Bill Oreilly defended Ellen.. So I guess all the people on Fox are not gay haters Dem

Oreilly was defending capitalism for the most part. In any case, I agree 100% with his position there.
Since Shep Smith is gay, it was assumed that all the people on FNC weren't gay. Plus the large amount of closeted gay conservatives tell a different tale/tail.

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams
Mara Laiason
Mort Kondrache
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost
Nina Easton
Judy Miller
Evan Bayh
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts
Rick Folbaum

I'm bettin' they hire a greater percentage of the other team than any other cable network
I did not know Shep was gay. I thought he was married for 6 years.. And Gerardo has been married several times..
Bullshit. They are still gay haters. And not just gays. Don't kid yourselves. Otherwise, gays would have already had the right to marry. Conservative moms wouldn't be threatening boycotts. And being in the military wouldn't be such a big deal. It's all Conservatives. It's all Republicans. So just stop the bullshit!
Bullshit. They are still gay haters. And not just gays. Don't kid yourselves. Otherwise, gays would have already had the right to marry. Conservative moms wouldn't be threatening boycotts. And being in the military wouldn't be such a big deal. It's all Conservatives. It's all Republicans. So just stop the bullshit!

Speak for yourself. I am a conservative and I have no problem with gays who want to marry. I feel they have the right to. I have no problems with people being gay at all that is their life and NO body has the right to tell them if its right or wrong.
I'm sure there were many left wing commentators who defended the Tea Parties.... and Glen Beck when the 'Color of Change' tried to force him off the air.... or the asshole left who ranted at every company who sponsored or ran commercials during Sarah Palin's show.

I'm right, aren't I? They defended those guys, huh?

Bullshit. They are still gay haters. And not just gays. Don't kid yourselves. Otherwise, gays would have already had the right to marry. Conservative moms wouldn't be threatening boycotts. And being in the military wouldn't be such a big deal. It's all Conservatives. It's all Republicans. So just stop the bullshit!

Speak for yourself. I am a conservative and I have no problem with gays who want to marry. I feel they have the right to. I have no problems with people being gay at all that is their life and NO body has the right to tell them if its right or wrong.

Yea, right. Maybe you're in the wrong party? If you are so "liberal", then why isn't the rest of the Party. Seems kinda stupid being part of a party that doesn't share your "values". Unless, you're lying. Republicans do that a lot. Not all of them. Just 90%.
I'm sure there were many left wing commentators who defended the Tea Parties.... and Glen Beck when the 'Color of Change' tried to force him off the air.... or the asshole left who ranted at every company who sponsored or ran commercials during Sarah Palin's show.

I'm right, aren't I? They defended those guys, huh?


Defend Glenn Beck? Why? He said the president has a deep seated hatred for white people. That should be defended? Are you nuts? Don't bother answering. I wasn't really asking a question.
Bullshit. They are still gay haters. And not just gays. Don't kid yourselves. Otherwise, gays would have already had the right to marry. Conservative moms wouldn't be threatening boycotts. And being in the military wouldn't be such a big deal. It's all Conservatives. It's all Republicans. So just stop the bullshit!
I know many Democrats that will not accept the concept of gay marriage. Yet when I point out inheritance, property rights, and funeral arrangements I hear "Well of course the person closest to the man/woman who died should decide/inhereit".
I'm sure there were many left wing commentators who defended the Tea Parties.... and Glen Beck when the 'Color of Change' tried to force him off the air.... or the asshole left who ranted at every company who sponsored or ran commercials during Sarah Palin's show.

I'm right, aren't I? They defended those guys, huh?


Defend Glenn Beck? Why? He said the president has a deep seated hatred for white people. That should be defended? Are you nuts? Don't bother answering. I wasn't really asking a question.

He has the right to speak freely in this country. And, I am not surprised you don't want an answer. Logical responses stump stupidity every time.

Your left wing ranting commentators lied about the TEA Parties, they lied about Beck, they lied about Palin... and not one of the left's commentators called them on it. Not one. Bill O'Reilly has more integrity than any fucking liberal commentator in the country.
Does he support her right to marry a woman and get all the benefits that come with being married?
I'm sure there were many left wing commentators who defended the Tea Parties.... and Glen Beck when the 'Color of Change' tried to force him off the air.... or the asshole left who ranted at every company who sponsored or ran commercials during Sarah Palin's show.

I'm right, aren't I? They defended those guys, huh?


Defend Glenn Beck? Why? He said the president has a deep seated hatred for white people. That should be defended? Are you nuts? Don't bother answering. I wasn't really asking a question.

He has the right to speak freely in this country. And, I am not surprised you don't want an answer. Logical responses stump stupidity every time.

Your left wing ranting commentators lied about the TEA Parties, they lied about Beck, they lied about Palin... and not one of the left's commentators called them on it. Not one. Bill O'Reilly has more integrity than any fucking liberal commentator in the country.

You guys on the right need to ask yourselves when you are watching or listening to things like Glenn Beck, "am i being brainwashed with right wing spin, half truths, misinformation and propaganda."???
Defend Glenn Beck? Why? He said the president has a deep seated hatred for white people. That should be defended? Are you nuts? Don't bother answering. I wasn't really asking a question.

He has the right to speak freely in this country. And, I am not surprised you don't want an answer. Logical responses stump stupidity every time.

Your left wing ranting commentators lied about the TEA Parties, they lied about Beck, they lied about Palin... and not one of the left's commentators called them on it. Not one. Bill O'Reilly has more integrity than any fucking liberal commentator in the country.

You guys on the right need to ask yourselves when you are watching or listening to things like Glenn Beck, "am i being brainwashed with right wing spin, half truths, misinformation and propaganda."???

I don't listen or watch Beck, nor do I listen or watch MSNBC, or any of the rest of the crap from either side. That does not mean I haven't seen the left lie their fucking faces off about Beck, Palin, etc.

I remember very well the liberals on this board informing me that they were 'outraged' because Beck 'hated the victims of 9/11'. So I went and dug around until I found the full quote, in context. I was both flabbered and gasted to find that that was NOT what he said at all. Bunch of fucking borg-like followers of liberal spin. It's a wonder they don't spend their days hanging over the john, throwing their guts up.

It is fucking laughable what people will fall for.
I did not know Shep was gay. I thought he was married for 6 years.. And Gerardo has been married several times..

It's pretty obvious Shepard Smith is gay. For the last year I've wondered if he doesn't have HIV because he's lost so much weight.
Defend Glenn Beck? Why? He said the president has a deep seated hatred for white people. That should be defended? Are you nuts? Don't bother answering. I wasn't really asking a question.

He has the right to speak freely in this country. And, I am not surprised you don't want an answer. Logical responses stump stupidity every time.

Your left wing ranting commentators lied about the TEA Parties, they lied about Beck, they lied about Palin... and not one of the left's commentators called them on it. Not one. Bill O'Reilly has more integrity than any fucking liberal commentator in the country.

You guys on the right need to ask yourselves when you are watching or listening to things like Glenn Beck, "am i being brainwashed with right wing spin, half truths, misinformation and propaganda."???

I would ask the same of you when you watch the mainstream networks as well as any TV show or movie. Learn to retain your own opinions and discard the brainwashing they're constantly subjecting us to.

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