Black Friday: A Real News Story


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Black Friday is the annual American 'festivale' day of shopping and falls on the Friday after Thanksgiving every November of the Roman Calendar.

Because America is arguably 'capitalism-biased' and consumerism-centric, Black Friday has become synonymous with patriotism and even general American values. Let's face it, Americans love to shop (e.g.,, Toys 'R Us, eBay, Macy's, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, etc., etc., etc., etc.). There are even American comic book characters symbolizing wealth, capital, and/or shopping --- e.g., Kingpin (Marvel Comics), Lex Luthor (DC Comics), Richie Rich (Harvey Comics), Bruce Wayne (DC Comics), Max Shreck (DC Comics), and more.

So it goes without saying that fortune and shopping are part of 'American rhetorics.' That makes sense, no? Unfortunately, the rest of the world does not find such 'cultural-revelry' altogether 'inspiring' --- we remember the tragedy/trauma of the Taliban's terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in NYC on 9/11.

It's no surprise that many modernism social critics wonder if Black Friday will be a new 'Devil's Night' for anti-American and/or anti-capitalism oriented terrorists.



Everyone in America was primed for a festive day of shopping on Black Friday 2017. Unfortunately, a rogue terrorist organization comprised of scant members of ISIS and the Taliban wanted to make an overt anti-capitalist statement on Black Friday and chose the year 2017, since the third decade of the new millennium was fast-approaching. The secret American paramilitary team of democracy-crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' (led by Duke, who was secretly a Hollywood celebrity --- his 'normal-society identity') were assigned by the Trump Administration to manage a Homeland Security Operation for Black Friday.

Duke wondered what the heck the G.I. Joes could possibly do to 'anticipate' a Black Friday target/attack. He knew from the 'pattern' of terrorism (foreign or homegrown) that modernism targets symbolized general pedestrian thoroughfare (i.e., 9/11, the Boston Marathon, Paris attacks), but there was no real way to 'predict' the next 'symbolic' pedestrianism-iconic 'target.' Duke had to offer up some hypotheses, however, so he chose the Space-Needle in Seattle (a marvellous transit-tourism monument), the Eiffel Tower in Paris (a culture-monument as well as a tourism-trophy), and the U.S. Mint at West Point (a symbol of currency-agreements).

The Taliban and ISIS knew that American security-forces would monitor 'obvious' targets such as the Eiffel Tower, so they chose a less 'obvious' target which was still symbolic of capitalism and consumerism --- Walt Disney World. It was a horrible target to select, since Disney represented American joy, imagination, toy-making, and imaginarium optimism. However, Disney was also a multi-billion dollar commercial empire which included theme-parks, toys, cartoons, movies, and more. The G.I. Joes (or Duke) had no idea that terrorists would want to literally 'scar' the face of America by choosing such an idyllic 'target' as Disney World (in Florida)! However, one G.I. Joe, the stealthy ninja-warrior named Snake-Eyes (trained in over 10 forms of combat as well as algorithm code-breaking and explosives detonation/diffusion) did surmise that Disney would be the target.

Snake-Eyes told Duke he needed time off and was granted vacation-leave. Snake-Eyes then used this 'cover' to stake-out Disney World alone, in private, and without any reports back to Duke (to maintain complete secrecy). This way, there would be no glaring mobilization infiltrating terrorists could pick up on and use to redirect their terrible terrorism-oriented arms towards other targets which saw a great deal of traffic by families and civilians (e.g., EuroDisney in Europe!). Snake-Eyes arrived in Disney World and began using a special laser-shield experimental device (operated by a mini-chip which created an expanding invisible infrared-coating that could divert any missile and diffuse any explosive device with a numbing electromagnetic pulse).

When the agents from ISIS/Taliban arrived in Disney World disguised as terrorists and began setting up computer-operated explosive packets across the theme-park, Snake-Eyes was already there with his device-scrambling infrared experimental 'toy.' When Snake-Eyes' device diffused the explosive devices set up by the terrorists at Disney World, the terrorists realized that American security forces had set up elaborate and discreet disarmament strategies across key commerce-symbolic targets across the world and began to retreat. Snake-Eyes 'voodoo-trick' worked! Snake-Eyes then reported the successes back to Duke who congratulated him on a terrific 'covert mission' and prepared a PR statement for U.S. President Trump.

"Mr. President,

The G.I. Joes are happy to report that our operative-agent 'Snake-Eyes' successfully diffused a terrorist operation in Disney World on Black Friday this year with an experimental disarmament 'device' being developed in our military-intelligence laboratories (undisclosed location!). The terrorists are now reeling, realizing that American security forces are taking serious measures to send the world the message the terrorism will not be tolerated as a 'political platform.' We are truly regretful of the tragedies caused by terrorism (i.e., 9/11, Paris attacks) in this new millennium of great commerce (i.e., Wall Street, European Union, Hong Kong, South Korea). We are confident now that the U.S. Government will take all necessary steps to assure the world that anti-commerce tragedies will be met with carefully-planned passion.

Yours sincerely,

Duke (G.I. Joe Commander)"


i don't know , loosely speaking i dislike Consumerism but love Capitalism . With Capitalism i make as much money as i can and save it to buy high priced vehicles or other durable goods that i want or need . -------------- Consumerism , Seems to me that its just buying JUNK that will soon need replacement . ------------------------ Consumerism is what the USA now runs on in my opinion and calls for an ever increasing base of imported consumers . Just a comment , hope that its ok if its even on topic Abishai .
Black Friday is the annual American 'festivale' day of shopping and falls on the Friday after Thanksgiving every November of the Roman Calendar.

Because America is arguably 'capitalism-biased' and consumerism-centric, Black Friday has become synonymous with patriotism and even general American values. Let's face it, Americans love to shop (e.g.,, Toys 'R Us, eBay, Macy's, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, etc., etc., etc., etc.). There are even American comic book characters symbolizing wealth, capital, and/or shopping --- e.g., Kingpin (Marvel Comics), Lex Luthor (DC Comics), Richie Rich (Harvey Comics), Bruce Wayne (DC Comics), Max Shreck (DC Comics), and more.

So it goes without saying that fortune and shopping are part of 'American rhetorics.' That makes sense, no? Unfortunately, the rest of the world does not find such 'cultural-revelry' altogether 'inspiring' --- we remember the tragedy/trauma of the Taliban's terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in NYC on 9/11.

It's no surprise that many modernism social critics wonder if Black Friday will be a new 'Devil's Night' for anti-American and/or anti-capitalism oriented terrorists.

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Everyone in America was primed for a festive day of shopping on Black Friday 2017. Unfortunately, a rogue terrorist organization comprised of scant members of ISIS and the Taliban wanted to make an overt anti-capitalist statement on Black Friday and chose the year 2017, since the third decade of the new millennium was fast-approaching. The secret American paramilitary team of democracy-crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes' (led by Duke, who was secretly a Hollywood celebrity --- his 'normal-society identity') were assigned by the Trump Administration to manage a Homeland Security Operation for Black Friday.

Duke wondered what the heck the G.I. Joes could possibly do to 'anticipate' a Black Friday target/attack. He knew from the 'pattern' of terrorism (foreign or homegrown) that modernism targets symbolized general pedestrian thoroughfare (i.e., 9/11, the Boston Marathon, Paris attacks), but there was no real way to 'predict' the next 'symbolic' pedestrianism-iconic 'target.' Duke had to offer up some hypotheses, however, so he chose the Space-Needle in Seattle (a marvellous transit-tourism monument), the Eiffel Tower in Paris (a culture-monument as well as a tourism-trophy), and the U.S. Mint at West Point (a symbol of currency-agreements).

The Taliban and ISIS knew that American security-forces would monitor 'obvious' targets such as the Eiffel Tower, so they chose a less 'obvious' target which was still symbolic of capitalism and consumerism --- Walt Disney World. It was a horrible target to select, since Disney represented American joy, imagination, toy-making, and imaginarium optimism. However, Disney was also a multi-billion dollar commercial empire which included theme-parks, toys, cartoons, movies, and more. The G.I. Joes (or Duke) had no idea that terrorists would want to literally 'scar' the face of America by choosing such an idyllic 'target' as Disney World (in Florida)! However, one G.I. Joe, the stealthy ninja-warrior named Snake-Eyes (trained in over 10 forms of combat as well as algorithm code-breaking and explosives detonation/diffusion) did surmise that Disney would be the target.

Snake-Eyes told Duke he needed time off and was granted vacation-leave. Snake-Eyes then used this 'cover' to stake-out Disney World alone, in private, and without any reports back to Duke (to maintain complete secrecy). This way, there would be no glaring mobilization infiltrating terrorists could pick up on and use to redirect their terrible terrorism-oriented arms towards other targets which saw a great deal of traffic by families and civilians (e.g., EuroDisney in Europe!). Snake-Eyes arrived in Disney World and began using a special laser-shield experimental device (operated by a mini-chip which created an expanding invisible infrared-coating that could divert any missile and diffuse any explosive device with a numbing electromagnetic pulse).

When the agents from ISIS/Taliban arrived in Disney World disguised as terrorists and began setting up computer-operated explosive packets across the theme-park, Snake-Eyes was already there with his device-scrambling infrared experimental 'toy.' When Snake-Eyes' device diffused the explosive devices set up by the terrorists at Disney World, the terrorists realized that American security forces had set up elaborate and discreet disarmament strategies across key commerce-symbolic targets across the world and began to retreat. Snake-Eyes 'voodoo-trick' worked! Snake-Eyes then reported the successes back to Duke who congratulated him on a terrific 'covert mission' and prepared a PR statement for U.S. President Trump.

"Mr. President,

The G.I. Joes are happy to report that our operative-agent 'Snake-Eyes' successfully diffused a terrorist operation in Disney World on Black Friday this year with an experimental disarmament 'device' being developed in our military-intelligence laboratories (undisclosed location!). The terrorists are now reeling, realizing that American security forces are taking serious measures to send the world the message the terrorism will not be tolerated as a 'political platform.' We are truly regretful of the tragedies caused by terrorism (i.e., 9/11, Paris attacks) in this new millennium of great commerce (i.e., Wall Street, European Union, Hong Kong, South Korea). We are confident now that the U.S. Government will take all necessary steps to assure the world that anti-commerce tragedies will be met with carefully-planned passion.

Yours sincerely,

Duke (G.I. Joe Commander)"


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Just a simple dudes opinion, but it’s the one day out of every year that leaves me embarrassed to be an American.


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