Billionaire Tom Steyer Jumps Into the Clown Car!

I knew Steyer was wacky but I didn't figure he was this delusional. He probably has visions of himself riding down an escalator to make his announcement too.
Steyer has been giving his money to commiecrat liars and thieves for years...maybe he's figured out he can't do any worse betting on himself. :dunno:
Simply hilarious. Why not? Maybe he can act sane and jump out on top of the clown squad.
I only have one question for the man. Did he or did he not favor former Vice President Al Gore's global warming shit based on omitted history. And it would be a good thing to know if he can prevent the progressives in the Democrat Party from casting this nation into the hell of communistic rule. IOW, is he in agreement with President Trump who thinks progressive communists who call themselves 'socialists' should not be in power.

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