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Bill Maher's Muslim Problem

Maher's Muslim Problem = people unwilling to acknowledge the reality that is slapping them in the face.
In Maher's defense, he hates all religions. He sees the Muslim faith as the only faith that encourages the killing of non-Muslims. Of the small part of the Koran that I have read, I cannot find that. But there is language that says the infidels are to be left alone, unless they attack you. I suppose ISIS can point to anyone and says they have attacked our faith.
YOu wingnuts were all for taking Maher off the air when he said that flying planes into buildings wasn't "Cowardly".
I kind of get where Maher is coming from, that liberals are giving the religious stupidity of Muslims a pass.

But I also think it's kind of stupid to think our problem with the Islamic world is because of Religion.

It isn't.

Our problem with the Islamic world, as Pat Buchanan points out, is that in the last 35 years, we have invaded, bombed or occupied Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Kosovo, Yemen, Pakistan and now Syria. We support Israel, we topple governments, we prop up some really nasty characters and then act all surprised when some of them, like Saddam and Bin Laden, turn on us.
Just because the turmoil, the persecution, the murder and mayhem, the genocide that has been going on in Africa and the Middle-East hasn't received much coverage up until now, doesn't mean that it's not happening, like liberals think. It is widespread and for the most part kept hushed up by pain of death.

pr 15, 2014

By James Spurgeon

When one hears of genocide, most often the Holocaust comes to mind first. Some of us are old enough, though, to remember such atrocities in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Rwanda in the 1990s. The latter marked 20 years just recently. Each time we hear of such things, we always say, “never again.” But each time it happens, we tend to turn a blind eye to it as if ignoring the situation will make it better or go away.

In Rwanda, it was the Hutus and Tutsis that were trying to eradicate each other. In Kosovo, it was ethnic Albanians versus ethnic Serbs. And in Bosnia, there were Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbs, and Muslim Bosniaks all fighting each other. With history as hindsight, it was our first glimpse of the larger Christian versus Muslim conflict that was playing out around the world… something we would be brought into more directly with the attacks of September 11, 2001.

"We should put a stop to genocide at any moment it arises."
@ jspurgeon80
With each of those instances, we still stated, “never again.” And yet, even today we turn a blind eye to the genocide of our world. Now, it’s happening in the Central African Republic (CAR) and has Christians (anti-balaka) and Muslims (Seleka) attempting to wipe each other out. This conflict has been going on since December 2012 and has largely been skipped by western media outlets with the exception of a few scattered reports.
In December 2012, the mostly Muslim Seleka forces began a coup against the government, which culminated in a seizure of power in March 2013. They would remain in power for 10 months and during that time, according to Amnesty International, they “were responsible for massacres, extrajudicial executions, rape, torture, looting, and massive burning and destruction of Christian villages.”

The president of the new government, Michel Djotodia, declared the Seleka disbanded in September 2013 though most of the militias refused to disband. But as such atrocities mounted, he resigned in January 2014 due in large part to regional pressure. A new interim government was formed and a new interim president was elected on January 20.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, has flown to CAR to meet with the interim president who still has very little power or control over the situation.

With the Seleka forces now in retreat, the Christian forces (anti-balaka) are now committing the same offenses against the Muslim communities as had been done to them. And the Seleka forces are still committing the same attacks on Christian communities as they retreat. It’s a slaughter running right down the religious divide of Muslim versus Christian.

In February 2014, Amnesty International released a report which stated that “International peacekeepers have failed to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Muslim civilians in the western part of the Central African Republic.” It went on to further criticize the tepid response from the international community to the situation.

My father, Soba Tibati, could hardly walk and could not run away when the anti-balaka attacked our village. They decapitated him in front of my eyes as he sat on a straw mat under a tree outside our hut. Twelve other members of my family were also massacred in the same attack. The youngest was a baby girl who was just six months old.

Dairu Soba, survivor of an attack by anti-balaka fighters on January 8.

Courtesy: Amnesty International

On April 10, 2014, the United Nations passed Security Council resolution 2149, which authorized the deployment of a multidimensional United Nations peacekeeping operation (MINUSCA) with the protection of civilians as its top priority.

Other tasks include “support for the transition process; facilitating humanitarian assistance; promotion and protection of human rights; support for justice and the rule of law; and disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation processes.”

Regardless, the world can no longer ignore and turn a blind eye to the ongoing situation in the Central African Republic. Genocide is still genocide regardless of who is committing the atrocity. We should never utter the words, “Never again,” as we should put a stop to genocide at any moment it arises. Instead, we should look to the motto, “Not now; not ever.

Articles by James Spurgeon:
oh oh, CNN is pissed at Bill Maher

he can diss Christians all he wants but you can't talk about Muslim IN THIS COUNTRY

people needs to SHUN CNN as legitimate news source
The moron is trying to gain readership riding on Mahers coat tails.
oh oh, CNN is pissed at Bill Maher

he can diss Christians all he wants but you can't talk about Muslim IN THIS COUNTRY

people needs to SHUN CNN as legitimate news source

I think there's valid criticism and invalid criticism.

I can criticize Christianity because I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic schools for 12 years and received a shitload of Christian attempts at brainwashing.... er "religous education". And I started to suspect it was bullshit when a nun told me that God had to drown all the babies because they were wicked.

Now, here's the thing. I only really understand Islam in broad strokes. I know they think Allah is God- the same God of Abraham and David - and Mohammed was his prophet. They also think Jesus (Isa) was a prophet.

There are some Muslim Clerics who talk a lot of smack about the West being enemies. and there are lots of Muslim Cleric who want us all to sing Kumbaya at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast.

The thing is, when you are getting the shit bombed out of you by the west- again- the latter group doesn't have all that much credibility with the people being bombed.
Just because the turmoil, the persecution, the murder and mayhem, the genocide that has been going on in Africa and the Middle-East hasn't received much coverage up until now, doesn't mean that it's not happening, like liberals think. It is widespread and for the most part kept hushed up by pain of death.

pr 15, 2014

By James Spurgeon

When one hears of genocide, most often the Holocaust comes to mind first. Some of us are old enough, though, to remember such atrocities in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Rwanda in the 1990s. The latter marked 20 years just recently. Each time we hear of such things, we always say, “never again.” But each time it happens, we tend to turn a blind eye to it as if ignoring the situation will make it better or go away.

In Rwanda, it was the Hutus and Tutsis that were trying to eradicate each other. In Kosovo, it was ethnic Albanians versus ethnic Serbs. And in Bosnia, there were Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbs, and Muslim Bosniaks all fighting each other. With history as hindsight, it was our first glimpse of the larger Christian versus Muslim conflict that was playing out around the world… something we would be brought into more directly with the attacks of September 11, 2001.

"We should put a stop to genocide at any moment it arises."
@ jspurgeon80
With each of those instances, we still stated, “never again.” And yet, even today we turn a blind eye to the genocide of our world. Now, it’s happening in the Central African Republic (CAR) and has Christians (anti-balaka) and Muslims (Seleka) attempting to wipe each other out. This conflict has been going on since December 2012 and has largely been skipped by western media outlets with the exception of a few scattered reports.
In December 2012, the mostly Muslim Seleka forces began a coup against the government, which culminated in a seizure of power in March 2013. They would remain in power for 10 months and during that time, according to Amnesty International, they “were responsible for massacres, extrajudicial executions, rape, torture, looting, and massive burning and destruction of Christian villages.”

The president of the new government, Michel Djotodia, declared the Seleka disbanded in September 2013 though most of the militias refused to disband. But as such atrocities mounted, he resigned in January 2014 due in large part to regional pressure. A new interim government was formed and a new interim president was elected on January 20.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, has flown to CAR to meet with the interim president who still has very little power or control over the situation.

With the Seleka forces now in retreat, the Christian forces (anti-balaka) are now committing the same offenses against the Muslim communities as had been done to them. And the Seleka forces are still committing the same attacks on Christian communities as they retreat. It’s a slaughter running right down the religious divide of Muslim versus Christian.

In February 2014, Amnesty International released a report which stated that “International peacekeepers have failed to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Muslim civilians in the western part of the Central African Republic.” It went on to further criticize the tepid response from the international community to the situation.

My father, Soba Tibati, could hardly walk and could not run away when the anti-balaka attacked our village. They decapitated him in front of my eyes as he sat on a straw mat under a tree outside our hut. Twelve other members of my family were also massacred in the same attack. The youngest was a baby girl who was just six months old.

Dairu Soba, survivor of an attack by anti-balaka fighters on January 8.

Courtesy: Amnesty International

On April 10, 2014, the United Nations passed Security Council resolution 2149, which authorized the deployment of a multidimensional United Nations peacekeeping operation (MINUSCA) with the protection of civilians as its top priority.

Other tasks include “support for the transition process; facilitating humanitarian assistance; promotion and protection of human rights; support for justice and the rule of law; and disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation processes.”

Regardless, the world can no longer ignore and turn a blind eye to the ongoing situation in the Central African Republic. Genocide is still genocide regardless of who is committing the atrocity. We should never utter the words, “Never again,” as we should put a stop to genocide at any moment it arises. Instead, we should look to the motto, “Not now; not ever.

Articles by James Spurgeon:

The greatest genocide of all time, is likely the little known Hindu Kush. Courtesy of the religion of peace.
Hindu Kush means Hindu Slaughter
Maher's problem is simple: he's wrong.

Just like the conservatives who agree with him.
He's right.

Most of the genocides that have happened in the last 50 yrs have involved Muslims either committing it or being victims of it in retaliation. Muslims cannot get along with other religions. Christians can. So can Jews. Only Muslims, who's, founder was a terrorist and a pedophile, cannot get along with other religions for extended periods of time.
In Maher's defense, he hates all religions. He sees the Muslim faith as the only faith that encourages the killing of non-Muslims. Of the small part of the Koran that I have read, I cannot find that. But there is language that says the infidels are to be left alone, unless they attack you. I suppose ISIS can point to anyone and says they have attacked our faith.

I read the Koran at about age 20-----which was a very long time ago (pickthall translation---new at the time) ----I had no idea what islam is----by reading the Koran just as I had no idea what Hinduism is by reading the GITA. Fortunately--there were lots of muslims around------(and hindus)--because I was working in a very large hospital that took -----medical school graduates from south east asia (and iran and----other places with lots of muslims). I learned about islam from them. ---and an
understanding of the Koran------yes----muslims are supposed to kill non muslims---for just about any reason including refusal to be enslaved to Islamic rule. Muslims are also supposed to invade lands in which ISLAM is not THE MOST HONORED religion.---and pillage and enslave. I read the Koran circa---1971----when west Pakistanis were murdering and raping the people of "east Pakistan" (aka east Bengal---now BANGLA DESH)---------theoretically---muslims are not supposed to kill other muslims-----but there is a loop hole----TAKFIR-----they simply declare the people they want to rape and kill NON MUSLIMS---by virtue of a declaration of TAKFIR-----aren't you glad I am here???
Fox's "The Five" round table discussion is a favorite surveillance subject for the tax exempt left wing propaganda network Media Matters and it's clone "Newshounds" (we watch Fox so you don't have to) because they can pick up a lot of out of context stuff said during a discussion and give it to Huffington. When are lefties going to tire of posting cherry picked MM junk while the freaking Country is going down the drain? Not while Hussein is president?
Fox's "The Five" round table discussion is a favorite surveillance subject for the tax exempt left wing propaganda network Media Matters and it's clone "Newshounds" (we watch Fox so you don't have to) because they can pick up a lot of out of context stuff said during a discussion and give it to Huffington. When are lefties going to tire of posting cherry picked MM junk while the freaking Country is going down the drain? Not while Hussein is president?

Sometimes FOX actually tells the truth...but it is usually a mistake.
Bill Maher s Muslim problem Opinion - CNN.com

"Maher's remarks dismayed American Muslims across the country but won applause from all the hosts on Fox News' "The Five." When you're a progressive and a gaggle of Fox News hosts praises your views, you know something is seriously wrong."

Yes, when FOX news is applauding a liberal such as Maher something is definitely wrong.

Wow, Maher doesn't like Muslims or religious people, who knew? Can't help but notice CNN covers Maher's 'problems' rather a lot. Don't suppose whoever owns HBO owns CNN do you? ...Heh.

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