Bill Maher to Muslims: Go away.

This is one of the only times I have agreed with him. And why is it "racist" to not want your country (AMERICA) to turn into a muslim middle eastern type society? It wasn't founded with those principles in mind and the constitution and sharia law are very different. I am getting really tired of the thought police calling everyone racist when they express their concerns or fears.
The Constitution and Sharia Law are totally compatible.

The Constitution deals with the Rights of citizens in reguards to an oppressive Government.

Sharia Law is mainly about Civil and Criminal laws.

Mainly doesn't cut it.

This is the United States of America. We live under one system and one system only. No one wants to stop you from worshiping as you see fit. We have freedom of religion.... RELIGION. Not legal systems. OK? Don't ask us to support Sharia Law in the US.

Build your mosques - anywhere you choose - including GZ - and ignore the moral arguments against that particular building in that particular place.... if that is what you choose... but be clear. Sharia law is not, nor will it ever be, acceptable to us as your fellow countrymen. I don't 'tolerate' Muslims - I accept them. In return, you accept the laws of this country.
Our current legal system is based on Judeo-Christian laws and morals

If enough Americans VOTE to replace Judeo-Christian based laws with Sharia based laws.

Than that would be the will of the people and Democracy in action. :eusa_angel:
The Constitution and Sharia Law are totally compatible.

The Constitution deals with the Rights of citizens in reguards to an oppressive Government.

Sharia Law is mainly about Civil and Criminal laws.

Mainly doesn't cut it.

This is the United States of America. We live under one system and one system only. No one wants to stop you from worshiping as you see fit. We have freedom of religion.... RELIGION. Not legal systems. OK? Don't ask us to support Sharia Law in the US.

Build your mosques - anywhere you choose - including GZ - and ignore the moral arguments against that particular building in that particular place.... if that is what you choose... but be clear. Sharia law is not, nor will it ever be, acceptable to us as your fellow countrymen. I don't 'tolerate' Muslims - I accept them. In return, you accept the laws of this country.
Our current legal system is based on Judeo-Christian laws and morals

If enough Americans VOTE to replace Judeo-Christian based laws with Sharia based laws.

Than that would be the will of the people and Democracy in action. :eusa_angel:

Negative. If that vote is not done in the form of constitutional amendments, it would be considered invalid. You can just draw straws and say "sharia."

If enough Americans made that vote, it would get turned down by the court system as invalid.
But I guess that's why Muslims breed like rabbits, so that they can somehow change the system and make it unfair to infidels who don't see the world the same way. That's not very democratic. That really would be tyrannical.
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Mainly doesn't cut it.

This is the United States of America. We live under one system and one system only. No one wants to stop you from worshiping as you see fit. We have freedom of religion.... RELIGION. Not legal systems. OK? Don't ask us to support Sharia Law in the US.

Build your mosques - anywhere you choose - including GZ - and ignore the moral arguments against that particular building in that particular place.... if that is what you choose... but be clear. Sharia law is not, nor will it ever be, acceptable to us as your fellow countrymen. I don't 'tolerate' Muslims - I accept them. In return, you accept the laws of this country.
Our current legal system is based on Judeo-Christian laws and morals

If enough Americans VOTE to replace Judeo-Christian based laws with Sharia based laws.

Than that would be the will of the people and Democracy in action. :eusa_angel:

Negative. If that vote is not done in the form of constitutional amendments, it would be considered invalid. You can just draw straws and say "sharia."

If enough Americans made that vote, it would get turned down by the court system as invalid.
America is a nation of "We The People".

If the vast majority of the American people demand Sharia Law.

The Constitution allows for revolt and encourages the people to take up arms.
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Our current legal system is based on Judeo-Christian laws and morals

If enough Americans VOTE to replace Judeo-Christian based laws with Sharia based laws.

Than that would be the will of the people and Democracy in action. :eusa_angel:

Negative. If that vote is not done in the form of constitutional amendments, it would be considered invalid. You can just draw straws and say "sharia."

If enough Americans made that vote, it would get turned down by the court system as invalid.
America is a nation of "We The People".

If the vast majority of the American people demand Sharia Law.

The Constitution allows for revolt and encourages the people to take up arms.

Show me which line of the constitution says "If the courts and the legal processes set in place by this constitution don't make little man-child Muslims happy, they can revolt?"
cruel and unusual punishment, which both lashing and stoning would fall under, is certainly a constitutional issue.

the multiple witnesses law falls under the guise of the 5th and 6th amendment as well
Both of these items would have to be ruled on by the Courts.

We currently have executions by lethal injection, with Utah allowing firing squad and hanging.

So stoning or beheading are within bounds of current capital punishment.

Again, the Constitution doesn't address methods of punishment.

Fed and State Courts decide what is cruel and unusual.

no they wouldn't, there is already precendent for both not to be allowed.

that men routinely go to jail on rape charges with no witness to a rape but the women being raped shows that the idea of multiple witnesses of sharia is incompatible.

similarly, cruel and unusual involves deaths that are meant to be painless and instant. stonings are certainly not that and lashes for non-capital punishment is unacceptable as we have no allowance for physical punishment for non-death penalty sentences.

waiting for a response
Both of these items would have to be ruled on by the Courts.

We currently have executions by lethal injection, with Utah allowing firing squad and hanging.

So stoning or beheading are within bounds of current capital punishment.

Again, the Constitution doesn't address methods of punishment.

Fed and State Courts decide what is cruel and unusual.

no they wouldn't, there is already precendent for both not to be allowed.

that men routinely go to jail on rape charges with no witness to a rape but the women being raped shows that the idea of multiple witnesses of sharia is incompatible.

similarly, cruel and unusual involves deaths that are meant to be painless and instant. stonings are certainly not that and lashes for non-capital punishment is unacceptable as we have no allowance for physical punishment for non-death penalty sentences.

waiting for a response
He'll just go with his "revolution if we don't get our way" spiel...
Negative. If that vote is not done in the form of constitutional amendments, it would be considered invalid. You can just draw straws and say "sharia."

If enough Americans made that vote, it would get turned down by the court system as invalid.
America is a nation of "We The People".

If the vast majority of the American people demand Sharia Law.

The Constitution allows for revolt and encourages the people to take up arms.

Show me which line of the constitution says "If the courts and the legal processes set in place by this constitution don't make little man-child Muslims happy, they can revolt?"
Now you are just being silly. :doubt:
HBO's Bill Maher had a message for Muslims on his show Friday night: Get out of "the Western world."

Maher noted the news that Mohammed (when its various spellings are combined) is the year's most popular baby name in the United Kingdom. He said:

Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that? Because I am. And it’s not because of the race, it’s because of the religion. I don’t have to apologize, do I, for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam in 300 years? ... I should be alarmed, and I don't apologize for it.

One guest, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell, responded that Maher's statement was "worse" than Juan Williams' admission of his fears of people wearing Muslim clothes on airplanes. And the writer Reihan Salam responded:

As a Reihan Salam, I'm pretty comfortable with Mohammeds. I have some uncles named Mohammed and I think that they're pretty decent guys.

None of this is particularly surprising coming from Maher, who, while he likes to present himself as an equal opportunity religion-basher (see his movie "Religulous"), has long singled out Muslims (and, for that matter, Arabs).

Bill Maher to Muslims: Go away - War Room -

I may not be fond of Bill Maher, but on this I totally agree with him.

Well you know what they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
America is a nation of "We The People".

If the vast majority of the American people demand Sharia Law.

The Constitution allows for revolt and encourages the people to take up arms.

Show me which line of the constitution says "If the courts and the legal processes set in place by this constitution don't make little man-child Muslims happy, they can revolt?"
Now you are just being silly. :doubt:

Show me what part of the constitution supports your argument, or fuck off.
HBO's Bill Maher had a message for Muslims on his show Friday night: Get out of "the Western world."

Maher noted the news that Mohammed (when its various spellings are combined) is the year's most popular baby name in the United Kingdom. He said:

Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that? Because I am. And it’s not because of the race, it’s because of the religion. I don’t have to apologize, do I, for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam in 300 years? ... I should be alarmed, and I don't apologize for it.

One guest, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell, responded that Maher's statement was "worse" than Juan Williams' admission of his fears of people wearing Muslim clothes on airplanes. And the writer Reihan Salam responded:

As a Reihan Salam, I'm pretty comfortable with Mohammeds. I have some uncles named Mohammed and I think that they're pretty decent guys.

None of this is particularly surprising coming from Maher, who, while he likes to present himself as an equal opportunity religion-basher (see his movie "Religulous"), has long singled out Muslims (and, for that matter, Arabs).

Bill Maher to Muslims: Go away - War Room -

I may not be fond of Bill Maher, but on this I totally agree with him.

Well you know what they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

You are right only twice a day?
no they wouldn't, there is already precendent for both not to be allowed.

that men routinely go to jail on rape charges with no witness to a rape but the women being raped shows that the idea of multiple witnesses of sharia is incompatible.

similarly, cruel and unusual involves deaths that are meant to be painless and instant. stonings are certainly not that and lashes for non-capital punishment is unacceptable as we have no allowance for physical punishment for non-death penalty sentences.

waiting for a response
He'll just go with his "revolution if we don't get our way" spiel...
2nd Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".
waiting for a response
He'll just go with his "revolution if we don't get our way" spiel...
2nd Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".

So if an unconstitutional referendum to supersede the constitution with sharia law were passed, and then struck down by the courts, you think you would have the right to set up a militia against the system! See how that has worked out for those white supremacist groups who have tried to overthrow the government you moron. :lol::lol:
I am Not talking about some fringe group like the Aryan Nation.

So I'll try once more.

"If" the vast MAJORITY of the American people DEMANDED that Sharia Law become the law of the land .

Then it is our Constitutional duty as Patriotic citizens to revolt with arms if necessary to make it happem.
I am Not talking about some fringe group like the Aryan Nation.

So I'll try once more.

"If" the vast MAJORITY of the American people DEMANDED that Sharia Law become the law of the land .

Then it is our Constitutional duty as Patriotic citizens to revolt with arms if necessary to make it happem.

so lashing people would be found constitutional or what?
I am Not talking about some fringe group like the Aryan Nation.

So I'll try once more.

"If" the vast MAJORITY of the American people DEMANDED that Sharia Law become the law of the land .

Then it is our Constitutional duty as Patriotic citizens to revolt with arms if necessary to make it happem.

so lashing people would be found constitutional or what?
Again, and I hope for the last time.

That would be a matter for the Courts to decide. :cool:
Sharia law is not based on religious beliefs but cultural norms, just as much of Islam is. Neither will ever be adopted by a tolerant and free thinking people. Muslims, just as all people of different cultures, religions, races, etc. here are tolerated, not accepted. Americans are not required to accept anything different than themselves but are required, by law, to be tolerant and that is a big distinction many do not want to accept or recognize. Our curious young will try the Islamic faith and many will leave just as they do often in other religions. What does Sharia law say about that? Can you leave Islam in Afghanistan? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Indonesia? This is where Islam reveals its ugly underbelly. It does not accept, free thinking. It will never take that away from a people who have not just grown accustom to it but holds it as a undeniable right of all people.
Sharia law would be ruled unconstitutional by the SC, because it is unconstitutional. It doesn't matter one wit what 'the majority' thinks, as this country, in theory, is a republic, not a democracy.

Islam is a political system, not a religion, in any case, and it will soon be undergoing a massive decline as a political power, so it's not ever going to be a threat to the U.S. legal system. Even Europe will tossing it out in 10 years, outlawing it as they have Nazism, it's kissing cousin.
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The idea here is that Muslims will become a majority, the impose their system on everyone else, whether they like it or not. Using democracy to destroy democracy.
The idea here is that Muslims will become a majority, the impose their system on everyone else, whether they like it or not. Using democracy to destroy democracy.

Yes, I know that's their plan, but they're rather infantile to begin with, and they'll fail.

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