicans, Trump is beginning to make slick Willie look like a bloody saint. Trump hedges and hems and haws, and he makes outrageous over the top promises, and fails evey damned time. He can't blame liberals or Democrats, especially with his almost Ahab like obsession of repealing the Affordable health care act. Especially when he has NOTHING to replace it. Trump disappoints me. Sorry kids, thought he was better than this.
The mentally ill have always been barred from military service. The homos should be glad they're all not being dishonorably discharged for being mentally ill as is.

The constitution makes no mention of special rights for cross dressing fag boys as per the military.

It's funny how those on the left wrong find all sorts of “rights” in the Constitution that are nowhere mentioned, implied, or even hinted at therein; yet they will disparage and deny rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected in the Constitution. LIbEralism truly is a mental and a moral disease.
This is why America is getting fed up with the left.
They do nothing to improve life for anyone.
All they're good for is causing hate, division, and chaos.

More than that, they openly promote evil over good, perversion over decency, and madness over reason.
If you're man and you really want to be a woman, then don't tell anyone. You'll get to serve if you want. So it's not unconstitutional. But the moment you start showing confusion and wearing a dress it's time to leave the military.
Again I say let the Joint Chiefs determine what the policy should be. Get the politicians out of it. Republicans are acting just like Obama. They want to impose their values on the military.
No matter what you call yourself or what surgery you have you can't change those chromosomes. The Military is not a Democracy and its laws are determined by the UCMJ and the President. He Commander-in-Chief which means he controls the military. The same way Obama did when he ignorantly got rid of don't ask, don't tell.

What a person does on their on time is their own business but when in uniform you obey the orders of the President of the United States.
Again I say let the Joint Chiefs determine what the policy should be. Get the politicians out of it. Republicans are acting just like Obama. They want to impose their values on the military.
The Joint Chief will do whatever the President wants them to do because he is their Commander.
The mentally ill have always been barred from military service. The homos should be glad they're all not being dishonorably discharged for being mentally ill as is.

The constitution makes no mention of special rights for cross dressing fag boys as per the military.

It's funny how those on the left wrong find all sorts of “rights” in the Constitution that are nowhere mentioned, implied, or even hinted at therein; yet they will disparage and deny rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected in the Constitution. LIbEralism truly is a mental and a moral disease.
Those white conservative GOP voting service members are going to miss the transgender service members when Trump starts a war with N. Korea.
‘It’s settled law that government actions discriminating on the basis of gender are subject to what constitutional doctrine calls “heightened scrutiny” and in particular that they can survive only if they are “substantially related to important government interests.” In other words, it’s not enough for the government to proffer some explanation that might conceivably explain the rationality of such a law. Instead, the government has to meet a more demanding standard.
It’s well-established that government action rooted merely in animus is unconstitutional. And that’s what we have here, as made clear by the sheer breadth of the ban.’

Why Trump’s Ban on Transgender Servicepeople Is Flatly Unconstitutional

There is no objective, documented evidence in support of banning transgender persons from serving in the military; such a ban is clearly motivated by ignorance, fear, and unwarranted hatred of those transgender – ignorance, fear, and hate common to far too many on the right.

Consequently, such a ban is devoid of a rational basis, it is devoid of factual support, and it seeks only to disadvantage those transgender for no other reason than being transgender, where Trump’s ban would not pass Constitutional muster.

OH BS, gawd you degenerate liberals are notorious for making up such huge lies.
Now wonder they say you all have a mental illness. Liberals are missing the gene for common sense and logic.

The mentally ill have always been barred from military service. The homos should be glad they're all not being dishonorably discharged for being mentally ill as is.

The constitution makes no mention of special rights for cross dressing fag boys as per the military.

It's funny how those on the left wrong find all sorts of “rights” in the Constitution that are nowhere mentioned, implied, or even hinted at therein; yet they will disparage and deny rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected in the Constitution. LIbEralism truly is a mental and a moral disease.
Those white conservative GOP voting service members are going to miss the transgender service members when Trump starts a war with N. Korea.
Trans are prohibited from combat.

North Korea should bomb the shit out of San Francisco and Trump should say "not my war man".

Trans are not a protected class either.
The fkn degenerates of society USE the Constitution as a WEAPON that Serves them and only them. But for everybody else they are ANTI American F N A . H. and that doesn't mean just Trannies it's anybody who is a g.d leftist idiots which seem to all be Democratic morons who hate Trump and Hate America.
The fkn degenerates of society USE the Constitution as a WEAPON that Serves them and only them. But for everybody else they are ANTI American F N A . H. and that doesn't mean just Trannies it's anybody who is a g.d leftist idiots which seem to all be Democratic morons who hate Trump and Hate America.

WTH should anybody have to pay for this BS via tax dollars............

When anybody else who wants to have an ELECTIVE surgery done and often can't be it boobs, teeth implants their coverage isn't going to cover this bs.

GTH pay for this bs yourselves and not use the military / taxes to do it.

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