Bill Clinton ensnared in Epstein 'sex slave' case


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case

Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein 'sex slave' case

One of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against financier Jeffrey Epstein has told the UK Daily Mail that "Bill [Clinton] must have known about Jeffrey’s girls" when the former president made frequent flights with Epstein on his private planes.

Flight logs attached as exhibits to court records show that Clinton flew frequently with Epstein, now a convicted sex felon, at the time the latter is alleged to have been running a "sex slave" ring involving girls as young as 12.

The plaintiff, Virginia Roberts, told the Mail that in response to her question to Epstein, why were he and Clinton such good friends, that Epstein laughed and replied "He owes me some favors."

At the end of a criminal prosecution of Epstein in 2008, two law enforcement officials, in highly unusual dissent, went on-record protesting that the federal prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein was far too lenient. The officials were a Florida prosecutor and the Palm Beach police chief who held jurisdiction for the crime. Epstein wound up serving 13 months of an 18 month sentence, for a single relatively minor charge of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.

According to the New York Post, court documents hint at a subpoena of Clinton as a "source of relevant information."

The allegations are made in a complaint filed in a Florida court recently, and also name Britain's Prince Andrew as a recipient of the Epstein ring's services. In a January 3rd, 2015 article, the UK Daily Mail alleges that the filer of the lawsuit, known only as "Jane Doe #3" in court records, but known to be Virginia Roberts, told the Mail:

"I flew to the Caribbean with Jeffrey and then Ghislaine Maxwell went to pick up Bill in a huge black helicopter that Jeffrey had bought her. Bill must have known about Jeffrey’s girls."

The New York Post reported that Epstein:

"molested girls he had brought in from South America and Europe and once was given three 12-year-old girls from France as a “birthday gift,” the documents alleged."

The girls' ages varied from 12 to 17. The New York Post reports... TO READ MORE GO TO Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case

Is it possible that Brian Epstein was related to this man? As to the sex slavery ring - this is happening throughout the world in elite circles - snuff films are not a myth. They are real. Sex slavery is real and is happening throughout the world. In Belgium they use the Chateau de Amerios as a place of child sex parties and even sacrifice children on an altar to Satan at that castle - and this goes on with the knowledge of the King of Belgium - who also has reportedly joined those parties. Michael Nihoul who was known as the monster of Belgium who procured children for these type people and was named by Marc Dutruoix the child sex slaver who kept children in a dungeon starving them to death said he was procuring these children for wealthy clientele.

So now you are seeing who these kids go to. It's been going on for decades. Regina Louf who was a child victim to these sex rings in Europe identified Michael Nihoul but no one would charge him for it. He said because he knew too much he would never be put in prison for it. He was right. He wasn't.

You see? There is one set of laws for the people and there are no laws to govern those who are "above the law". Yet, God sees it all and neither Bill Clinton nor Mr. Epstein will be cutting any deal to escape hell.
Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case

Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein 'sex slave' case

One of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against financier Jeffrey Epstein has told the UK Daily Mail that "Bill [Clinton] must have known about Jeffrey’s girls" when the former president made frequent flights with Epstein on his private planes.

Flight logs attached as exhibits to court records show that Clinton flew frequently with Epstein, now a convicted sex felon, at the time the latter is alleged to have been running a "sex slave" ring involving girls as young as 12.

The plaintiff, Virginia Roberts, told the Mail that in response to her question to Epstein, why were he and Clinton such good friends, that Epstein laughed and replied "He owes me some favors."

At the end of a criminal prosecution of Epstein in 2008, two law enforcement officials, in highly unusual dissent, went on-record protesting that the federal prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein was far too lenient. The officials were a Florida prosecutor and the Palm Beach police chief who held jurisdiction for the crime. Epstein wound up serving 13 months of an 18 month sentence, for a single relatively minor charge of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.

According to the New York Post, court documents hint at a subpoena of Clinton as a "source of relevant information."

The allegations are made in a complaint filed in a Florida court recently, and also name Britain's Prince Andrew as a recipient of the Epstein ring's services. In a January 3rd, 2015 article, the UK Daily Mail alleges that the filer of the lawsuit, known only as "Jane Doe #3" in court records, but known to be Virginia Roberts, told the Mail:

"I flew to the Caribbean with Jeffrey and then Ghislaine Maxwell went to pick up Bill in a huge black helicopter that Jeffrey had bought her. Bill must have known about Jeffrey’s girls."

The New York Post reported that Epstein:

"molested girls he had brought in from South America and Europe and once was given three 12-year-old girls from France as a “birthday gift,” the documents alleged."

The girls' ages varied from 12 to 17. The New York Post reports... TO READ MORE GO TO Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case

From your link. I believe it more than likely ties into this and perhaps Epstein was a part of the original Franklin Coverup. Very suspicious that he is able to get away with an 18 month sentence and then not even do the full time.
From your link:
"Critics claim the deal was a scandalous cover-up – supported by the political establishment – to protect Epstein and his influential circle of friends. R Alexander Acosta, the US Attorney for Southern Florida, who signed off on the non-prosecution agreement, has told of the aggressive tactics employed."

Epstein consorted with a stellar list of political and business glitterati, which has fueled speculation that his powerful connections were responsible for his lenient treatment. The Daily Beast opined:

"But the question remains: Did Epstein’s wealth and social connections—former President Bill Clinton; Prince Andrew; former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak; New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson; and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers were just a few of the prominent passengers on his private jets—allow him to receive only a slap on the wrist for crimes that carry a mandatory 20-year sentence? Was he able, with his limitless assets and heavy-hitting lawyers—Alan Dershowitz, Gerald Lefcourt, Roy Black, Kenneth Starr, Guy Lewis, and Martin Weinberger among them—to escape equal justice?"

The case harkens back to other high-level sex scandals involving minors and young children, such as the Franklin case in Nebraska, in which minors were allegedly flown to Washington DC and across the country to serve sexual purposes, and the call-boy services allegedly conducted in the George HW Bush White House at about the same time. The Franklin case is the subject of a documentary which was to be broadcast by the Discovery Channel in 1994, but was pulled off the schedule at the last minute without comment or explanation.

Conspiracy of Silence - Trailer (The Franklin Scandal, DC Pedophile Ring)

Read more: Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case
The common denominator to this one was the people running it were all involved in satanism. The same type thing goes on in Belgium - the castle I mentioned - owned by Solvay family - many in that group - are Satanists - they are extremely wealthy and powerful and get away with a great deal. Child sex slavery - trafficking - satanic activity in Belgium is very bad - in Washington it is the same - these politicians are - (some) into it up to their necks. Their only hope is to repent - turn to Christ and be saved - and then expose all they know so others can be freed from such horrific happenings.

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.
Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada.

At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.
A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.
I do not believe this is the actual videotape - the original videotape that was to get into the hands of Ted Gunderson was being delivered to him by a man who had the tape in his possession and was flying on a small plane to get it to him. The plane crashed -people on board were all dead - there were immediately people there to retrieve the video which one of the sheriff's or officers had found in the wreckage of plane. As I recall the videotape was taken and never recovered.
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Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........
Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case

Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein 'sex slave' case

One of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against financier Jeffrey Epstein has told the UK Daily Mail that "Bill [Clinton] must have known about Jeffrey’s girls" when the former president made frequent flights with Epstein on his private planes.

Flight logs attached as exhibits to court records show that Clinton flew frequently with Epstein, now a convicted sex felon, at the time the latter is alleged to have been running a "sex slave" ring involving girls as young as 12.

The plaintiff, Virginia Roberts, told the Mail that in response to her question to Epstein, why were he and Clinton such good friends, that Epstein laughed and replied "He owes me some favors."

At the end of a criminal prosecution of Epstein in 2008, two law enforcement officials, in highly unusual dissent, went on-record protesting that the federal prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein was far too lenient. The officials were a Florida prosecutor and the Palm Beach police chief who held jurisdiction for the crime. Epstein wound up serving 13 months of an 18 month sentence, for a single relatively minor charge of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution.

According to the New York Post, court documents hint at a subpoena of Clinton as a "source of relevant information."

The allegations are made in a complaint filed in a Florida court recently, and also name Britain's Prince Andrew as a recipient of the Epstein ring's services. In a January 3rd, 2015 article, the UK Daily Mail alleges that the filer of the lawsuit, known only as "Jane Doe #3" in court records, but known to be Virginia Roberts, told the Mail:

"I flew to the Caribbean with Jeffrey and then Ghislaine Maxwell went to pick up Bill in a huge black helicopter that Jeffrey had bought her. Bill must have known about Jeffrey’s girls."

The New York Post reported that Epstein:

"molested girls he had brought in from South America and Europe and once was given three 12-year-old girls from France as a “birthday gift,” the documents alleged."

The girls' ages varied from 12 to 17. The New York Post reports... TO READ MORE GO TO Bill Clinton may be subpoenaed in Epstein sex slave case

And who, pray tell, is accusing Bill Clinton of doing anything with these girls?

Name the person.
Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........

What 'clinton vileness'? Be specific. Innuendo, allusion and insinuation just aren't going to cut it.

What exactly are you accusing Bill of?
Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........

What 'clinton vileness'? Be specific. Innuendo, allusion and insinuation just aren't going to cut it.

What exactly are you accusing Bill of?

Multiple counts of rape and sexual assault, both here and in Britain...and now on the sex slave island........
Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........

What 'clinton vileness'? Be specific. Innuendo, allusion and insinuation just aren't going to cut it.

What exactly are you accusing Bill of?

Multiple counts of rape and sexual assault, both here and in Britain...and now on the sex slave island........

And who is the victim that is accusing Bill of any of that?
Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........

You're just going from thread to thread, posting weird lies.

How about some facts?

Yo, the only reason I can think of, as to why Bill Clinton would be involved is? The Witch he is married too, won`t give him any! Anyway, just another embarrassment and bait for the Republicans! Keep up the good work Bill!!!

Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........

What 'clinton vileness'? Be specific. Innuendo, allusion and insinuation just aren't going to cut it.

What exactly are you accusing Bill of?

Multiple counts of rape and sexual assault, both here and in Britain...and now on the sex slave island........

And who is the victim that is accusing Bill of any of that?

2 woman, at least in Britian accused clinton of sexual assault when he was at oxford...police were called but convinced the women not to press charges.....

Here in the states Juanita Broderick, who reported the rape to friends at the time it did Elizabeth Ward Gracen who told her friend about the rape at the time it happened.....
Yo, the only reason I can think of, as to why Bill Clinton would be involved is? The Witch he is married too, won`t give him any! Anyway, just another embarrassment and bait for the Republicans! Keep up the good work Bill!!!

View attachment 37391

Involved in what? Who is accusing Bill of...well, anything?

So far you have elaborate accusations of a crime. But no actual victim accusing Bill of any of it.

Wouldn't a victim kinda be a prerequisite of this kind of a crime being committed?
The friend of Elizabeth Ward Gracen told prosecutors that clinton raped Gracen....Gracen told her about the attack at the time it happened.....Gracen and the other women backed down in the face of the private detectives and political power hilary brought to bear on them....dittos Juanita Broderick, who also reported to friends about the rape when it happened....whose industry was regulated by clinton, then the Attorney General of Arkansas....
Not going to go over too well for hildabeast and her waddle towards a potential demorat nomination.

Sadly,the democrat minions in the news business will protect her....get ready for segments on "Sex Slaves....they actually like it and it's good for them" and the most common reaction to clinton vileness.....Yawn........

What 'clinton vileness'? Be specific. Innuendo, allusion and insinuation just aren't going to cut it.

What exactly are you accusing Bill of?

Multiple counts of rape and sexual assault, both here and in Britain...and now on the sex slave island........

And who is the victim that is accusing Bill of any of that?

2 woman, at least in Britian accused clinton of sexual assault when he was at oxford...police were called but convinced the women not to press charges.....

Here in the states Juanita Broderick, who reported the rape to friends at the time it did Elizabeth Ward Gracen who told her friend about the rape at the time it happened.....'re accusing Bill Clinton of raping a woman from Oxford on a sex Island?

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