black couple sues appraisal company for low appraisal on home

this is in maryland. is it me or are blacks going around suing for everything and anything?
Yes. They screw up and destroy neighborhoods then ask for handouts.
Perhaps it was a mistake on the computer. Perhaps this company always rates property lower than other companies. Perhaps the person (who never even met the couple) made a mistake on the house he was appraising. It could be a number of things.
Perhaps it was just some racist shit.
Your turn: How is it when I applied for a home equity loan, just like this couple did, the appraisal company quoted half of what the county claimed my property was worth? Not only that, but I was paying taxes on the county appraisal for years. To lower my tax liability, I had to go to a hearing downtown where they fought with me then, didn't bring it down nearly as much as my bank appraisal, and then I had to file for a hearing in Columbus (120 miles from my home) before they brought my property value down to the appraisal company quote. Oh, and I'm white too!
That sounds messed up, but how do I know you aren't just pulling that out your butt.

this is in maryland. is it me or are blacks going around suing for everything and anything?
The US government tells them they're entitled and encourages it.
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Perhaps it was just some racist shit.

That sounds messed up, but how do I know you aren't just pulling that out your butt.
it really doesn't matter as tax assessments are done on large areas not single units. It is the property owner that has to challenge any amount and then prove they shouldn't be that high. But what is even more telling is his property wasn't reevaluated and doubled in worth/
Everyone is entitled to their day in court you sad little cuck, even black people. 😝
Negroes abuse the judicial system with hoaxes like this. Racial discrimination is not involved at all. The negro hoaxers have went to great effort to orchestrate events for their false claim. Their reprehensible acts should embarrass you. Negroes like this have no dignity.

The government should not be providing rights and privileges most citizens do not have to negroes because of the color of their skin. The law should treat all citizens equally regardless of race.

Too many negroes are dishonest.
Everyone is entitled to their day in court you sad little cuck, even black people. 😝
This thread reinforces the fact that several people on this board are prejudice, the simple fact is if this were a simple disagreement about value the value would not be do huge. the second one is nearly twice the first that is no minor problem and clearly establishes that something was going on with the first one.
This thread reinforces the fact that several people on this board are prejudice, the simple fact is if this were a simple disagreement about value the value would not be do huge. the second one is nearly twice the first that is no minor problem and clearly establishes that something was going on with the first one.
I'm not sure why anyone should be surprised. The racial segregation of our communities today is a reflection of racist white policies and practices to deny and diminish black home ownership. We can look at the maps and see the literal red lines that divide us.
I'm not sure why anyone should be surprised. The racial segregation of our communities today is a reflection of racist white policies and practices to deny and diminish black home ownership. We can look at the maps and see the literal red lines that divide us.
I disagree, selling and buying homes is all about who can pay. if you don't have the money you cant buy, LOTS of white people can't afford homes.
This thread reinforces the fact that several people on this board are prejudice, the simple fact is if this were a simple disagreement about value the value would not be do huge. the second one is nearly twice the first that is no minor problem and clearly establishes that something was going on with the first one.
Your mind is a terrible little wasteland.
Negroes abuse the judicial system with hoaxes like this. Racial discrimination is not involved at all. The negro hoaxers have went to great effort to orchestrate events for their false claim. Their reprehensible acts should embarrass you. Negroes like this have no dignity.

The government should not be providing rights and privileges most citizens do not have to negroes because of the color of their skin. The law should treat all citizens equally regardless of race.

Too many negroes are dishonest.
It's you who has no dignity. You don't even have the dignity to be honest about your racism. If you were smarter, you'd understand that cowardice stems from your subjugation. Mentally, we've already broken you to accept that being a racist makes you a piece of shit so you'll say racist things but you don't have the balls to say it with your chest. It's coached in this thinly veiled criticism about Negroes misbehaving because you simply don't have the balls to come right out and say that you don't like black people and you're okay with them being mistreated. But you know what? That's okay. I prefer you types castrated. Having to live your life pretending is exactly what I want society to force you to do. 😁
I disagree, selling and buying homes is all about who can pay. if you don't have the money you cant buy, LOTS of white people can't afford homes.
I'm not sure what you disagree with. The history of housing and lending discrimination? What does that have to do with the red herring of whether or not white people can afford homes?
I'm not sure why anyone should be surprised. The racial segregation of our communities today is a reflection of racist white policies and practices to deny and diminish black home ownership. We can look at the maps and see the literal red lines that divide us.
Most negroes congregate in neighborhoods of people like themselves — single-earner incomes, often with poor credit, with extremely high crime and litter everywhere. That's the problem.
It's you who has no dignity. You don't even have the dignity to be honest about your racism. If you were smarter, you'd understand that cowardice stems from your subjugation. Mentally, we've already broken you to accept that being a racist makes you a piece of shit so you'll say racist things but you don't have the balls to say it with your chest. It's coached in this thinly veiled criticism about Negroes misbehaving because you simply don't have the balls to come right out and say that you don't like black people and you're okay with them being mistreated. But you know what? That's okay. I prefer you types castrated. Having to live your life pretending is exactly what I want society to force you to do. 😁
You are little more than a savage, incapable of civility and decency. You are destructive, dishonest and evil. And an embarrassment to Americans. 🖕🏻
Most negroes congregate in neighborhoods of people like themselves — single-earner incomes, often with poor credit, with extremely high crime and litter everywhere. That's the problem.
See, this is what I'm talking about. In order to pretend that black people have done this to themselves you have to diminish and ignore all the hard work your ancestors did on behalf of racism to lock Black Americans into these impoverished communities. The cost of you cosplaying is pissing on your forefathers memories and accomplishments. 😄 And it's not as if it's convincing. You're pissing on their memory for absolutely no gain. 😄 I guess one can never accuse racists of being particularly bright. has a history of racist lending procedures?
And how exactly was loandepot.COM an online loan provider supposed to ferret out what race these people were?

You want banks to research their potential clients determine what race they are and then treat them one way or another based on that information? Seriously?

I want them to treat black people EXACTLY the same way they treat white people. It's clear that didn't happen here. The Appraiser rigged the appraisal to lowball the professional black couple.

They aren’t allowed to do that dummy. That’s the point. The banks aren’t allowed to influence the appraisers one way or another. But even if they did how would they know a particular neighborhood in Baltimore was a “white” one vs a “black” one? Loandepot.con isn’t based in Baltimore. If they looked at his work they would (I assume) see houses near these peoples house that priced near what he put on it.

If they don't know the neighborhood, they DESERVE to get sued. I hope they pay millions to this couple.

They aren’t responsible for him being a racist unless they knew or should have known he was one. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t advertise that as part of his business if he is in fact a racist.
Can you provide one scintilla on evidence other than this incident that would even hint at him being a racist? If you can’t how would loandepot know?

Wrong. The appraiser was their contractor. That makes him their responsibility.

If I say racist things to customers at work, my employer is responsible.
If the UPS driver sexually harasses the employees, my employer is responsible if they don't do something about it.
This is why you have a screening process. They didn't practice one.

If LoanDepot is smart, they'll settle this quietly and quickly as possible.

BTW uses an AMC Appraisal Management Company. They dont pick their appraisers. Says so right on their website.

Sucks for them they didn't pay attention to who these folks were hiring.
See, this is what I'm talking about. In order to pretend that black people have done this to themselves you have to diminish and ignore all the hard work your ancestors did on behalf of racism to lock Black Americans into these impoverished communities. The cost of you cosplaying is pissing on your forefathers memories and accomplishments. 😄 And it's not as if it's convincing. You're pissing on their memory for absolutely no gain. 😄 I guess one can never accuse racists of being particularly bright.
Your ancestors lived in mud huts, wore loin cloths and chased their food with a stick.

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