Why democrats are stuck with Biden

Im super relieved that Biden isnt stepping down. I have zero fear of Biden, but i cant say the same for other democrats, even though Im confident Trump would beat them too, it just isnt as easy to beat the others. My fear is shared by democrats as well. They believe they have no shot with Biden.

If the democrats picked another candidate it would be easier for the media to cover up a steal.
I'm surprised Congress didn't pass some kind of legislation where the president couldn't give out pardons after a presidential election in their 2nd term or after losing one.
Thats actually a really good idea. No president should be able to pardon himself AFTER losing the election. If he is going to be doing sketchy pardons, then he has to do it BEFORE people vote.
Joe is clearly going to lose the election badly. Nothing short of a miracle will stop that now, so why isnt he dropping out?

You are wrong. It is NOT clear that Joe will lose badly. Have you not learned anything about democrats and the 2020 election? Second, Joe is the BEST candidate they have. He still offers democrats the best avenue back into the WH. Joe adamantly does NOT want to drop out, it would be a demeaning loss of face to him, in effect, losing to Trump.

But Trump foolishly agreed to a June debate, months earlier than they usually are. They now have about six weeks in order to either fix Joe or figure out how they are either going to win WITH him or REPLACE him.
You are wrong. It is NOT clear that Joe will lose badly. Have you not learned anything about democrats and the 2020 election? Second, Joe is the BEST candidate they have. He still offers democrats the best avenue back into the WH. Joe adamantly does NOT want to drop out, it would be a demeaning loss of face to him, in effect, losing to Trump.

But Trump foolishly agreed to a June debate, months earlier than they usually are. They now have about six weeks in order to either fix Joe or figure out how they are either going to win WITH him or REPLACE him.
If they put up Kamala instead, there is a shot in hell that they could rebrand her image just enough to perform better. With Biden, there will never be a rebranding. He will be considered senile by everyone until the day he dies.
Because it is virtually impossible for him to win.

Seriously? The guy got like 81 million votes in 2020. You better wake up and take the democrats seriously. Democrats are PROS at winning elections. Joe got 81 million votes against one of the best incumbent presidents in modern history who had one of the best presidencies ever, stymied only by the optics of the stupid Floyd riots and the chinese global covid pandemic debacle in his election year which no country had any good answer for.

Trump's main mistake there is that over the summer of 2020, he should have held a couple of fireside chats with America keeping them abreast of developments and progress to look more involved.
Seriously? The guy got like 81 million votes in 2020.
The world is a much different place in 2024. I know, i know, "we have to not be too cocky, otherwise we will have a low turnout on election night". It isnt going to matter. Biden's turnout will STILL be lower. Its super easy for democrats to click yes on an internet poll, but its entirely different when they have to get off the couch and wait in line for hours on election night, especially when they know Biden is going to lose. Most democrats will stay at home and not vote at all.

This election is over. Trump won.
If they put up Kamala instead, there is a shot in hell that they could rebrand her image just enough to perform better. With Biden, there will never be a rebranding. He will be considered senile by everyone until the day he dies.

30% of America thinks he is doing a good job and is just fine. Count on Joe rebounding in the second debate and taking the tongs to Trump. Kamala is a idiot pustule, but if she replaces Biden, they will bring in a team of Hollywood PR experts to rebrand her, train her, and groom her.

And Trump supplied the ammunition by bragging how HE destroyed RvW infuriating the Dems strongest voting block, young women, when in fact, he had nothing to do with it. The SC did, and Trump has failed to make clear that little has changed, just that now, each state decides and many states are just fine with abortion. Stupidly, some few red states went IDIOTIC and virtually made it impossible to get an abortion even if the pregnancy endangered the mother's life!

The only reason why abortion is even an issue in this election cycle is not because of the SC, but because of how stupidly the GOP (including Trump) have handled it since.
Biden's turnout will STILL be lower.
Probably, unless the DNC replaces him, then democrats could be fired up to the toes to vote.

Its super easy for democrats to click yes on an internet poll, but its entirely different when they have to get off the couch and wait in line for hours on election night, especially when they know Biden is going to lose. Most democrats will stay at home and not vote at all.
Maybe, unless they just go out to vote their hatred of Trump.

This election is over. Trump won.
It is FAR from a done deal.
30% of America thinks he is doing a good job and is just fine. Count on Joe rebounding in the second debate and taking the tongs to Trump.
That means 70% think the opposite.

Joe will NEVER rebound. There is no coming back from this. I mean, if he did a surprise 5 hour lecture at MIT on rocket science and crushed it, then yeah, i guess he could make a comeback. Nothing short of that is going to undo the damage that is done.
Probably, unless the DNC replaces him, then democrats could be fired up to the toes to vote.

Maybe, unless they just go out to vote their hatred of Trump.

It is FAR from a done deal.
They cant replace him. He is refusing to drop out. Him and his family go to prison if he drops out. He will never drop out and he will not win the election.
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That means 70% think the opposite.
Yes but all Dems need to do is swing another 20% into changing their minds before 11/5 and they poll head to head with Trump. Count on that being a big part of their strategy.

Joe will NEVER rebound. There is no coming back from this.
I think you will be surprised. Do NOT count Joe out yet and do not count the Dims out either. Never trust a snake.
Yes but all Dems need to do is swing another 20% into changing their minds before 11/5 and they poll head to head with Trump. Count on that being a big part of their strategy.

I think you will be surprised. Do NOT count Joe out yet and do not count the Dims out either. Never trust a snake.
They are never going to sway 20% to change their minds. The fact is, it will take a miracle to not lose any more people before November. You think the poll numbers are bad for Joe now? They are going to get worse.
They cant replace him.
They can if he steps down.

He is refusing to drop out.
That is what the Dims are TELLING you. It could all be misdirection so to catch the GOP with less time to prepare. I would bet anything that right now, they are working full time to engineer a replacement if they cannot fix Joe and will not announce anything until all their ducks are in place. Meantime, do not be surprised if they don't pull a new Trump scandal out of their hat to swing the conversation back to what a horrible guy Trump is and such a threat to life and liberty that he must not hold the WH.

My guess is that they will next bring out a whole string of RINO Ex-Trump republicans from Liz Cheney to Mike Pence to speak of the horrors that Trump be so that then they can point out that his own party and people denounce him.

Him and his family go to prison if he drops out.
Far from certain. Comer has been nursing his investigation for YEARS now and nothing has come of it. Democrats put their two Trump impeachments together in six months and a WEEK. I will be shocked if Biden ever goes to trial for anything. Just look at what they did with Hillary.

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