Black Lives Matter Organizer Tells Whites: Nothing You Own is Yours

Black Lives Matter was a guest of Obama's at the White House.

A group that advocates for murder of cops and also murders cops themselves.

Obama invited cop killers to the WH.

Well, well, well...isn't that the sorry ass Socialist Sanders in that pic? Let him give her his wealth


Good grief. Everyone spins everything to cater to their own political bubbles these days. This photo is from when Black Lives Matter (I save the acronym BLM for Bureau of Land Management) protestors rudely crashed a Bernie rally and refused to let him speak.

It came from the OPs link and I really don't give two shits about the mouthy bitch nor the Socialist toad

Translation: I don't care about no pesky facts!

This behavior does nothing to solve our country's problems. It simply makes it worse.

Thinking if I give a shit about the mouthy bitch, Sanders or you....nope I don't.

You repeat yourself. Message received. Enjoy your vacuum.
Psychologists could explain what BLM mental cases and the post modern "lib" have as "projection." They look at their history and there is pretty much nothing there. So they create a fantasy world to superimpose on the real world.
Well, well, well...isn't that the sorry ass Socialist Sanders in that pic? Let him give her his wealth


Good grief. Everyone spins everything to cater to their own political bubbles these days. This photo is from when Black Lives Matter (I save the acronym BLM for Bureau of Land Management) protestors rudely crashed a Bernie rally and refused to let him speak.

It came from the OPs link and I really don't give two shits about the mouthy bitch nor the Socialist toad

Translation: I don't care about no pesky facts!

This behavior does nothing to solve our country's problems. It simply makes it worse.

Thinking if I give a shit about the mouthy bitch, Sanders or you....nope I don't.

You repeat yourself. Message received. Enjoy your vacuum.
To liberal Whiteys, please put your money where your mouths are, and give all of your property to these people.
It's impossible to underestimate the intelligence of left wingers. The hate and naked greed is just getting started:

In what may be the latter stages of absolute lunacy, BLM organizer Ashleigh Shackelford, has written an article that boils down to: white folk need to hand over all their land, money and possessions if they want to help…All of it! Her ridiculous rant gets to the heart of why a movement that could have been a force for good is now nothing more than a hate mob with one fist raised and the hand held out. Writing in the Wear Your Voice website (tagline: “Intersectional Feminist Media”), Shackelford’s pleasantly points out that: “Nothing you have is yours. Let me...
Hey we might can be able to used this organization... There's slavery going on in Saudi Arabia. We all should force Pres. Trump and Russian's Pres. Putin to bomb the hell of Saudi Arabia, and hand the country back over to its true rightful owners.

Saudi Arabia: The Middle East’s Real Apartheid State

The “Black African Dancing Stylee”is noticeable in these vids.There are sculptures in the Arabian(African-Arabian)penisula that resemble Olmec scultures of Mexico but smaller.
Before whites moved into the penisula which was virtually all Black-African before. One of those fundamentailst “white” wahabbist inams was ridiculed for public dancing in Saudi Arabia. Original Black Africans Of Saudi Arabia | Rasta Livewire
It's impossible to underestimate the intelligence of left wingers. The hate and naked greed is just getting started:

In what may be the latter stages of absolute lunacy, BLM organizer Ashleigh Shackelford, has written an article that boils down to: white folk need to hand over all their land, money and possessions if they want to help…All of it! Her ridiculous rant gets to the heart of why a movement that could have been a force for good is now nothing more than a hate mob with one fist raised and the hand held out. Writing in the Wear Your Voice website (tagline: “Intersectional Feminist Media”), Shackelford’s pleasantly points out that: “Nothing you have is yours. Let me...

She shoul have her ANTIFA pals come and take it.

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