Bill Gates and Donald Trump Treat U.S.A. Citizens Like A Bunch Of Dumb Guinea Pigs

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014

Canada Bill C-279 Says You've No Right To Be Heterosexual. Canadian Senate Shoots The Bill Down

A couple of evenings previously, the Canadian Senate Shot Down Bill C-279 which for the following obvious reason is a small step in a positive direction. Finally things are just starting to turn around for the better here in Canada. The next step for Bill C-279 is the garbage pail.

In Canada, since before the 1960's homosexuals have been getting away with discriminating heterosexuals and proof of this is that homosexuals have been getting away the whole time with pretending to be the opposite sex (the tranny for example) which leads to deceiving heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions thus depriving heterosexuals the right to be heterosexual which has now escalated for now into homosexuals legally getting the surgical genital mutilation to further assist homosexuals in openly getting away with depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual.

Homosexual activists have been dictating to society since the 1960's that you being a heterosexual includes having sex with a homosexual while claiming that not allowing homosexuals to deceive, discriminate, degrade, humiliate and traumatize heterosexuals thus deprive heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual is depriving homosexuals of equal rights.

Homosexual activists are also attempting to dictate that heterosexuals who become victims of being robbed of the right to be heterosexual are just suppose to accept being deprived of the right of being heterosexual otherwise the heterosexual is going to have to further suffer consequences for it!

When it comes to such as the Canadian Federal Bill C-279, homosexual activists have clearly demonstrated they they don't care to even acknowledge the fact that bi sexual describes a person that has sex with both those born with the opposite sex genital that the bi sexual them self is born with as well the bi sexual has sex with those born with the same sex genital that the bi sexual themselves are born with. Instead homosexual activists are attempting to redefine heterosexual as bi sexual. A heterosexual describes a person for exclusively having sex with those born with the opposite sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with. Homosexuals deceiving heterosexuals with pretending to be the opposite sex leads to depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual. Homosexual activists have now escalated this obvious deception into further encouraging homosexuals to openly discriminate heterosexuals by making it legal for homosexuals to get the surgical genital mutilation operation to further assist homosexuals in discriminating heterosexuals by quite clearly depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual.

They are still attempting to dictate to the public that depriving homosexuals of the right to deprive heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual is inequality. They evade sharing with the public any concern for heterosexuals having the right to be heterosexual in this equation which clearly reveals that respecting heterosexuals right to be heterosexual is irrelevant to homosexual activists.

Homosexuals have been getting away with depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual since long before homosexuality became accepted as legal here in Canada and they did this while deceiving society into thinking that homosexuals just want to be with other homosexuals. There was no accountability in the equation for the homosexuals who deliberately deceive thus take away a heterosexuals right to be heterosexual.

Here in Canada and on other parts of the globe, extending a welcome to homosexuals for homosexuality becoming legal and an accepted sexual orientation of society has quite obviously lead to homosexuals and homosexual activists abusing your support of this with homosexuals and homosexual activists to pull the rug out from under your feet by attempting to rob heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual.

Why has our Canadian Parliament not created a bill to prevent homosexuals from depriving heterosexuals the right to be heterosexual?

There is no accountability for heterosexuals having the right to be heterosexual. Why is that? Especially in lieu of that I have been sharing this information with thousands of Elected and Appointed Officials / Canadian Legislators directly for over ten years now. Canadians deserve some answers as I am aware citizens of countries from around the world also deserve some answers from their legislators!

I have actively been sharing this information for years now and for this I have been labelled a hater and thrown off of pretty much every single Canadian web site while raising awareness to this issue. Meanwhile, homosexual activists have been getting away with depriving Canadian citizens (as well citizens around the globe) the right to be aware of the information I have been sharing which clearly reveals that homosexuals have been getting away with depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual the whole time. They have had me banned from sharing the information on several on line forums of not only here in Canada, but in such places as Belize, the United Kingdom, the United States of America (Recently I re joined USMessageboards of which I was banned from a half a decade ago. Now that homosexual activists have gotten away with doing so much damage to legislation etc. I'm guessing that they are thinking that now they expect to be rewarded for deceiving the public and no longer have anything to worry about or have to be accountable for heterosexuals having the right to be heterosexual) I know full well that they did this so that homosexual activists can quite obviously continue to make fools out of citizens from around the world by hiding accountability towards the valid issue that they are fighting to continue to deprive heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual as if to say heterosexuals are generally too stupid to have the right to be heterosexual!

I am a Canadian citizen, I am not a homosexual and I am not a bi sexual. I am a heterosexual and I take great offence to there being no accountability in Canadian Parliament to protect my right, as well every other heterosexuals right to exclusively have sex with those born of the opposite sex genital that I myself was born with.

Canadian N.D.P. Leader Tom Mulcair is fighting to deprive Canadian heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual and proof of this is Bill C-279. Now that the Senate has stopped the Bill, Tom Mulcair is sending around a petition to even have the Senate abolished for this reason. I got a copy of that very petition in my e-mail. I am so very Appalled.

No matter what happens or how long it takes I will proudly continue to fight for the preservation of heterosexuals right to be heterosexual while putting a stop from homosexual activists pulling the rug from under everyone's feet for being so generous and considerate in extending a welcome to homosexuality becoming a legal and accepted part of our society in the first place.

Our Canadian Legislators who support Bill C-279 exemplify to not take into accountability heterosexuals right to be heterosexual as they continue to fight to further give homosexuals the right to deprive heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual while attempting to make it legal that heterosexuals are going to have to accept having no right to be heterosexual otherwise poor innocent heterosexuals are going to have to further suffer consequences for not wanting to be discriminated against.

All procedures, surgeries and altercations must be made illegal for being used to make a person appear the opposite sex that they are born, as well discrimination against heterosexuality needs to be criminalized for the well being and sanity of current and future generations. Which quite obviously means that transgender and transsexual needs to be criminalized.

Homosexuals wanting to have sex with other homosexuals or even bi sexuals are one thing, but homosexuals that discriminate heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions is unacceptable for it is quite obviously robbing heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexuals. That this type of homosexual behaviour being currently deemed as acceptable in the school system or in government is unacceptable.

Homosexuals who have a hard time accepting themselves for what they are is no excuse for making legal heterosexuals having no right to be heterosexual. The age has come for homosexuals to have to legally respect heterosexuals for being heterosexual especially in our school systems as well homosexuals are going to have to start accepting themselves for what they are instead of making heterosexuals suffer discrimination for these homosexuals having a hard time accepting themselves for what they are in the first place!

For this reason, pretending to be the opposite sex for any reason is unacceptable and needs to be criminalized permanently because we quite obviously see that allowing people to pretend to be the opposite sex leads to depriving heterosexuals of the right to be heterosexual. There are plenty of other costumes people can pick to wear on such occasions as costume parties etc. Nudity or the birthday suit is quite obviously unacceptable in the general public and even more so, so is pretending to be the opposite sex.

What makes anyone think that homosexuals having the right to be homosexual takes precedence over heterosexuals having the right to be heterosexual? Especially when the fact remains that thanks to heterosexuality we even exist where as if it were up to homosexuals to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective.

The reason that this homosexual activist insanity has manifested and gotten so out of hand in the first place is simply because there was never any accountability in their equation, that they so vigorously impose upon society, for heterosexuals having the right to be heterosexual.

Many of our legislators have been infected with this insanity and proof of this is every single supporter of Bill C-279.

It is my pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations and not only in Canada but all over the world.

I'd also like to extend my gratitude and support of the Canadian Senate for putting a stop to Bill C-279. On behalf of the preservation of heterosexuality in Canada and all over the world, thank you Senators. Bravo and a huge round of applause.

It's time to put a stop to homosexual activists attempting to legally dictate that heterosexuals becoming offended by these homosexuals and their deceptions thus robbing the heterosexual the right to be heterosexual is a hate crime and to be legally punishable.

I stand strong for the preservation of heterosexuality globally and again it is my pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of current and future generations.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Seriously though, I watched your entire video, and read your entire post. It looked like you worked hard on it.

But people here have the attention span of a Tasmanian gnat. If you want to get your point across, you need to be more succinct.

In your video, you need to write up a script of what you want to state before hand and stick to it. You also need to LOOK more professional. Stand back from the camera and keep it in focus. Make sure that sound on the video is loud and clear. That alone will keep folks from tuning out the video as soon as they push play. Pull your hair back, DRESS professional, and it wouldn't hurt wearing a shirt and tie or a collared shirt. How serious is this issue to you? How serious do you want your audience to take you?

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”
– Mark Twain

You repeat the same talking point over and over again in both your video and your post. In the information age, less is more. Make it brief and you will be far more effective. I myself am not that effective because I have a tendency to be quite verbose.

Now to the great points you raise. The globalist and eugenicists manipulating society to their own ends.

I have had many LGBT friends, they are nice folks. However, I DO AGREE with you. The politicians ARE using this minority class to drive a wedge in the population. My research has led me to conclude that it is a genetic defect that occurs in the development of the fetus. This does not mean however that folks need to be discriminated against. Nor does it mean they need special rights. I agree. When globalist politicians on the left and on the right are using this disorder to drive a wedge in the population for their own agenda, we the people need to be wary.

As far as the censorship issue that you raise, yeah, that happens. Make enough noise, be effective, you will attract the wraith of the establishment. Good luck on your crusade. Keep tilting at those windmills brother.

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