Bill in big trouble now. So is FBI

Bill's inability to control his dick is legendary. Certainly possible that perv was drilling little girls, but I'll believe he pays a price when I see him in a courtroom...
When Slick Willy was Governor, he would have his Highway Patrol/Chauffeur drive around Little Rock High Schools, cruising for chicks.

Nothing would surprise me with that guy.
I lived right across the river from Arkansas until 1984, serviced a lot of industries in Arkansas, had several close friends in Arkansas, two from the Highway Patrol, one from the Arkansas General Assembly.

Some of my knowledge of Slick Willy's behavior as Governor came directly from these three.

Much more came from documented articles concerning Mena, Arkansas and the drugs/guns (think Iran-Contra) trades that utilized that little airport until a plane crash exposed the connection.

Clinton was tacitly complicit in massive amounts of cocaine smuggled into the United States.

Here's a link from a recent article:

If you have direct information about wrongdoing, then you should contact the FBI with that information.
Read what I wrote, dummy. What I know qualifies as hearsay. It's only my trust in the honesty and ethics of the three people I mentioned and their close association with Clinton that erases all doubt in my mind that it's true.

This all happened in the 1980s. Clinton has gone from Governor of Arkansas to President of the United States and endured all sorts of investigations into his Iran-Contra cocaine smuggling/gun running and sexcapades along the way.

Watch the video in Post #35 and get back to me in 2.5 hours. You might even learn a tidbit about our current US Attorney General William P. Barr.
View attachment 369405

Funny how trump is in so many pictures with Maxwell but the gateway pundit doesn't seem to mention trump. The FBI would have no reason to be protecting Bill Clinton in 2014.

View attachment 369407

The woman on the left is Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line. Funny how connected Maxwell is with the trumps.

You seem to forget Maxwell and Epstein are/were both associated with lots of rich & powerful people and in different roles......but then so is many of their associates......Prince Andrew, Trump, Clintons, celebrities.....the list goes on. They (the elitists) all live in a different world than the rest of us commoners. So of course they would have interactions at some point or another.

IF by some weird chance the Clintons are innocent of any wrong doing with underage girls, sex trafficking and a whole host of other possible crimes they (Maxwell/Epstein) were involved in......then so be it and same goes for any possible guilt of Trump.

The stuff Maxwell & Epstein were involved in goes waaaaayyyy beyond 'who's on first', Right or Left and it's sick and so wrong.

I am fully aware of what Maxwell/Epstein was associated with. You chose only Clinton but Clinton is not in multiple pictures with Maxwell and Epstein. trump is.

Was Trump wearing a blue dress and heels?
View attachment 369405

Funny how trump is in so many pictures with Maxwell but the gateway pundit doesn't seem to mention trump. The FBI would have no reason to be protecting Bill Clinton in 2014.

View attachment 369407

The woman on the left is Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line. Funny how connected Maxwell is with the trumps.

Dude taking pictures with someone is not proof of anything do you have any pictures of Donald Trump on pedophile island?
The reason I ask is that everybody wanted their picture with Donald Trump

Good point actually... Remember how Trump destroyed his opponents when they attacked him during the campaign for exactly that ?? He even gave out ones phone number in that he kept begging Trump to call him on ??? Remember all the donation's begged for by these politician's or political types from Trump, and how he would donate because he was that kind of guy ?? Trump's problem is he may have been to good a guy in the faces of evil that were attempting to befall him or later befall him.
View attachment 369405

Funny how trump is in so many pictures with Maxwell but the gateway pundit doesn't seem to mention trump. The FBI would have no reason to be protecting Bill Clinton in 2014.

View attachment 369407

The woman on the left is Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line. Funny how connected Maxwell is with the trumps.

You seem to forget Maxwell and Epstein are/were both associated with lots of rich & powerful people and in different roles......but then so is many of their associates......Prince Andrew, Trump, Clintons, celebrities.....the list goes on. They (the elitists) all live in a different world than the rest of us commoners. So of course they would have interactions at some point or another.

IF by some weird chance the Clintons are innocent of any wrong doing with underage girls, sex trafficking and a whole host of other possible crimes they (Maxwell/Epstein) were involved in......then so be it and same goes for any possible guilt of Trump.

The stuff Maxwell & Epstein were involved in goes waaaaayyyy beyond 'who's on first', Right or Left and it's sick and so wrong.

I am fully aware of what Maxwell/Epstein was associated with. You chose only Clinton but Clinton is not in multiple pictures with Maxwell and Epstein. trump is.

Being in a picture with Trump means only that you were standing beside him when a photographer took his picture. Flying to Pedo Island with Epstein means you went to Pedo Island with Epstein. Big difference, dude!

Don't kill his hopes like this, IM2 can dream can't he ?? His TDS is off the chain.
View attachment 369405

Funny how trump is in so many pictures with Maxwell but the gateway pundit doesn't seem to mention trump. The FBI would have no reason to be protecting Bill Clinton in 2014.

View attachment 369407

The woman on the left is Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line. Funny how connected Maxwell is with the trumps.

You seem to forget Maxwell and Epstein are/were both associated with lots of rich & powerful people and in different roles......but then so is many of their associates......Prince Andrew, Trump, Clintons, celebrities.....the list goes on. They (the elitists) all live in a different world than the rest of us commoners. So of course they would have interactions at some point or another.

IF by some weird chance the Clintons are innocent of any wrong doing with underage girls, sex trafficking and a whole host of other possible crimes they (Maxwell/Epstein) were involved in......then so be it and same goes for any possible guilt of Trump.

The stuff Maxwell & Epstein were involved in goes waaaaayyyy beyond 'who's on first', Right or Left and it's sick and so wrong.

I am fully aware of what Maxwell/Epstein was associated with. You chose only Clinton but Clinton is not in multiple pictures with Maxwell and Epstein. trump is.

Go back & reread my post you quoted......I included both.
Meh. BJ Clinton likes to diddle 16 year old girls. No harm, no foul. Unlike many Hollywood celebrities, at least these girls were beyond puberty.
And what if those diddled girls didn't want to be diddled but were forced? No harm or foul then, too? And how about 12 year olds that looked 15 or 16? Or even younger? And boys. You KNOW there were boys there too. Those pervs would fuck a tree knot hole if it got them off.

What if, the Gateway Pundit is making this all up. What if, the two young women they were there with were staying with Jeffrey and Ghislain. I notice that this piece does not clearly state that the two young women staying with Bill Clinton and had sex with him.

Because that would be slander and they could be sued for the lie. They go right up to the question - who did the girls stay with, and then switch to the question of whether there were orgies on the Island. So they imply that Bill Clinton had sex with underage girls on pedo island, but they neither confirm nor deny it happened, they simply set the scene to make it possible without opining one way or the other.

Epstein was once interviewed on Pedo Island by a real journalist. When the writer asked to see the house. Epstein refused. Basically telling the writer, he was not going to be allowed in the house, because nudge, nudge, wink, wink, some of what you hear about me is true.

Nice piece of progaganda that.
Clinton has proven he will lie about having sex with a legal age girl. So you think he would tell the truth about having sex with a minor?
“When you say you asked him why is Bill Clinton here, where was here?”

V: On the island

JS: When you were present with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton on the island, who else was there?”

V: Ghislaine, Emmy, and there were 2 young girls that I could identify. I never really knew them well anyways. It was just 2 girls from New York.”

JS: And were all of you staying at Jeffrey’s house on the island including Bill Clinton?”

V: That’s correct. He had about 4 or 5 different villas on his island separate from the main house, and we all stayed in the villas.”

JS: “Were sexual orgies a regular occurrence on the island at Jeffrey’s house?”

V: “Yes”
Do you have a link to the source of those documents?
The documents have been released. Go find them. I'm getting the copies posted at Twitter by those who HAVE copies of those now released documents.

No they have not. FBI interviews are NEVER released to the public. This is made up bullshit from a conspiracy theory website that you cannot back up.
You gonna write Bill love letters in jail, aren't you?
View attachment 369405

Funny how trump is in so many pictures with Maxwell but the gateway pundit doesn't seem to mention trump. The FBI would have no reason to be protecting Bill Clinton in 2014.

View attachment 369407

The woman on the left is Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line. Funny how connected Maxwell is with the trumps.

You seem to forget Maxwell and Epstein are/were both associated with lots of rich & powerful people and in different roles......but then so is many of their associates......Prince Andrew, Trump, Clintons, celebrities.....the list goes on. They (the elitists) all live in a different world than the rest of us commoners. So of course they would have interactions at some point or another.

IF by some weird chance the Clintons are innocent of any wrong doing with underage girls, sex trafficking and a whole host of other possible crimes they (Maxwell/Epstein) were involved in......then so be it and same goes for any possible guilt of Trump.

The stuff Maxwell & Epstein were involved in goes waaaaayyyy beyond 'who's on first', Right or Left and it's sick and so wrong.

I am fully aware of what Maxwell/Epstein was associated with. You chose only Clinton but Clinton is not in multiple pictures with Maxwell and Epstein. trump is.

Being in a picture with Trump means only that you were standing beside him when a photographer took his picture. Flying to Pedo Island with Epstein means you went to Pedo Island with Epstein. Big difference, dude!

Don't kill his hopes like this, IM2 can dream can't he ?? His TDS is off the chain.

It never hurts to highlight the absence of logic in their drivel. :biggrin:
“When you say you asked him why is Bill Clinton here, where was here?”

V: On the island

JS: When you were present with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton on the island, who else was there?”

V: Ghislaine, Emmy, and there were 2 young girls that I could identify. I never really knew them well anyways. It was just 2 girls from New York.”

JS: And were all of you staying at Jeffrey’s house on the island including Bill Clinton?”

V: That’s correct. He had about 4 or 5 different villas on his island separate from the main house, and we all stayed in the villas.”

JS: “Were sexual orgies a regular occurrence on the island at Jeffrey’s house?”

V: “Yes”
Do you have a link to the source of those documents?
The documents have been released. Go find them. I'm getting the copies posted at Twitter by those who HAVE copies of those now released documents.

No they have not. FBI interviews are NEVER released to the public. This is made up bullshit from a conspiracy theory website that you cannot back up.
You gonna write Bill love letters in jail, aren't you?

I wouldn't give a low down hound dog like Clinton, the time of day. I made a point of never dating married men, or men who were liars and cheaters. I had a friend who dated married men, and I to her "Why would you want to date someone who you know right up front, will lie and cheat on you?". One of her boyfriends, actually took her to his house when his wife and children weren't home. What a creep!!!

I don't lie, and I don't cheat, I expect anyone I've involved with to do the same. If he doesn't, he's gone. Period. End of story. Respect your partner, and keep your promises. My mother always taught me "When you marry a man who cheats on his wife, what you get is a husband who cheats on his wife." Every ex-mistress I have ever met has learned this one not long after the wedding. When a man marries his mistress, it creates a vacancy in the position. Just ask any of Trump's wives.
View attachment 369405

Funny how trump is in so many pictures with Maxwell but the gateway pundit doesn't seem to mention trump. The FBI would have no reason to be protecting Bill Clinton in 2014.

View attachment 369407

The woman on the left is Abigail Klem, chief brand officer of Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessories line. Funny how connected Maxwell is with the trumps.

You seem to forget Maxwell and Epstein are/were both associated with lots of rich & powerful people and in different roles......but then so is many of their associates......Prince Andrew, Trump, Clintons, celebrities.....the list goes on. They (the elitists) all live in a different world than the rest of us commoners. So of course they would have interactions at some point or another.

IF by some weird chance the Clintons are innocent of any wrong doing with underage girls, sex trafficking and a whole host of other possible crimes they (Maxwell/Epstein) were involved in......then so be it and same goes for any possible guilt of Trump.

The stuff Maxwell & Epstein were involved in goes waaaaayyyy beyond 'who's on first', Right or Left and it's sick and so wrong.

I am fully aware of what Maxwell/Epstein was associated with. You chose only Clinton but Clinton is not in multiple pictures with Maxwell and Epstein. trump is.

Being in a picture with Trump means only that you were standing beside him when a photographer took his picture. Flying to Pedo Island with Epstein means you went to Pedo Island with Epstein. Big difference, dude!

Don't kill his hopes like this, IM2 can dream can't he ?? His TDS is off the chain.

How can you portray scenes of Epstein and Trump partying with NFL cheerleaders half their ages at Mar-a-Lago before their highly publicized falling out, as anything but creepy? Those pictures, from the 1990's, and the accounts of the guy who arranged that "party", were very disturbing. Not to mention their "falling out" occurred right after, but not before Epstein's wrist slap conviction for child sex trafficking in Miami in 2006.

The girl who accused Trump of beating and raping her at the age of 13, said this occurred at Epstein's New York apartment. There are no first person accounts from any of Epstein's victims accusing Bill Clinton of anything. Donald Trump cannot make the same claim.

Even the Gateway Pundit stopped short of saying that Bill Clinton spent time with any of Epstein's victims. They implied it was a possibility because he was on the island when victims were there, but even the Gateway Pundit never asked or answered the question of where the victims were staying. They just let you fools jumps to that conclusion, which you readily did.
I wouldn't give a low down hound dog like Clinton, the time of day.

Yet you continue to defend him.

Your being such a good little soldier for your team belies this insincere claim you make. Without your double standards, you would have no standards at all.
The girl who accused Trump of beating and raping her at the age of 13, said this occurred at Epstein's New York apartment. There are no first person accounts from any of Epstein's victims accusing Bill Clinton of anything. Donald Trump cannot make the same claim.
That does not prove any accusation of either man to be true or false. Many accusations of rich, powerful men are untrue, made in hopes of being silenced with rewards. Proof of accusations is lacking here.

However, Clinton was proved to be a liar via his DNA on a blue dress. (I wonder why the gold-digger slut never washed the dress.)
I wouldn't give a low down hound dog like Clinton, the time of day.

Yet you continue to defend him.

Your being such a good little soldier for your team belies this insincere claim you make. Without your double standards, you would have no standards at all.

At no time have I defended Bill Clinton's behaviour. What I have done is call bullshit on the right's portrayal of Clinton as a sexual predator, because there is absolutely no evidence of him forcing himself on anyone. Anita Broaddrick swore an affidavit in the Paula Jones trial that Bill Clinton had never raped her, and only changed her story after Ken Starr threatened to charge her with perjury based on the testimony of her ex-husband she had told that Bill Clinton raped her, to cover up her one night stand with Clinton in a hotel. Twenty years later, married to the other man she had lied to, she had nothing to lose and told the truth in the affidavit, only to face jail for perjury, so of course she changed her story after Starr offerred her immunity to lie.

Bill Clinton appears to be sexual opportunist, clever and charming, but every other woman who he made asked for sexual favours from, including Paula Jones, testified under oath that when they said "No", he stopped immediately. Every one of Donald Trump's accusers said that they have to fight off a man who outweighed them by nearly 100 lbs., and it was terrifying.

There is a vast difference between being a low down hound dog, and being a sexual predator. My daughter calls them "fuck boys". Immature guys whose lives begin and end at the end of their dicks. Probably disease ridden, and no sane woman would ever marry one, but if what you want is a good time, not a long time . . . . They were around when I was single too. Good looking, not very bright, got their faces slapped - a lot. One friend said about his buddy that 9 out of 10 times, he got his face slapped. He was always looking for #10.
The girl who accused Trump of beating and raping her at the age of 13, said this occurred at Epstein's New York apartment. There are no first person accounts from any of Epstein's victims accusing Bill Clinton of anything. Donald Trump cannot make the same claim.
That does not prove any accusation of either man to be true or false. Many accusations of rich, powerful men are untrue, made in hopes of being silenced with rewards. Proof of accusations is lacking here.

However, Clinton was proved to be a liar via his DNA on a blue dress. (I wonder why the gold-digger slut never washed the dress.)

The DNA on the blue dress was proof about a consenual relationship with a 23 year old woman, not proof of rape of an unwilling partner. Monica Lewinsky was a political groupie who bragged to college friends that she was "packing up her knee pads and going to Washington". Until she was trapped by taped conversations by her "friend", Republican operative Linda Tripp, Monica was living her fantasy life as the mistress of the President of the United States!! By the time the Linda Tripp and the Republicans got done with her, she was considering suicide.

The very argument you are making against the victim who accused Donald Trump was that she was only out for money. That's the same argument that used to let Jeffrey Epstein off in 2006. That his victims were hooker who were just out to make money. Only two of Donald Trump's more than 20 victims have sued him, so the argument that they're only in it for the money, doesn't fly.

The three women who claimed Trump beat and raped them, include one of his ex-wives who has steadfastly refused to recant her affidavit to that effect, simply saying it wasn't one of Donald's "best" moments. Trump himself has bragging about doing whatever he wants because he can get away with it. The fact that he had attacked dozens of women at that point without any charges ever being filed is prove positive that they had in fact "let him" do it.

The fact that he was elected President after the public knew about it, is his proof that you don't care either.
LoL!! Gateway Pundit. Only the BEST sources for Gracie! :laugh2:

Gateway Pundit - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
Last edited:
The girl who accused Trump of beating and raping her at the age of 13, said this occurred at Epstein's New York apartment. There are no first person accounts from any of Epstein's victims accusing Bill Clinton of anything. Donald Trump cannot make the same claim.
That does not prove any accusation of either man to be true or false. Many accusations of rich, powerful men are untrue, made in hopes of being silenced with rewards. Proof of accusations is lacking here.

However, Clinton was proved to be a liar via his DNA on a blue dress. (I wonder why the gold-digger slut never washed the dress.)

The DNA on the blue dress was proof about a consenual relationship with a 23 year old woman, not proof of rape of an unwilling partner. Monica Lewinsky was a political groupie who bragged to college friends that she was "packing up her knee pads and going to Washington". Until she was trapped by taped conversations by her "friend", Republican operative Linda Tripp, Monica was living her fantasy life as the mistress of the President of the United States!! By the time the Linda Tripp and the Republicans got done with her, she was considering suicide.

The very argument you are making against the victim who accused Donald Trump was that she was only out for money. That's the same argument that used to let Jeffrey Epstein off in 2006. That his victims were hooker who were just out to make money. Only two of Donald Trump's more than 20 victims have sued him, so the argument that they're only in it for the money, doesn't fly.

The three women who claimed Trump beat and raped them, include one of his ex-wives who has steadfastly refused to recant her affidavit to that effect, simply saying it wasn't one of Donald's "best" moments. Trump himself has bragging about doing whatever he wants because he can get away with it. The fact that he had attacked dozens of women at that point without any charges ever being filed is prove positive that they had in fact "let him" do it.

The fact that he was elected President after the public knew about it, is his proof that you don't care either.
LoL!! Gateway Pundit. Only the BEST sources for Gracie! :laugh2:

Gateway Pundit - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
:dunno: But yet they always seem to be right....
The girl who accused Trump of beating and raping her at the age of 13, said this occurred at Epstein's New York apartment. There are no first person accounts from any of Epstein's victims accusing Bill Clinton of anything. Donald Trump cannot make the same claim.
That does not prove any accusation of either man to be true or false. Many accusations of rich, powerful men are untrue, made in hopes of being silenced with rewards. Proof of accusations is lacking here.

However, Clinton was proved to be a liar via his DNA on a blue dress. (I wonder why the gold-digger slut never washed the dress.)

donny has proven to be a liar with his DNA inside marla whilst still married to ivana.

donny also has proven to be skeezy when he bragged about AND it was confirmed by some teenaged girls who were contestants in his little pageants - coming in their dressing rooms to 'inspect' them... going as far as sticking his finger in their mouths.

i'm all fall nailing slick willy to the wall if it turns out he was involved, & although not outed yet nor may never be if he didn't touch any underaged females on that island.

are you ready to CONcede that donny could vary well be the 'hotel owner' that was there & if proven to be a perp ... that he should also be nailed to the wall?
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LoL!! Gateway Pundit. Only the BEST sources for Gracie! :laugh2:

Gateway Pundit - Questionable - Right Bias - Conservative - Fake News - Not Credible

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
:dunno: But yet they always seem to be right....

When have ever been right about anything? We’re they right about all those times they said Democrats were going to be charged?
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