Billions of qubic yards of Methane discovered in Siberia in Soviet Union.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Large quantities of methane gas is being released in Siberia Soviet Union.
The melting permafrost is releasing most of this Methane gas.
How energy companies can utilize this Methane still remains to be seen.
There is no realistic way to utilize the methane being released by the permafrost. However, the treasure house that Siberia is, from natural gas, petroleum, and minerals, including some of the most productive diamond fields in the world, demonstrate what a caveman Putin truly is. Were the Russians to concentrate on developing their natural resources and their human resources, instead of playing at re-establishing the old Russian Empire, they would make China's growth rate look insignificant.
Large quantities of methane gas is being released in Siberia Soviet Union.
The melting permafrost is releasing most of this Methane gas.
How energy companies can utilize this Methane still remains to be seen.

Calling it "discovered" implies that folks didn't know about it before.

They did.

It has become more widely known as human-haters have been ramping up the "discovery" of every natural process they can think of to create a particular fear meme.
There is no realistic way to utilize the methane being released by the permafrost. However, the treasure house that Siberia is, from natural gas, petroleum, and minerals, including some of the most productive diamond fields in the world, demonstrate what a caveman Putin truly is. Were the Russians to concentrate on developing their natural resources and their human resources, instead of playing at re-establishing the old Russian Empire, they would make China's growth rate look insignificant.

Read some history sometime. The reason why Russia keeps Siberia underdeveloped is they realize that Siberia will be the tail that wags the dog. It's called geopolitics and Russians paly it fairly well now.
Demographics doom Russia in the long term. Not enough babies. Too many drunks. Incredibly short life expectancy.

But having been there, I can say with confidence that Russia has more than its fair share of beautiful women. Whooodathunkit?
Demographics doom Russia in the long term. Not enough babies. Too many drunks. Incredibly short life expectancy.

But having been there, I can say with confidence that Russia has more than its fair share of beautiful women. Whooodathunkit?

Eastern European woman, a shame they had to suffer under liberalism.

Large quantities of methane gas is being released in Siberia Soviet Union.
The melting permafrost is releasing most of this Methane gas.
How energy companies can utilize this Methane still remains to be seen.

Calling it "discovered" implies that folks didn't know about it before.

They did.

It has become more widely known as human-haters have been ramping up the "discovery" of every natural process they can think of to create a particular fear meme.

That. Every time the Earth goes through it's cycles trapped Methane gets released.
Large quantities of methane gas is being released in Siberia Soviet Union.
The melting permafrost is releasing most of this Methane gas.
How energy companies can utilize this Methane still remains to be seen.

This is, much to my everlasting shame, is not true.
In fact I was there for a holiday and let one drop. :eusa_whistle:
Billions of cubic yards spread over 1.5 million square miles of frozen tundra?

That's not economically recoverable, I'll wager.
Billions of cubic yards spread over 1.5 million square miles of frozen tundra?

That's not economically recoverable, I'll wager.

Give man enough time and incentive, and he can figure anything out.
Large quantities of methane gas is being released in Siberia Soviet Union.
The melting permafrost is releasing most of this Methane gas.
How energy companies can utilize this Methane still remains to be seen.

Calling it "discovered" implies that folks didn't know about it before.

They did.

It has become more widely known as human-haters have been ramping up the "discovery" of every natural process they can think of to create a particular fear meme.

That. Every time the Earth goes through it's cycles trapped Methane gets released.

And those cycles would be?
Calling it "discovered" implies that folks didn't know about it before.

They did.

It has become more widely known as human-haters have been ramping up the "discovery" of every natural process they can think of to create a particular fear meme.

That. Every time the Earth goes through it's cycles trapped Methane gets released.

And those cycles would be?

Here is one theory. The cycles are well known. Their causes are not...

"The Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) for climate change is the combination of the elliptical paths of the moon and earth, changes in solar radiation and changes in the gravitational pulses and electromagnetic pulses. The PFM cycles control the Earth's "Natural Climate Pulse", and it is this Natural Pulse that controls weather and climate cycles here on earth.


The earth's climate is very complex and very cyclical due to the PFM Natural Climate Pulse interacting with the oceans, atmosphere and inner/outer cores of earth. The high and low tides of the oceans alternate approximately every 6 hours, and ocean tides and some currents change with the PFM cycles. Above the surface of the Earth is the atmosphere which is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and other gases which move fluidly around the planet. The flow of these atmospheric gases are caused by the rotation of the earth, heating of the atmosphere and ground by the sun, proximity of mountain ranges and water bodies such as oceans, and forcing mechanisms such as gravitational tides caused by the PFM cycles


Earth's temperature changes seasonally due to the seasonal tilt of the earth, with longer term cycles due to the PFM Natural Pulse cycles every 10-years, 230 years and 130 thousand years. Carbon dioxide concentrations are a naturally occurring cycle connected to the short-term global warming cycles that occur approximately every 230 years, and the longer term 130 thousand year glacial and inter-glacial cycles. The eBook written by Mr. Dilley of GWO (avalable on the Natural Pulse Page) illustrates that earth's current temperatueres and carbon dioxide levels are perfectly normal for global warming cycle that was occurring up to the year 2012 (now beginning to slip into global cooling for the next 150 years)."

2014 Accurate Hurricane -Typhoon Predictions 4 Years into the Future
Calling it "discovered" implies that folks didn't know about it before.

They did.

It has become more widely known as human-haters have been ramping up the "discovery" of every natural process they can think of to create a particular fear meme.

That. Every time the Earth goes through it's cycles trapped Methane gets released.

And those cycles would be?

.....called nature. Look it up.
That. Every time the Earth goes through it's cycles trapped Methane gets released.

And those cycles would be?

Here is one theory. The cycles are well known. Their causes are not...

"The Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) for climate change is the combination of the elliptical paths of the moon and earth, changes in solar radiation and changes in the gravitational pulses and electromagnetic pulses. The PFM cycles control the Earth's "Natural Climate Pulse", and it is this Natural Pulse that controls weather and climate cycles here on earth.


The earth's climate is very complex and very cyclical due to the PFM Natural Climate Pulse interacting with the oceans, atmosphere and inner/outer cores of earth. The high and low tides of the oceans alternate approximately every 6 hours, and ocean tides and some currents change with the PFM cycles. Above the surface of the Earth is the atmosphere which is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and other gases which move fluidly around the planet. The flow of these atmospheric gases are caused by the rotation of the earth, heating of the atmosphere and ground by the sun, proximity of mountain ranges and water bodies such as oceans, and forcing mechanisms such as gravitational tides caused by the PFM cycles


Earth's temperature changes seasonally due to the seasonal tilt of the earth, with longer term cycles due to the PFM Natural Pulse cycles every 10-years, 230 years and 130 thousand years. Carbon dioxide concentrations are a naturally occurring cycle connected to the short-term global warming cycles that occur approximately every 230 years, and the longer term 130 thousand year glacial and inter-glacial cycles. The eBook written by Mr. Dilley of GWO (avalable on the Natural Pulse Page) illustrates that earth's current temperatueres and carbon dioxide levels are perfectly normal for global warming cycle that was occurring up to the year 2012 (now beginning to slip into global cooling for the next 150 years)."

2014 Accurate Hurricane -Typhoon Predictions 4 Years into the Future

Both you and Dilley are full of shit. There has been no time in the past several million years when the CO2 level was where it is today.

Climate Milestone: Earth's CO2 Level Nears 400 ppm

The last time the concentration of Earth's main greenhouse gas reached this mark, horses and camels lived in the high Arctic. Seas were at least 30 feet higher—at a level that today would inundate major cities around the world.

The planet was about 2 to 3 degrees Celsius (3.6 to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer. But the Earth then was in the final stage of a prolonged greenhouse epoch, and CO2 concentrations were on their way down. This time, 400 ppm is a milepost on a far more rapid uphill climb toward an uncertain climate future.
We have ice core data both from Greenland and Anarctica for several hundred thousand years. And at no time has the GHG level in the atmosphere been anywhere near what it is today.

Now I don't know why you continually lie about such matters, Westwall, but when it is something so easy to show the lie on, one has to consider that you have a pathological disorder.
We have ice core data both from Greenland and Anarctica for several hundred thousand years. And at no time has the GHG level in the atmosphere been anywhere near what it is today.

Now I don't know why you continually lie about such matters, Westwall, but when it is something so easy to show the lie on, one has to consider that you have a pathological disorder.

So what. There has been no causation shown to exist between the two. The OPPOSITE is actually what correlates. That does not equal causation, of course, but the CO2 levels rise hundreds of years AFTER the warming so your theory is just flat wrong. It doesn't even have correlation to fall back on.
Even if you buy into recent surface temperature rise being as a result of increased greenhouse gasses, methane is an irrelevant gas in the theoretical causes.

Methane (CH4) has only two narrow absorption bands at 3.3 microns and 7.5 microns in the radiation spectrum. Theoretically, CH4 is 20 times more effective an absorber than CO2 – in those bands. However, CH4 is only 0.00017% (1.7 parts per million) of the atmosphere. Moreover, both of its bands occur at wavelengths where H2O is already absorbing virtually all energy. Because water vapor is much more plentiful in the atmosphere than methane (or any other GHG), H2O absorbs vastly more energy and is by far the most important greenhouse gas. On any given day, H2O is a percent or two of the atmosphere (1.0-2.0% or 5,882 to 11,764 times as prevalent as methane in the atmosphere); we call that humidity. Hence, any radiation that CH4 might absorb has already been absorbed by H2O in the only radiation bands in which methane absorbs energy. In other words, the ratio of the percentages of water to methane is such that the effects of CH4 are completely masked by H2O because the absorption of infrared energy in the bands of the spectrum affected by methane has already been saturated by H2O absorption. The amount of CH4 would have to increase 100-fold to make it comparable to H2O.

Learn more at the article below (charts & graphs and all the good stuff—

Methane: The Irrelevant Greenhouse Gas | Watts Up With That?
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We have ice core data both from Greenland and Anarctica for several hundred thousand years. And at no time has the GHG level in the atmosphere been anywhere near what it is today.

Now I don't know why you continually lie about such matters, Westwall, but when it is something so easy to show the lie on, one has to consider that you have a pathological disorder.

You mean the ice core data that show CO2 LAGGING temperature?

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