Black Activists Call on President Trump to Make Chicago Great Again

What happened to all the racial unrest we saw while Obama was President? It's like someone just flipped a switch.

CHICAGO CARNAGE: Black Activists Slam #REALFAKE Trump Tower Deception

The taxpayer-funded installation of a giant, gold-lettered “#RealFake” sculpture, placed by Chicago just opposite Trump Tower, serves as the backdrop for a cutting short film, “Chicago Carnage,” from RebelPundit filmmakers Jeremy Segal and Andrew Marcus featuring community organizers Paul McKinley and Mark Carter.

The city of Chicago installed the sculpture just across the Chicago River from Trump Tower in a space that could only be intended to give a giant middle finger to President Trump late last month. The sculpture sits as perfect photo-op to take selfies and group photos flipping off the Trump sign, while standing underneath it right next to the golden sculpture that screams Real Fake.

Segal and Marcus have produced several videos around the sculpture over the past few weeks during the production of this short film featuring Paul McKinley, Mark Carter and a glimpse at the real city of Chicago.

Both say Chicago is a city that is overrun with very real deadly violence and poverty within a few short miles from this sculpture and it is by intentional design under the “liberal agenda.”
CHICAGO CARNAGE: Black Activists Slam #REALFAKE Trump Tower Deception
America is doable, except for liberal-run shit holes of course. When inner-city populations come to their senses and get tired of murder and mayhem, then that too may be doable too.
Too bad Trump doesn't know how

Aside from replacing every Democrat running the city of Chicago, how would you stop the violence? Chicago doesn't have a "gun problem". It has a drug problem, a people problem, an image problem, a reality problem, and a complete lack of sane and responsible leadership.

Remember, Barack Obama spent a lot of time there. He tried everything he could to make this country the same shithole Chicago is. But thank God, he failed.
Too bad Trump doesn't know how

Aside from replacing every Democrat running the city of Chicago, how would you stop the violence? Chicago doesn't have a "gun problem". It has a drug problem, a people problem, an image problem, a reality problem, and a complete lack of sane and responsible leadership.

Remember, Barack Obama spent a lot of time there. He tried everything he could to make this country the same shithole Chicago is. But thank God, he failed.
it's important to remember that these murder zones are just that (mostly on the southside.). why obama alienated the police is beyond me. Trump is our chance to fix Chicago, like Giuliani fixed NYC.
That has to hurt the leftists

"the fake is Barrack Obama"

"the fake is Bill Clinton"

Why did they NOT ask Bamma to help? After all he knows the city better then most people. Why have they not asked that he return to the City and save them from themselves. I don't have a clue as to the answers.
Obama had 8 years to save the city of Chicago he claims to love.
Blood runs in the streets daily.
Name one positive thing this snake oil salesman actually accomplished for the taxpayer!
Obama had 8 years to save the city of Chicago he claims to love.
Blood runs in the streets daily.
Name one positive thing this snake oil salesman actually accomplished for the taxpayer!
He gave them more free stuff. It's the Democrat way.
Obama had 8 years to save the city of Chicago he claims to love.
Blood runs in the streets daily.
Name one positive thing this snake oil salesman actually accomplished for the taxpayer!

Well to be fair, he did cause firearms and ammunition manufacturer's profits to soar. They pay taxes, don't they?
Obama had 8 years to save the city of Chicago he claims to love.
Blood runs in the streets daily.
Name one positive thing this snake oil salesman actually accomplished for the taxpayer!

Well to be fair, he did cause firearms and ammunition manufacturer's profits to soar. They pay taxes, don't they?
and another positive thing he did, was getting a lot of people on the right wing to oppose the patriot act and other foruuth amendment violations, and also recognize the fallacy of interventionist foriegn policy

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