Bill Barr played a role in election disinformation too, IG report reveals.


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Oct 28, 2017
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Barr Pushed DOJ To Publicize Bogus Voter Fraud Claim Before 2020 Election, IG Finds

Senior Trump DOJ officials issued multiple statements weeks before the 2020 election suggesting anti-Trump election fraud in a critical swing state, knowing all the while that no crime had likely been committed and that the main suspect faced a severe mental disability, a DOJ Inspector General report found.

You may recall the widely covered story of nine ballots cast by overseas military voters found in the garbage in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. On its face, the initial reporting seemed to affirm the most intense, right-wing fever dreams of widespread voter fraud.

Then-Attorney General Bill Barr directed DOJ officials to take the virtually unheard of step of releasing details about the investigation – including that several of the ballots contained votes for Trump – even though the case “would likely not be criminally charged,” the report found.

The episode came at the same time that Trump himself was fanning the flames with claims of supposed voter fraud in the 2020 election. In late September 2020, at the time of the Luzerne County reports and the DOJ response, Trump repeatedly refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, citing bogus claims of voter fraud.

For someone who called trump's claims of voter fraud "bullshit" this is a bit surprising. Making his legacy as AG even murkier. As Billy the Bagman he intentionally mislead the public about Mueller's report and again protected his Dear Leader in the prosecution of Michael Cohen. As former AG Barr he disassociated himself with election fraud claims in his 1/6 committee testimony. On the whole, his tenure was dominated by sycophancy to Individual 1, in so doing disgracing himself and the office he held.

Barr Pushed DOJ To Publicize Bogus Voter Fraud Claim Before 2020 Election, IG Finds

Senior Trump DOJ officials issued multiple statements weeks before the 2020 election suggesting anti-Trump election fraud in a critical swing state, knowing all the while that no crime had likely been committed and that the main suspect faced a severe mental disability, a DOJ Inspector General report found.

You may recall the widely covered story of nine ballots cast by overseas military voters found in the garbage in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. On its face, the initial reporting seemed to affirm the most intense, right-wing fever dreams of widespread voter fraud.

Then-Attorney General Bill Barr directed DOJ officials to take the virtually unheard of step of releasing details about the investigation – including that several of the ballots contained votes for Trump – even though the case “would likely not be criminally charged,” the report found.

The episode came at the same time that Trump himself was fanning the flames with claims of supposed voter fraud in the 2020 election. In late September 2020, at the time of the Luzerne County reports and the DOJ response, Trump repeatedly refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, citing bogus claims of voter fraud.

For someone who called trump's claims of voter fraud "bullshit" this is a bit surprising. Making his legacy as AG even murkier. As Billy the Bagman he intentionally mislead the public about Mueller's report and again protected his Dear Leader in the prosecution of Michael Cohen. As former AG Barr he disassociated himself with election fraud claims in his 1/6 committee testimony. On the whole, his tenure was dominated by sycophancy to Individual 1, in so doing disgracing himself and the office he held.
Yeah, Barr has really tried to play both ends of this, and he's looked like a boob.

When it comes to MAGA World™, you're either in or you're evil. There's no half way.
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Barr, like many other former Trump toadies, will only admit the actions they were involved in (or looked away from), when they are safely removed from office and have had time to distance themselves.

Trump has been a criminal his entire life, do people think he will change when given ultimate power?
Then arrest Barr. He was probably only worried about keeping his job as AG, a job he obviously can't handle. And even though Barr sucked, the whole DOJ got much worse since he got the boot. That's the main area of government in need of a TOTAL overhaul. MAGA
What corruption? Its just another lying OP from berg.
Corruption is breaking the DoJ rules to comply with Trump's narrative of election fraud.

That's weaponization of the DoJ.

No lies, just corruption.
What corruption? Its just another lying OP from berg.

Thank you. Deep state pillsbury dough Bill blocked any look into thousands of sworn affidavits and other fraud. All as he sometimes lied to claim he had people working on it. Many Billy Bob whistleblowers came out with the Truth AFTER but of course censored by the MSM but for a few sites. Everything truthful was censored. 81 million legal votes my butt. Evidence is overwhelming. Trump won 75-60 on legit votes.
So why should right-leaners believe anything the leftists put out....They sure as hell don't believe any of the election warts the right-leaning posts of.

Enjoy your stalemate.
berg's morning TDS thread. Who cares about 2020? Hint: no one
Really. trump's whole campaign is predicated on faux grievance about the 2020 election. His indictments are related to the 2020 election. 2020 laid the groundwork for the first ever insurrection lead by a then current prez. Lots of people care about it. I can see why you'd rather forget it.
What corruption? Its just another lying OP from berg.

The report notes a key point: The DOJ’s public statements, and Barr’s private remarks to Trump, only mentioned the presidential race. But the discarded ballots included votes for all of the other races taking place in that region of Pennsylvania at the federal, state, and local levels, including auditor general and state treasurer. Barr, the report said, did not address questions from the inspector general about why he wanted Freed to include that the discarded ballots were cast for Trump. Freed, when asked about downballot races, told the IG “my concern was—the discussion around voter fraud had centered so much around the Presidential election.”

For more than a day, the report found, Freed and other senior officials had been aware of a key fact: The suspect accused of discarding the ballots had a mental disability, and, per one DOJ official interviewed by the IG, was working at the ballot processing station as part of a program for the disabled. FBI agents had interviewed the subject two days before the DOJ began to issue public statements; per the IG report, the agents found the subject “‘100% disabled’ due to a ‘vehicle accident'” and that the person was “not capable of following simple instructions.”
Really. trump's whole campaign is predicated on faux grievance about the 2020 election. His indictments are related to the 2020 election. 2020 laid the groundwork for the first ever insurrection lead by a then current prez. Lots of people care about it. I can see why you'd rather forget it.
It's true. There is no way Joe won that. Then that means the founding fathers were right about who should vote. And that is just not Democracy.
Thank you. Deep state pillsbury dough Bill blocked any look into thousands of sworn affidavits and other fraud. All as he sometimes lied to claim he had people working on it. Many Billy Bob whistleblowers came out with the Truth AFTER but of course censored by the MSM but for a few sites. Everything truthful was censored. 81 million legal votes my butt. Evidence is overwhelming. Trump won 75-60 on legit votes.
The overwhelming evidence shows you are a delusional simp.
There is no way Joe won that.
He did win. There is no credible evidence he didn't.

News flash. You can dislike the outcome of an election and still accept the result. Well, most people can. Millions of Repubs can't.
It's true. There is no way Joe won that. Then that means the founding fathers were right about who should vote. And that is just not Democracy.
The IG report criticized Freed and other senior DOJ officials for issuing public statements about the case while knowing all this information, finding that he violated DOJ policy around commenting on criminal investigations before a charging decision is made and around consulting with the DOJ’s Public Integrity Unit before making a statement involving an election case.

That is what the DoJ being corrupted while trump was in office looks like.
And even though Barr sucked, the whole DOJ got much worse since he got the boot.
There is no factual substantiation for that assertion. I defy you to present evidence to prove why you made it.
Yeah, Barr has really tried to play both ends of this, and he's looked like a boob.

When it comes to MAGA World™, you're either in or you're evil. There's no half way.
Billy the Bagman's post election comments on voter fraud make him irredeemable in the eyes of the cult. I think he's trying to salvage his reputation for posterity. But it's too little too late for that.
berg's morning TDS thread. Who cares about 2020? Hint: no one
Better tell tRump, he is still ranting about it. And about 1/2 of this board keeps claiming "stolen election" as well. So hint: that's a bit more than no one!
Yeah, Barr has really tried to play both ends of this, and he's looked like a boob.

When it comes to MAGA World™, you're either in or you're evil. There's no half way.
Everybody knew before the 2020 election, including you and Barr, that the Biden camp planned to steal the election via voter fraud. Biden was on video bragging that he had the largest voter fraud team in U.S. history.
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