Bill Gates Funding An Attempt To Stop Climate Change By ‘Dimming The Sun’ With Millions Of Tons Dust

It could rain a helluva lot. Actually it WOULD rain a helluva lot.
If we keep adding GHGs to the atmosphere, it will rain a lot. 7% more water vapor in the atmosphere for every 1 C degree increase in atmospheric temperature. And the warmer oceans also evaporate more water. If you haven't noticed we are already getting a lot more rain in the wet areas of the world.
Stop these tech oligarchs from playing god.. Quick.. We're running out of time to avoid corporate fascism..
And fucked up dingleberries like you are the very ones doing your best to give us that future with your support of anti-science idiots in politics.
You would think that sane people would realize that he does not want to do that at all. A reduction in population through a voluntary reduction in birthrate is what is desired. But the "Conservatives" have to have their idiotic conspiracy theories
when did you become a mind reader??
Bill Gates is diabolical, his hatred towards humanity knows no bounds.

Lord, please safe us all from monsters like him.:(
Damn, what a bunch of fruitloops. Ah well, you loopy bastards provide a lot of humor.
Bill Gates is diabolical, his hatred towards humanity knows no bounds.

Lord, please safe us all from monsters like him.:(
Nah. He "allowed Satan a shot at lot and Yeshua....just to see,'
Lots wife got the salt thing and Yeshua got nailed to a board after a serious ass whippin
He overwhelmingly won round 2 for dad.He showed up a few days later saying:
"Nigga ! That's all ya got ?" Something to that effect
Round three takes place after the 1000 years
It's written. the fight is a PKO (permanent knock out) that time
And fucked up dingleberries like you are the very ones doing your best to give us that future with your support of anti-science idiots in politics.

I'm sure you can explain the class the SCIENCE AND WISDOM of PURPOSELY POLLUTING the atmosphere and putting our planet at risk on the "say" of MegaBucks oligarch.

Can't WAIT for you to DEFEND "the science" and explain how there's NO RISK AT ALL to overstepping his expertise and influence.
I hear its not just dust.

Spot on.. Just what I asked from OldRocks. I imagine once those aluminum particles or gawd knows what else settle into the oceans that they'll be NO EFFECT on the environment or food safety of eating contaminated sea life.

All this "bad idea" (as it stands now) NEEDS is a Super rich and influencial oligarch to run this baby to the goal-line before anyone figures out what the side effects might be.

Could it be that our SATELLITE fleets suddenly have issues with communications? Or that MAYBE -- those Earth resource and Climate monitoring satellites suddenly start spitting out noise?

Who gives a damn. It's Bill Fucking Gates endorsing it. Respect authority. Science moves TOO SLOW. Its and existential CRISIS -- so we MUST ACT..
OTH -- It MIGHT protect folks from disinformation from aliens. OR - it could be a marvelous defense against "Jewish Space lasers" or hypersonic missiles. :dev3:

And Old Rocks -- I'm NOT bluffing here.

The two major types of military chaff in use are aluminum foil and aluminum-coated glass fibers. The aluminum foil-type is no longer manufactured, although it may still be in use. When ejected from an aircraft, chaff forms the electromagnetic equivalent of a visual smoke screen that temporarily hides the aircraft from radar.

Chaff - Radar Countermeasures
I hear its not just dust.

Chemtrails,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,CHEMTRAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
I'm sure you can explain the class the SCIENCE AND WISDOM of PURPOSELY POLLUTING the atmosphere and putting our planet at risk on the "say" of MegaBucks oligarch.

Can't WAIT for you to DEFEND "the science" and explain how there's NO RISK AT ALL to overstepping his expertise and influence.
But you approve of purposely polluting our atmosphere with GHGs. No, I do not approve of geoengineering. Just as I do not approve of killing other people. But sometimes you have to defend yourself, and if the situation gets bad enough, we may have to resort to geoengineering. What form that might take I would not know, and hope it is never necessary.
But you approve of purposely polluting our atmosphere with GHGs. No, I do not approve of geoengineering. Just as I do not approve of killing other people. But sometimes you have to defend yourself, and if the situation gets bad enough, we may have to resort to geoengineering. What form that might take I would not know, and hope it is never necessary.

Then why lash out accusing me of being an anti-science dingleberry. I like the later answer MUCH better. In fact, I explain MY concerns as well about 1/2 baked things everyday on here. And the ORIGINAL comments about Techno-Tyrants still stand. We're getting to the point where all our disciplines are run by oligarchies of rich risk taking fools that get it wrong a fair % of the time. And that INCLUDES them meddling in the scientific community and the long established processes for proof and truth.
Most of us recognize that climate change is a serious problem. That also includes Bill Gates, and he is using some of his fortunes to prevent climate change in a unique way. Basically, he wants to lift tons of dust 12 miles above the surface of the earth and scatter it through the stratosphere.

The 63-year-old Microsoft founder is supporting the project, but scientists at Harvard University are also involved.

The dust will create a worldwide sunshade and reflect some of the rays and heat back out into space. In essence, they will be turning down the sun by diminishing the effects of sunlight. It is their hope that it will protect the earth from further damage due to global warming.

Is there no end to this man's messianic contributions to the world?
Such "quick and dirty" solutions are just an end-run around what is really needed for the long term.
Such "quick and dirty" solutions are just an end-run around what is really needed for the long term.
That said Gates stole my idea, which is to burn more wood for energy production, then scatter the ash in the air over the oceans but at lower altitude so it settles out quickly. This would also mitigate the acidification of the oceans by the increased dissolved CO2. This could be done cheaply and easily by transoceanic commercial airline flights. The ash could be jettisoned at predetermined altitudes and locations. Ocean temps in that region could be monitored to determine if such a process would be effective.

* Wood is a renewable fuel that can replace some fossil fuel use. Most dead trees release their carbon into the air as (horrors!) carbon dioxide as they decompose. Why not get some use out of that lost carbon.

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