black couple sues appraisal company for low appraisal on home

Yeah, over 10,000 years ago. After that they built rectangular wooden and stone homes homes, developed agriculture and evolved enormously.

Westerners invented democracy, philosophized (you know, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates), created the Roman Empire, established European culture, experienced the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, created universities, built great cathedrals and castles, experienced the Age of Discovery, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, continually advanced human civilization and the Age of Revolution.

Westerners were first to put to use such technologies as steam, electric and nuclear power. The West invented movies, television, the personal computer and the Internet; produced artists such as Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Bach, and Mozart.

Meanwhile, just a few centuries ago, when Westerners found negroes still living in mud huts, wearing loin cloths and chasing their food with a stick. The had no advanced civilization, technology, educational system or even a written history. Help, today, still half of black Africans don't have electricity.

Don't you dare compare negroes to American's founding people!
keep up the racist rant it looks so good on you.
LOL guess what? white ancestors lived in caves and hunted food with sticks too ohh and they too wore loin cloths.
Yeah, over 10,000 years ago. After that they built rectangular wooden and stone homes homes, developed agriculture and evolved enormously.

Westerners invented democracy, philosophized (you know, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates), created the Roman Empire, established European culture, experienced the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, created universities, built great cathedrals and castles, experienced the Age of Discovery, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Revolution and continually advanced civilization.

Westerners were first to put to use such technologies as steam, electric and nuclear power. The West invented movies, television, the personal computer and the Internet; produced artists such as Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Bach and Mozart.

Meanwhile, just a few centuries ago, negroes were still living in mud huts, wearing loin cloths and chasing their food with a stick. They had no advanced civilization, technology, educational system or even a written history. Hell, even today, half of black Africans still don't have electricity.

Don't you dare compare negroes to America's great people!
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Yeah, over 10,000 years ago. After that they built rectangular wooden and stone homes homes, developed agriculture and evolved enormously.

Westerners invented democracy, philosophized (you know, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates), created the Roman Empire, established European culture, experienced the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, created universities, built great cathedrals and castles, experienced the Age of Discovery, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, continually advanced human civilization and the Age of Revolution.

Westerners were first to put to use such technologies as steam, electric and nuclear power. The West invented movies, television, the personal computer and the Internet; produced artists such as Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Bach and Mozart.

Meanwhile, just a few centuries ago, when Westerners found negroes still living in mud huts, wearing loin cloths and chasing their food with a stick. The had no advanced civilization, technology, educational system or even a written history. Help, today, still half of black Africans don't have electricity.

Don't you dare compare negroes to American's founding people!
your racism is so cute.
Yeah, over 10,000 years ago. After that they built rectangular wooden and stone homes homes, developed agriculture and evolved enormously.

Westerners invented democracy, philosophized (you know, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates), created the Roman Empire, established European culture, experienced the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, created universities, built great cathedrals and castles, experienced the Age of Discovery, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, continually advanced human civilization and the Age of Revolution.

Westerners were first to put to use such technologies as steam, electric and nuclear power. The West invented movies, television, the personal computer and the Internet; produced artists such as Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Bach and Mozart.

Meanwhile, just a few centuries ago, negroes were still living in mud huts, wearing loin cloths and chasing their food with a stick. The had no advanced civilization, technology, educational system or even a written history. Hell, even today, half of black Africans still don't have electricity.

Don't you dare compare negroes to American's founding people!
Or what? You'll cry? Talk about groomers. Have there ever been bigger groomers in history than the Founders? And they did it to their own children. Doesn't sound like a socially or intellectually advanced society to me.
Most negroes congregate in neighborhoods of people like themselves — single-earner incomes, often with poor credit, with extremely high crime and litter everywhere. That's the problem.

And don't forget noisy as fuck. They can't even sit in line at a McDonald's drive-thru without that jungle music blaring so loud you need to close your car window to try and block it out.
I'm not sure why anyone should be surprised. The racial segregation of our communities today is a reflection of racist white policies and practices to deny and diminish black home ownership. We can look at the maps and see the literal red lines that divide us.

Not divided enough if you ask me.
That sounds messed up, but how do I know you aren't just pulling that out your butt.

You don't know. This is the internet. All I can tell you is what happened to me, and whether you believe it or not is up to you.

The only reason I brought it up is to demonstrate there are discrepancies when it comes to property value and race has nothing to do with it. For instance I know I could sell this place for a lot more than the county or appraisal company estimated. It's rental property and rental property is in huge demand these days. It's a great investment and will be for decades to come. People who can't afford a house have to rent. People that can afford a house are getting lazier and don't want to deal with the work, maintenance or repair of a home. They just want to call one phone number and their problem will be solved. It's not just here, it's a nationwide problem.

The last time I advertised an apartment was seven years ago. It was February and nobody moves up north with the snow and the cold. After I placed the ad, I woke up the next morning with 14 replies; people starting a price war telling me they'd pay me more than I advertised, some people begged me to give them the place and they'll take it sight unseen, one offered to give me double security deposit. It's something I never seen before, and I've been a landlord for nearly 30 years and come from a family of landlords.

The appraisal company nor the county even considers those things. They simply measure rooms and property and give their estimate what it's worth.
I want them to treat black people EXACTLY the same way they treat white people. It's clear that didn't happen here. The Appraiser rigged the appraisal to lowball the professional black couple.
Hate to break it to you but that’s exactly what loandepot did at least from what we know from the story as told by the plaintiffs in this case. They processed their loan referred it to the outside company that manages their appraisals, got the report from said company and made their decision based off of that. What you’re asking for is a special process for black people. Though I’m not really sure how they are supposed to know which applicants are what race.

If they don't know the neighborhood, they DESERVE to get sued. I hope they pay millions to this couple.

What? Youre a moron
Wrong. The appraiser was their contractor. That makes him their responsibility.

If I say racist things to customers at work, my employer is responsible.
If the UPS driver sexually harasses the employees, my employer is responsible if they don't do something about it.
This is why you have a screening process. They didn't practice one.

The whole point of an appraisal management company is so the lender has zero interaction with the appraiser. Loandepot probably never even knew this guys name or the company he owns.
They certainly wouldn’t have had any input on who was being hired to do the appraisal as that would be ILLEGAL.

If LoanDepot is smart, they'll settle this quietly and quickly as possible.

if they are smart they will fight this and win lest they invite other ridiculous lawsuits of this nature. These peoples gripe is with the appraiser not the lender.
Sucks for them they didn't pay attention to who these folks were hiring.
Yeah, over 10,000 years ago. After that they built rectangular wooden and stone homes homes, developed agriculture and evolved enormously.

Westerners invented democracy, philosophized (you know, Aristotle, Plato and Socrates), created the Roman Empire, established European culture, experienced the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, created universities, built great cathedrals and castles, experienced the Age of Discovery, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the Age of Revolution and continually advanced civilization.

Westerners were first to put to use such technologies as steam, electric and nuclear power. The West invented movies, television, the personal computer and the Internet; produced artists such as Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Vincent van Gogh, Picasso, Bach and Mozart.

Meanwhile, just a few centuries ago, negroes were still living in mud huts, wearing loin cloths and chasing their food with a stick. They had no advanced civilization, technology, educational system or even a written history. Hell, even today, half of black Africans still don't have electricity.

Don't you dare compare negroes to America's great people!
What have you contributed to society? The main white folks who love to brag about what white folks discovered, founded, invented, etc. are the main ones who have never done shit.
You don't know. This is the internet. All I can tell you is what happened to me, and whether you believe it or not is up to you.
You're right, because your stories are all over the place. Truck driver, slum lord, policeman, firefighter, pimp, just all around hustler.
The only reason I brought it up is to demonstrate there are discrepancies when it comes to property value and race has nothing to do with it. For instance I know I could sell this place for a lot more than the county or appraisal company estimated. It's rental property and rental property is in huge demand these days. It's a great investment and will be for decades to come. People who can't afford a house have to rent. People that can afford a house are getting lazier and don't want to deal with the work, maintenance or repair of a home. They just want to call one phone number and their problem will be solved. It's not just here, it's a nationwide problem.
If they have the money to call someone else to do the work, what is the problem?
The last time I advertised an apartment was seven years ago. It was February and nobody moves up north with the snow and the cold. After I placed the ad, I woke up the next morning with 14 replies; people starting a price war telling me they'd pay me more than I advertised, some people begged me to give them the place and they'll take it sight unseen, one offered to give me double security deposit. It's something I never seen before, and I've been a landlord for nearly 30 years and come from a family of landlords.
So you come from a long generation of slum lords, what's your point?
The appraisal company nor the county even considers those things. They simply measure rooms and property and give their estimate what it's worth.
So how is it when the folks are black the appraisal is low, but when the folks are white the appraisal is 300k higher than when they thought the family was black. Same house, this was racism pure and simple and you know it. Just be man enough to keep it 100.
The denying, then excusing, then approving systematic racism is all MAGA-right.
there is no systemic racism just certain people are racist we have a bunch of examples in this thread of that individuals that are racist.

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