Bilderberg Group Plots the World's Future

I love the results when I post a tongue-in-cheek thread. It could be this or the Tri-Lateral Commission, or the Masons, or any one of dozens of ultra-secret groups - most of which are extremely left-leaning. :)
I love the results when I post a tongue-in-cheek thread. It could be this or the Tri-Lateral Commission, or the Masons, or any one of dozens of ultra-secret groups - most of which are extremely left-leaning. :)

Whoa there, mule!!



Dude, this kind of batshit crazy knows neither right nor left. It only knows a trajectory to:

the moon.
They, want to come and confiscate all your weapons first. Then take all your cash, and force you to live with homosexuals, and trannies.
And then teach your kids to accept it all as normal.
I love the results when I post a tongue-in-cheek thread. It could be this or the Tri-Lateral Commission, or the Masons, or any one of dozens of ultra-secret groups - most of which are extremely left-leaning. :)

It depends on who's in office. Usually the conspiracy theory says that when they're that powerful party affiliation is just a label to dupe the peasantry.:lol:

Buy gold:D
In secret! Gasp! :eek:

120 to 150 of the Hoi Poloi gather in Copenhagen behind closed doors with heavy security to set their agenda for undermining the masses and raping the poor. They seek the rape our natural resources and take every one of our dollars or Euros possible.

And, reporters are not allowed. We all know what that means, don't we? :mad:

Well, Al Jazeera America is the first one I've encountered to report this so read more @ ...Secretive Bilderberg group holds annual conference for global elite | Al Jazeera America[/url]

It's part of the public ritual for those on the outside, to take part in, and spread, the psychospheric atmosphere going on in the inside.

It's all about? World Government, and it has four easy to see cycles because three of them have already played out - as designed.

1919. WW1 resolved into the League of Nations and about 200 billion in globalist profits and capital system expansion into all of Europe.

1945. WW2 resolved into the United Nations and about 5 trillion in globalist profits and more capital expansion.

1990. Cold WW3 resolved into the UN "New Worlde Order" mode and about 100 trillion or more in capital, technological, space and military expansion in both the USSR and the US/Euro systems.

Do we notice a pattern here?

True it isn't "conspiracy" it is in broad daylight, but it is an ominous pattern when we know this is all engineered.

Well now no one noticed Global NATO 1999, deployed officially 1990 for the first time, also expanded after the Gulf War and Bosnia, into now a 200 trillion dollar mass military expansion in all of NATO, and it's supporting finance/support systems, with the "Global War on Terror".

So we can put 2 and 2 together here literally UN 1-2-3-4, and see in unique manner WW4 has already begun in 2001.

With the 100 trillion of the last "13" years globalized NATO expansion, we can rest assured the 911 pretext for this global military expansion now well beyond Global NATO, is for Global War "on Terror" (or whatever, maybe "on Russia" and China) Phase 2.

Now they are ready for WW4.

And like WW1, WW2, and Cold WW3, WW4 will also resolve into?

World Government.

That will take 7 to 14 years from final phase commencement, and we will know when the catalyst has activated soon. All one needs is intuition to see what is going on here like 1-2-3-4.

And once the UN based world government completes and it's obligatory world "peace and security" statement period, an enormous, mostly untapped, former military weapons system will now be in sole world government control, available for the final function: systematic depopulation.

This is how Daniel 8:25 has a "bring many to ruin" AND a "freedom from care" (peace and security) going on at the same time.

They certainly are not going to stop 3/4 way to world government.

The USDollar and Euro are designed to implode into a globalized monetary and finance "solution", and that will drag everyone else down, then up, into world government following the US and EU controlled national sovereign implosions hat MUST occur in the process. That will be the globalized finance side of the world takeover by force (WW4) or finance.
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still no gomer pyle ollie on your thread i see.Yep its clear you two have an arrangement with each other for him to not come on threads you make about government corruption since he defends the official versions of the government no matter how absurd and redidules it is.9/ marathan,jfk,bilderbergers, you make this arrangement with each other for him not to come on your threads.clever.

yeah thats what you always do when you cant refute facts,alays come back with one linersin defeat,or in this case,just one word.:cuckoo:

No that's what I do when crackpot theories with no actual proof or facts appear. All of which inevitably get moved to the conspiracy. Oh look at that. This one has been moved. What a surprise!

hey hypocrite,no anything that goes against the government version of events,you close your eyes and cover your ears cause the truth scares worship what the LAMESTREAM media and our government institutions tell you refusing to believe they are nothing but a TOOL for the government showing what a true jackass you are,frunning off refusing to watch any kind of videos that shread to pieces the lies of the government.just because you refuse to look at the evidence,doesnt mean there is no proof dumbfuck.:lol:

the media and governments version of events like 9/11 and jfk,are the biggest crackpot conspiracy theories ever with no proof to back up their claims and you swallow thier lies hook,line and sinker like the dumbshit you are because you are afraid to acknowledge america is not the free country our corrupt schools have brainwashed americans like you into belieing their whole lives,afraid to acknowledge we live in a banana republic so you only see what you WANT to see as we both know.:cuckoo:

I was over not too long ago for a couple weeks,I felt far more free over there in that country than I ever have felt in this country my whole life.I didnt have policeman stopping me at every corner I drove around writing me up for a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt or have businesses threatening to kick me out if i didnt not put my cigerette out while smoking indoors. surverys of americans in recent years show that at least half of americans are much more afraid of their government than they are of terrorists.the IRS is an illegal organization according to the constitution you stupid fuck. no the evidence is there,you just too much of a chickenshot coward to look at it only seeing what you WANT to see.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

you wouldnt last one minute in a debating hall and would be laughed out of there in that timeframe.
Government version of events lol. Bless your heart. I hate to break then news. But if it walks on two legs it is full of shit
Bilderberg Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A lot of people believe that the Bilderberg Group exists.

The 2009 meeting participants in Greece included Greek prime minister Kostas Karamanlis, Finnish prime minister Matti Vanhanen,[18] Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, World Bank president Robert Zoellick, President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Queen Sofia of Spain, and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.[19]

I see some Jews in that list so I guess the Bilderberg group must be an invention of conspiracy nuts and anti-Semites.

Here's a web site that apparently claims to speak on their behalf.

Bilderberg Meetings | The official website
About Bilderberg

Founded in 1954, Bilderberg is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.
Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields.
The conference is a forum for informal discussions about megatrends and major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed.
Thanks to the private nature of the conference, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights.
There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.

The 62nd Bilderberg meeting will take place at the end of May 2014 in Denmark.

These conspiracy nuts will go to all sorts of lengths trying to convince people that such things exist when in fact they don't.
These conspiracy nuts must have an awful lot of clout.
I wonder where they all get together to meet and decide what next preposterous tales to try to foist on the world?
You'd think that there being so many of them, that some of them would have outed the rest by now.

So far the mainstream media hasn't revealed where the secret plans or hide outs of the conspiracy nuts.
Nevertheless, for such tales as these and for example doubts about 9/11, there must be a concerted effort by an awful lot of people in order to succeed in circulating these rumors so well without the help of the mainstream media.

We know that the mainstream media always tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and that the people who run the media and hold government offices are as honest as any people can be and never place anything above the welfare of the public they serve, therefore THEY cannot be conspiracy nuts.

So the only possible places where conspiracy nuts can come from is somewhere in the public at large.

Public servants such as Hollywood media moguls, bankers, Wall Street executives, and politicians NEVER conspire.
And heaven knows that conspiracy would not even be in the Jewish vocabulary if it weren't for evil white gentile men.
Oh look!
Someone believes that the Council on Foreign Relations really exists too!

Council on Foreign Relations

The next thing you know, they'll be trying to convince everyone that no one ever landed on the moon and that the earth is only six thousand years old.

Members of the Council on Foreign Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are two types of Council on Foreign Relations membership: life, and term membership, which lasts for five years and is available to those between the ages of 30 and 36 at the time of their application. Only U.S. citizens (native born or naturalized) and permanent residents who have applied for U.S. citizenship are eligible. A candidate for life membership must be nominated in writing by one Council member and seconded by a minimum of three others (strongly encouraged to be other CFR members).[1]

Corporate membership (250 in total) is divided into "Basic", "Premium" ($25,000+) and "President's Circle" ($50,000+). All corporate executive members have opportunities to hear distinguished speakers, such as overseas presidents and prime ministers, chairmen and CEOs of multinational corporations, and US officials and Congressmen. President and premium members are also entitled to other benefits, including attendance at small, private dinners or receptions with senior American officials and world leaders.[2]

It sounds like a bunch of gun toting, bible thumpin', misogynistic, privileged, angry ol' white men to me.
What I can't understand is why they would promote Bill Clinton and Yomamma Obama for President.
Boob Bush yes, but the others? No way!

Surely this has to be a conspiracy theory because only a conspiracy theorist could make something as ridiculous as that up!
Here's some more crazy stuff from the conspiracy crowd that doesn't really exist.

IMF -- International Monetary Fund Home Page

Oh wait. It DOES really exist.

What I meant to say was that things that REALLY exist only do so with the best of all possible intentions.

Like this one:

FRB: Press Release--Federal Reserve Board Announces Appointment of Eric S. Belsky as Director of the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs--June 6, 2014

Take a look at some of the people who run it, like this one:


Release Date: June 6, 2014
For release at 10:00 a.m. EDT

The Federal Reserve Board on Friday announced the appointment of Eric S. Belsky as Director of the Division of Consumer and Community Affairs.

Now tell me. Have you ever seen a more honest, non-conspiratorial face in your life?

Why, that's the very incarnation of benevolence and altruism.
Dr. Belsky will succeed Sandra F. Braunstein, who retired earlier this year after nearly 27 years of service at the Board, including 10 years as director of the division.

Currently, Dr. Belsky serves as Managing Director of the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University and is Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He previously held a number of positions in the private sector and academia, including as Director of Housing Finance Research at Fannie Mae and as Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Dr. Belsky has extensive experience conducting research on housing markets, housing finance, and housing policy, including as Research Director of the Millennial Housing Commission. He holds a Ph.D., M.A., and B.A. from Clark University.

What a coincidence!

Anyone remember anything about an ancient news item involving sub-prime housing markets, toxic derivatives, massive government bail outs for "too big to fail" and naughty Fannie and Freddy?
I don't want to sound anti-semitic or conspiratorial or anything, but doesn't that dude in the picture above look awfully Jewy to you?
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... Dr. Jack an' Rexella been tellin' us...

... dey's the ones been workin' towards...

... dat New World Order."
still no gomer pyle ollie on your thread i see.Yep its clear you two have an arrangement with each other for him to not come on threads you make about government corruption since he defends the official versions of the government no matter how absurd and redidules it is.9/ marathan,jfk,bilderbergers, you make this arrangement with each other for him not to come on your threads.clever.

That's right, he's one of us.

No he looks Polish.

You would be wrong to think so. He is a Jew.

Not only is this new appointment as a top dog on the board of Federal Reserve crooks a Jew,
he was one of the Jews who set up the housing bubble mortgage thingy in which the Fed and their bankster accomplices ripped off billions from US tax dollars.

The Federal Reserve on Friday named Eric S. Belsky, a Harvard University housing specialist, to lead the central bank’s Division of Consumer and Community Affairs.

The division conducts consumer-focused research and carries out financial protection and community development programs. Belsky, managing director of Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, will succeed Sandra F. Braunstein, who recently retired after nearly 27 years at the Fed, including 10 years as director of consumer and community affairs.

Belsky, also a lecturer in urban planning and design, has led the Joint Center for Housing Studies since 2010. He previously worked as director of housing finance research at Fannie Mae, the government-owned mortgage company, and assistant professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst. He received his PhD from Clark University in Worcester.

Don't tell me that you don't see any connection between the sub-prime mortgage toxic assets, Fanny Mae, and the Federal Reserve.

The excuse that the Fed gives for it's existence is to protect the countries economy.

What they actually do is steal from the public at large.

This is how the so called minority of Jews are able to control the country.

The folks who control the money control everything else.

The reason that the Jews are all approve of the Fed is because they know that this is one of the chief engines which drives the Zionist Socio-Political machine.

It's the same reason why you people continually lie and try to make a joke of the whole affair. You are not interested in establishing "equality" as you say you are. What you want is to maintain Jewish hegemony and even increase it to the point that they would reside at the pinnacle of a Global Government. That's what "Mashiac" is all about in secular terms.

Tragically enough, there are so many white Anglo Saxons who know so little about the Jews that they would actually believe you when you say something stupid like "he looks Polish". This ignorance is what makes the kind of Ponzi schemes which put the Jews at the helm possible.

Fed Names Eric Belsky Director of Consumer and Community Affairs -

Mr. Belsky, who is now managing director of the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, is expected to start his new job in August, the Fed said in a news release. He previously worked at Price Waterhouse LLP, Fannie Mae and the National Association of Home Builders.

The fact that Jews preside over the institutions which created the housing bubble crisis and the Fannie Mae debacle PROVES that Jews are conspiring to destroy US sovereignty.

They also have led the charge to destroy control over US boarders as well as the push for "multiculuralism" and every other "ism" which now threatens the US.

These kinds of activities are reason why the Jews have been reviled so much down through history and expelled from so many countries.

"Anti-semitism" has nothing to do with it. That is merely an argument contrived by Jews to defend their illicit and unethical practices by shifting attention away from those CRIMES and pinning the blame on "racism" of white non-Jews.

Eventually even the dumbest most complacent white non-Jews are brought to see how they have been fleeced, deceived, and undermined by this "Tribe" of white collar criminals.

And like Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, eventually the thing has to come to an end. That's when the "anti-semitism" really begins.

For a people who like to brag about how smart they are, they are either mighty stupid or recklessly dishonest to not admit this cycle, at least to themselves if no one else.
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