Black Lives Matter/ISIS


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
That's what the left would like (Bill Ayers/types) to take down America...

Big City Sheriff Says Black Lives Matter ‘Will Join Forces With ISIS’ To Take Down America
by Ian Millhiser Oct 28, 2015 5:00pm


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is not shy about his conservative views. He once described men and women protesting police violence in Ferguson, Missouri as “vultures on a roadside carcass.” He’s accused Democratic governors, senators and Attorney General Eric Holder of acting as cat’s paws for the “New Black Panther Party.” And he told a National Rifle Association gathering that open insurrection may be the appropriate response to gun laws he opposes. Similarly, on Tuesday night, Clarke offered a unique take on the Black Lives Matter movement:

David A. Clarke, Jr.


Before long, Black Lies Matter will join forces with ISIS to being down our legal constituted republic. You heard it first here.

10:37 PM - 27 Oct 2015


Big City Sheriff Says Black Lives Matter ‘Will Join Forces With ISIS’ To Take Down America


Fox News regular claims 'Black Lives Matter will join forces with ISIS'
‘Black Lives Matter’ Protesters to Rally in Support of ISIS-Linked Boston Terrorist
Jim Hoft Jun 4th, 2015

Black Lives Matter protesters are planning a rally Friday in Ferguson, Missouri

The rally is planned for 5 PM at the Ferguson Police Department.

The Justice for Usaama Rahim in Ferguson protest will be held in Ferguson on Friday.

Rahim Usaama supported ISIS on Facebook.

“Black Lives Matter” protesters are planning a rally on Friday in support of Usaamah Rahim, the Boston terrorist who was shot and killed in Boston this week.
The Examiner reported:


Court documents indicate that Rahim changed his mind and decided to attack police officers instead. “I can’t wait that long,” he reportedly said of the original plan. Officials said they believe Rahim was radicalized by ISIS and other extremists, CNN added.

'Black Lives Matter' Protesters to Rally in Support of ISIS-Linked Boston Terrorist - The Gateway Pundit
I love NaziCon conspiracy threads. Keep 'em coming. The wackier the better. It's curious that you find Black Lives Matter as dangerous to whitey as ISIS. Meanwhile, maybe you should worry about some of your own kind...
Wow . The irony that the sheriff is basically what black lives is protesting . A powe mad screwball with a badge.
Oh and Rahim was at a bus stop when Feds n cops ran up on him even though they had no warrant and he had committed no crime . They shot him dead .

Guess that's cool wh you right wingers .
Student Who Criticized Black Lives Matter Becomes a Target
On college campuses, not all free speech matters.
Mark Tapson


On college campuses, not all free speech matters.

A white student at Georgia Southern University (GSU) is learning the consequences for publicly criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement: losing her job and barely surviving demands from fellow students for her expulsion.

The Daily Caller reports that Emily Faz, a senior at GSU, shared a November 14 Washington Times article which reported on how some University of Missouri protesters and Black Lives Matter activists were upset that the Paris attacks were stealing the media spotlight. Above the link, an incensed Faz wrote,

“I swear if I see this B.S. at Southern I will make you regret even knowing what a movement or a hashtag is, and you’ll walk away with your tail tucked... The whole black lives matter movement is misguided and out of hand. Maybe no one likes or takes y’all seriously because no one can see past your egotistical bullshit. Some people might just look past it, but fair warning I am not one. All lives matter, that has always been the case, and you part of the problem if you think other wise [sic].”

That post soon went viral at the GSU campus and set off some black students who took the post as a threat. It drew angry responses on Twitter, the preferred social media site for mob hatred and bullying.

The GSU NAACP staged a “Black Out, Walk Out” the next day in response to Faz’s post and issued demands to the school, which included hiring more black professors and expanding the African Studies program.


Student Who Criticized Black Lives Matter Becomes a Target
Can the Left Learn to Love ISIS?
What the USSR and ISIS have in common.
December 9, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


The extremist group carved out territory for its utopian state through ruthless brutality and a steady flow of international recruits who arrived believing that the new terror state represented the fulfillment of their belief system. The world was horrified as the radicals who had seized towns and cities showed off severed heads and mutilated bodies, killed hostages and openly threatened the world.

The Americans, British and French intervened hoping to end the reign of terror and restore stability to the region. But their mission had no clear commitment behind it.

The President of the United States, a Democrat often accused of putting transnational idealism over national interests, did not believe that the terror group could be defeated. While he did not agree with its brutal tactics, he shared some of its ideological worldview and was reluctant to attack it. His credo was democracy and the terror group had enough popular support to win elections.

Under pressure from Britain and France, the United States sent thousands of soldiers, but they lacked a clear mission and were hardly allowed to fight. Their European allies had a complicated agenda that led them to occasionally aid the terror group. One visionary leader warned that the terror group had to be stopped while it was still weak, but he was dismissed as a warmongering extremist.

American soldiers on the ground took some initiative, but had no support from the White House which was only interested in world peace and nation building. Despite winning its limited battles against the Communist guerrillas, the United States withdrew from what would soon become the Soviet Union.

A generation later the former terror group had nuclear weapons and was busy taking over the world.

The West is making many of the same mistakes with Islamism that it did with Communism. And it’s making them for the same reasons.

Islamic terrorism is excused on the same grounds that Communist terror was excused; as a response to our imperialistic foreign policy, as the outcry of the oppressed and an attempt to secure equality. Some atrocities are dismissed as myths, worries over terrorism are written off as fearmongering and terrorists are transformed into victims who were singled out by paranoid politicians for their political beliefs.

The left is using the same exact playbook on Islamic terrorism as it did on Communism.

Like Communist leaders, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist organizations base their operations out of the West. Lenin conducted his campaign out of Munich and London, Trotsky operated out of Austria, London and New York. Today the Muslim Brotherhood operates out of London and Austria. The Blind Sheikh ran the Islamic Group out of New York. The Ayatollah Khomeini organized the Islamic Revolution in Iran from a Paris suburb. ISIS draws on thousands of European recruits.

If the West had really wanted to "strangle Bolshevism in its cradle”, as Churchill had urged, it had the key players living in its own cities. If the West really wanted to shut down the Jihad, it could do more by going after the Salafist networks in its own cities than by bombing Syria.

The United States is the fourth most popular country for ISIS tweeters. The UK is in the top ten.

The State Department is offering a $25 million reward for Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current head of Al Qaeda and the man behind its ideology, but he visited mosques in California on a fundraising trip during the Clinton era. Abu Musab al-Suri, another key Al Qaeda ideologue, operated out of Spain. Anwar al-Awlaki lived comfortably in the United States until he was ready to step into a global role.

The West doesn’t really want to defeat Islamic terrorism. It responds to terrorism while ignoring the ideology. And then it roots around for root causes that coincidentally turn out to all involve progressive policy priorities like economic inequality and global warming.

Churchill’s call to "strangle Bolshevism in its cradle” was never picked up because the West had been compromised by its own mixed loyalties. The Bolsheviks were viciously hostile to fellow leftists once they took over, but they shared the same ideological DNA so that the left had trouble rejecting them.

The left sees Islamists as an anti-colonialist minority lobby rather than theocratic supremacists. Muslim Brotherhood front groups, like Communist front groups, are willing to use “useful idiots” on the left. But rather than forming a common front, Communists and Islamists hijack left-wing causes and make them their own. So, for example, Muslims turn #BlackLivesMatter protests into anti-Israel campaigns.


ISIS has not done anything that the Soviet Union did not do. Its ideology is thoroughly different, but both were built on swamps of atrocity, mass murder, mass rape, ethnic cleansing and raw butchery. If the left could serve the Soviet Union, who is to say that it won’t learn to love the Islamic State?

Can the Left Learn to Love ISIS?
End the Anti-Cop Witch Hunt
The Obama-#BlackLivesMatter cases have fallen apart, it’s time to tell the truth.
December 30, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


The dirty alliance between Obama and #BlackLivesMatter has torched cities, goosed crime rates, killed cops and suppressed law enforcement with the Ferguson Effect. But the lies about “police murders” fall apart when they come up against even the most basic evidentiary standards of the justice system.

The refusal of a grand jury to indict the police officer in the Tamir Rice case buries yet another of BLM’s banner cases. The Tamir Rice case joins the Michael Brown case, the Sandra Bland case, the Eric Garner case and the faltering Freddie Gray case in the litany of failed police lynchings by BLM and the DOJ.

In four out of five of these cases, the DOJ-BLM pro-crime lobby couldn’t even get an indictment.

What does it say about a movement when its claims repeatedly fail evidence-based tests? Angry racist protesters scream about justice, but the justice system has spoken. Racist activists have tried to blame individual prosecutors, jurors and judges, but a consistent pattern has emerged, no matter what the race and political orientation of the prosecutors or jurors, BLM’s cases just don’t hold up in court.

Rather than admit the truth, #BlackLivesMatter has escalated the hate. And Obama’s Justice Department has pursued extralegal vendettas against entire police departments. The DOJ has failed to find grounds for charges against individual officers, but instead lashed out at entire departments. The DOJ’s pettiness can be seen in its assault on the Ferguson Police Department after its attempt to compel the department to suppress the video of Michael Brown robbing a store before his death failed.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder blamed Ferguson police for the lies that he and his allies had spread about the Michael Brown case. In one of the most surreal moments of the Ferguson circus, the former Attorney General, who had turned the Department of Justice over to Al Sharpton, insisted that the local police had created a “toxic environment” of “mistrust and resentment” that caused what Holder called, an “alternative version of events” to be widely believed by the protesters, rioters and looters. An alternative name for that “alternative version of events” is shameless social justice lie.

The Attorney General of the United States was blaming the police for the lies that he had helped spread about them and then, even while admitting that the lies were not true, blamed these lies on the men victimized by them. His position could be summarized as, “If they hadn’t done anything wrong, nobody would have believed the lies we spread about them.”

It was a new low in cynicism, dishonesty and victim-blaming from Obama and his corrupt cronies.


End the Anti-Cop Witch Hunt
BLM and ISIS join forces?

Next thing you know Wolverine is going to be Superman's side kick, totally going to happen.
Obama and Black Lives Matter Fight for a Violent Slasher
The Democratic Party puts criminals first and victims last.
February 4, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


There was never a better candidate for a police bullet in San Francisco than Mario Woods.

Mario Woods, a member of the Oakdale Mob, slashed a man with a knife. Then he threatened cops with a knife, warning them “You’re not taking me today.” SFPD officers hit him with beanbags and pepper spray and he still wouldn’t go down or drop the knife.

He taunted the officers, saying, “You better squeeze that mother___ and kill me.”

Then Woods moved toward a crowd of people while still holding the knife. And cops shot him.

It should have been the most open and shut case in history. This wasn’t Clint Eastwood’s Inspector Harry Callahan drawling, “Do you feel lucky, punk?” while staring at a downed bank robber. It was the prototype for a case in which the SFPD went by the book and tried their best to keep the punk alive.

The officers had done everything possible to stop a violent criminal by using non-lethal methods despite the risk to their own safety. They only opened fire once Mario Woods became a danger to civilians.

Mario Woods was a career criminal and a gang member who had recently gotten out after serving time for armed robbery. Two of the police officers were black. Only one officer out of five was white. There was no possibility of arguing that the shooting of Mario Woods was racially motivated.

If there was one single case that the anti-cop lynch mob of Obama, Lynch and their racist #BlackLivesMatter allies wouldn’t swarm over like vultures on a rotten carcass, it should have been this one.

Get real.

"It's a direct demonstration of how much black lives don't matter," Pastor Yul Dorn had claimed. "Why would you kill a man that brings a knife to a gunfight?"

I’m not sure what Dorn wanted police officers to do. Get out their switchblades and knife fight him?

The same racist freak show is on in San Francisco shouting “Justice for Mario Woods” and “Jail Killer Cops”. SEIU branded Black Lives Matter banners were on show, combining two noxious things in one, accompanied by calls to “Disarm the Police”. A cartoon version of the violent slasher Mario Woods, looking oddly Asian, was on t-shirts and in the middle of a sun disc surrounded by clenched black fists.

A bearded white man taking a selfie held up a sign saying, “Mario is Our Son”. A grinning hipster brandished a ragged piece of cardboard that declared, “One Sky, One People”. Cards were handed out calling for redistributing the pain. There was a slight hitch though since apparently someone stole the banners after the rally. Who would have thought that there would be criminals at a pro-crime rally?

It almost made you wish that Mario Woods was still alive so he could stab them all.

Christopher Muhammad, a minister with the racist hate group, The Nation of Islam, who used to head the African American Community-Police Relations Board, took part in the protests as part of the Justice for Mario Woods Coalition.

“This young brother was executed by firing squad,” Muhammad had already declared. “Mario Woods did nothing to deserve what happened to him on Third Street, nothing.”

Aside from slashing a man sitting in a car with his date badly enough that he had to go to the hospital, then threatening officers and random people on the street with a knife, not to mention the earlier armed robbery, Mario Woods had done absolutely nothing at all. Not a thing. Nothing.

“I talked to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan a couple of hours ago,” Muhammad said. “He is angry as hell. He wanted me to tell the community that what was done was not just murder; it was a hate crime.” And if there’s anyone who knows hate crimes, it’s the head of a hate group.


Obama and Black Lives Matter Fight for a Violent Slasher
Obama and Black Lives Matter Fight for a Violent Slasher
The Democratic Party puts criminals first and victims last.
February 4, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


There was never a better candidate for a police bullet in San Francisco than Mario Woods.

Mario Woods, a member of the Oakdale Mob, slashed a man with a knife. Then he threatened cops with a knife, warning them “You’re not taking me today.” SFPD officers hit him with beanbags and pepper spray and he still wouldn’t go down or drop the knife.

He taunted the officers, saying, “You better squeeze that mother___ and kill me.”

Then Woods moved toward a crowd of people while still holding the knife. And cops shot him.

It should have been the most open and shut case in history. This wasn’t Clint Eastwood’s Inspector Harry Callahan drawling, “Do you feel lucky, punk?” while staring at a downed bank robber. It was the prototype for a case in which the SFPD went by the book and tried their best to keep the punk alive.

The officers had done everything possible to stop a violent criminal by using non-lethal methods despite the risk to their own safety. They only opened fire once Mario Woods became a danger to civilians.

Mario Woods was a career criminal and a gang member who had recently gotten out after serving time for armed robbery. Two of the police officers were black. Only one officer out of five was white. There was no possibility of arguing that the shooting of Mario Woods was racially motivated.

If there was one single case that the anti-cop lynch mob of Obama, Lynch and their racist #BlackLivesMatter allies wouldn’t swarm over like vultures on a rotten carcass, it should have been this one.

Get real.

"It's a direct demonstration of how much black lives don't matter," Pastor Yul Dorn had claimed. "Why would you kill a man that brings a knife to a gunfight?"

I’m not sure what Dorn wanted police officers to do. Get out their switchblades and knife fight him?

The same racist freak show is on in San Francisco shouting “Justice for Mario Woods” and “Jail Killer Cops”. SEIU branded Black Lives Matter banners were on show, combining two noxious things in one, accompanied by calls to “Disarm the Police”. A cartoon version of the violent slasher Mario Woods, looking oddly Asian, was on t-shirts and in the middle of a sun disc surrounded by clenched black fists.

A bearded white man taking a selfie held up a sign saying, “Mario is Our Son”. A grinning hipster brandished a ragged piece of cardboard that declared, “One Sky, One People”. Cards were handed out calling for redistributing the pain. There was a slight hitch though since apparently someone stole the banners after the rally. Who would have thought that there would be criminals at a pro-crime rally?

It almost made you wish that Mario Woods was still alive so he could stab them all.

Christopher Muhammad, a minister with the racist hate group, The Nation of Islam, who used to head the African American Community-Police Relations Board, took part in the protests as part of the Justice for Mario Woods Coalition.

“This young brother was executed by firing squad,” Muhammad had already declared. “Mario Woods did nothing to deserve what happened to him on Third Street, nothing.”

Aside from slashing a man sitting in a car with his date badly enough that he had to go to the hospital, then threatening officers and random people on the street with a knife, not to mention the earlier armed robbery, Mario Woods had done absolutely nothing at all. Not a thing. Nothing.

“I talked to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan a couple of hours ago,” Muhammad said. “He is angry as hell. He wanted me to tell the community that what was done was not just murder; it was a hate crime.” And if there’s anyone who knows hate crimes, it’s the head of a hate group.


Obama and Black Lives Matter Fight for a Violent Slasher
They should team up with the Bundy militia
The San Francisco slashers should get together with the New York slashers and have a big slash up in Chicago.
The San Francisco slashers should get together with the New York slashers and have a big slash up in Chicago.
Since you've been a purely evil human being as long as I've known you on this site, I have no doubts you're actually hoping for that.
The San Francisco slashers should get together with the New York slashers and have a big slash up in Chicago.
Since you've been a purely evil human being as long as I've known you on this site, I have no doubts you're actually hoping for that.
Thank you. It's rare that I get such compliments. This is a very sick culture. It will not get better until it hits bottom.
#BlackLivesMatter Supporters Assault Latino Iraq War Vet
February 16, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

We look back and wonder how the KKK could have become as mainstream among Democrats as it was. Now we're seeing history repeating itself with another vile racist hate group being mainstreamed by Democrats.


Black Lives Matter. All lives don't. That's the fundamental racial supremacist idea. Of course this isn't the type of violence that the hate group thinks we should be focusing on.


#BlackLivesMatter Supporters Assault Latino Iraq War Vet
The #BlackLivesMatter Cult Returns To the White House
Obama's racist disciples are still learning at the feet of the master agitator.
February 25, 2016
Matthew Vadum

That cop-hating radical DeRay Mckesson and other leaders of the virulently racist Black Lives Matter movement were again welcomed to the White House last week is yet another reminder that President Obama approves of their in-your-face antics and violent activism.

Mckesson, who recently decided his expertise in fomenting civil unrest qualified him to run for mayor of Baltimore, is a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, according to official visitor logs. This poster child for civic dysfunction showed up in December at the White House Christmas party and felt comfortable enough to grab a selfie with Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

When Obama speaks of the Black Lives Matter movement and the deeds of its adherents there is always an air of make-believe. The president grossly exaggerates the extent of police brutality in America today and tells lie after lie in order to puff up the radical agitators.

That's the way it is with cults.

Black Lives Matter, which is funded by hedge fund manager George Soros, is not merely a political movement: it's a Marxist, anti-American, revolutionary cult whose members aim to unleash a reign of terror on our society. They celebrate when police officers are killed in the line of duty. They don't want equality; they demand that black Americans receive special, preferential treatment. Disagree and they'll howl you're a racist, boycott your business, or try to get you investigated for hate crimes.

Obama is the ayatollah of the Black Lives Matter cult, which is animated not only by anti-white racism but by a hatred of normal American values. Its members idolize convicted, unrepentant black militants and cop-killers Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu Jamal, and have declared "war" on law enforcement. While its members openly call for police officers to be assassinated, its leaders, wishing to seem more respectable before the TV cameras, downplay the insurrectionary rhetoric whenever a member kills a cop.

Alongside Attorney General Loretta Lynch and adviser Valerie Jarrett last week at an event marking Black History Month, Obama gushed about the gathered activists' supposed accomplishments. Radicals in attendance included: Al Sharpton; Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change; Deshaunya Ware of University of Missouri group Concerned Student 1950; Sherrilyn Ifill, president of NAACP Legal Defense Fund; and various stakeholders in the racial grievance industry.

Obama said:

"But we’ve also got some young people here who are making history as we speak. People like Brittany [Packnett], who served on our Police Task Force in the wake of Ferguson, and has led many of the protests that took place there and shined a light on the injustice that was happening. People like DeRay Mckesson, who has done some outstanding work mobilizing in Baltimore around these issues. And to see generations continuing to work on behalf of justice and equality and economic opportunity is greatly encouraging to me."

Packnett and Mckesson, like the rest of Black Lives Matter, are members of a black lynch mob. They don't care about justice. They care only about attacking "the system" and making white people pay for the alleged sins they have committed. When they become activists, Wikipedia profiles sprout up about them almost instantly and Salon and the New York Times fawn over them like they're the Freedom Riders in the Sixties.

Obama covers for them, sanitizing their activities. He glosses over what Packnett and Mckesson actually did.


The #BlackLivesMatter Cult Returns To the White House

The left trying to keep this movement alive, but it to will die like OWS...
Pawns Of the Left
The black community cannot afford to go along with the war on police.
February 16, 2017
Walter Williams


Ordinary black people cannot afford to go along with the liberal agenda that calls for undermining police authority. That agenda makes for more black crime victims. Let's look at what works and what doesn't work.

In 1990, New York City adopted the practice in which its police officers might stop and question a pedestrian. If there was suspicion, they would frisk the person for weapons and other contraband. This practice, well within the law, is known as a Terry stop. After two decades of this proactive police program, New York City's homicides fell from over 2,200 per year to about 300. Blacks were the major beneficiaries of proactive policing. According to Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald — author of "The War on Cops" — seeing as black males are the majority of New York City's homicide victims, more than 10,000 blacks are alive today who would not be had it not been for proactive policing.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other leftist groups brought suit against proactive policing. A U.S. District Court judge ruled that New York City's "stop and frisk" policy violated the 14th Amendment's promise of equal protection because black and Hispanic people were subject to stops and searches at a higher rate than whites. But the higher rate was justified. Mac Donald points out that while blacks are 23 percent of New York City's population, they are responsible for 75 percent of shootings and 70 percent of robberies. Whites are 34 percent of the population of New York City. They are responsible for less than 2 percent of shootings and 4 percent of robberies. If you're trying to prevent shootings and robberies, whom are you going to focus most attention on, blacks or whites?


That brings us to the most tragic aspect of black crime. The primary victims are law-abiding black people who must conduct their lives in fear. Some parents serve their children meals on the floor and sometimes put them to sleep in bathtubs so as to avoid stray bullets. The average American does not live this way and would not tolerate it. And that includes the white liberals who support and make excuses for criminals. Plain decency mandates that we come to the aid of millions of law-abiding people under siege. For their part, black people should stop being pawns for white liberals and support the police who are trying to protect them.

Pawns Of the Left

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