Bill Nye Finally Gets a Follower

Energy moment? What might that be?

And, just out of curiosity, if you don't think you should consult someone like Bill Nye, why the fuck would we want to consult someone as whackjob stupid as you or your denier buddies?

But I really want to know what energy moment is.

Whoo hooo...caught me in a spelling that makes you feel good, doesn't 't it skid mark....look at how pathetic you have become...

I still don't know what term you were intending by "energy moment". Here's the quote

"Mechanical engineers know more about energy moment than most climatologists....nye must have been near the bottom of his class..." I know what energy is and I know what moment is (as in moment of inertia) but I'm unable to think of a valid term you could get to from "energy moment" via a spelling error.

What did you mean to say? I'm beginning to think that you didn't actually have anything and that you're covering by claiming it was a spelling error.

And clearly you aren't bright enough to substitute the actual word......the word, you doofus is movement...since climate change is all about energy movement, what other word might I have misspelled?
Hey Crick- just a friendly suggestion. Stop going after SSDD. He makes you look even more stupid every time you do.

Coming from you I cannot tell you how much that advice means to me. Really.

I suggest you keep coming after me...There is little I enjoy more on this board than handing you your stupid arrogant ass...and it is so easy...
The science is settled. The debate is over!

Hmmm, wants to address both INEQUALITY and climate change. Why are they always linked? Wouldn't be they're Communists?
The question was to poster Pilot1 who stated:

Hmmm, wants to address both INEQUALITY and climate change. Why are they always linked? Wouldn't be they're Communists?

So, take your trolling somewhere else, eh
Energy moment? What might that be?

And, just out of curiosity, if you don't think you should consult someone like Bill Nye, why the fuck would we want to consult someone as whackjob stupid as you or your denier buddies?

But I really want to know what energy moment is.

Whoo hooo...caught me in a spelling that makes you feel good, doesn't 't it skid mark....look at how pathetic you have become...

I still don't know what term you were intending by "energy moment". Here's the quote

"Mechanical engineers know more about energy moment than most climatologists....nye must have been near the bottom of his class..." I know what energy is and I know what moment is (as in moment of inertia) but I'm unable to think of a valid term you could get to from "energy moment" via a spelling error.

What did you mean to say? I'm beginning to think that you didn't actually have anything and that you're covering by claiming it was a spelling error.
Nye is smart. He knows manmade climate change is BS so he owns three homes. Problem he has is he’s a liar and tells everyone else there is.
How do you figure that owning three homes means that Nye doesn't believe AGW?
How do you figure that owning three homes means that Nye doesn't believe AGW?

Apparently he's a hypocrite for not living in a solar powered cardboard box.
Aren't you moonbats all about minimalist lifestyles and "needing less"?

Why the fuck does Bill Nye the Snake Oil Guy need three homes?

He has to do something with all the money he is making on the man made climate scam...isn't there a thread about how much money these guys aren't making?
Then you haven't been listening to her speak. But you keep on thinking that.
Then you haven't been listening to her speak. But you keep on thinking that.
Has she been inaugurated yet? :rolleyes:
What about her saying NYC was giving amazon 3 billion dollars and now they can invest it in the city? The girl is dumb as shit.
It makes you sound incompetent calling her smart.
"How are we going to pay for this green deal aoc?"
"We can just make more banks"
We can tax the rich as we ought to be.

We can tax our corporations as we ought to be.

We can tax carbon emissions as we ought to be.

We can dismantle our nuclear arsenal.

We can stop treating our trading partners like our enemies

We can offer everyone living in this nation all the education they can take

We can offer everyone living here full medical care.

Almost every other western democracy has free or subsidized education and free or subsidized healthcare and is working a lot harder to reduce carbon emissions. They seem to afford it without much trouble. Why is it such a struggle for the richest nation on Earth?
We can tax the rich as we ought to be.

We can tax our corporations as we ought to be.

We can tax carbon emissions as we ought to be.

We can dismantle our nuclear arsenal.

We can stop treating our trading partners like our enemies

We can offer everyone living in this nation all the education they can take

We can offer everyone living here full medical care.

Almost every other western democracy has free or subsidized education and free or subsidized healthcare and is working a lot harder to reduce carbon emissions. They seem to afford it without much trouble. Why is it such a struggle for the richest nation on Earth?
We have a constitution. Get some amendments, statist.
Why do you only want rich people to enjoy carbon emissions?
The war on poor people continues!
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

America is experiencing a CHILD CARE Public Health Crisis and these jokers are talking about the weather.

alexandria ocasio cortez, kendrick lamar.jpg Bill Nye, Dr Nadine Burke Harris, Dr Bruce Perry.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Bill Nye ... worth $6.5 Million for NOT being a scientist.

Now that is income inequality.

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