Black DJ calls black GOP congressional candidate 'curly-haired nigga' & 'token negro'


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
where is the libtard outrage at this?????

Outrage Subdued After DJ Goes On Racially Charged Rant On GOP Congressional Candidate | Fox News

In a profanity-laced tirade, a Memphis DJ last week used an on-air interview to berate a local Republican congressional candidate -- calling her a "token negro" who is doing the bidding of "white folk."

DJ Thaddeus Matthews called Charlotte Bergmann, who is black, "stupid." He referred to her as a "curly-haired nigga." When she walked out of the interview, he refused to shake her hand, saying he didn't want to get her "whiteness" on him.

As for her treatment on air, which she described as "racist" and abusive, she said it stems from the notion that black politicians should uniformly be Democrats.

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