Black man to White people: Arm yourself

I saw that video last week. I do believe that is what we are going to have to do to protect ourselves. that video made made sick.
and then there's people wanting to take away our second amendment rights. SO WE are helpless against stuff like that and worse if they (criminals of all colors) knew we were defenseless
negro criminality, the propensity for violence and racial envy and jealousy toward white people isn't any secret....

I saw that video last week. I do believe that is what we are going to have to do to protect ourselves. that video made made sick.
and then there's people wanting to take away our second amendment rights. SO WE are helpless against stuff like that and worse if they (criminals of all colors) knew we were defenseless

We can reduce crime by great measure if we really, really wanted too.

We just have the bar of consequence set to low.

The black guy in the video is Tommy Sotomayor.

He has many YouTube video's aimed at black people and their uncivilized behavior.

Just watch a few and you'll become a fan of his. ....... :cool:
The black guy in the video is Tommy Sotomayor.

He has many YouTube video's aimed at black people and their uncivilized behavior.

Just watch a few and you'll become a fan of his. ....... :cool:

Let me guess, libs call him an Uncle Tom. eh?

Of course drawing a weapon takes time and whites can't assume that every roving pack of chimps is playing the game....wise presumption but too many legal issues with just shooting them to be safe. It's best to avoid walking by a cluster of primates and if they corner you, then draw your gun and aim for the alpha male and fire.

Arm yourself. Go get a CCW and carry always. :D

Shadow 355

What is suppose to be funny about the video?

Is it funny that blacks live in a atmosphere of random violence?

What would really make it funny is if the blacks were carrying and put a couple of rounds through the driver's window.

Blacks CREATE an atmosphere of random violence. How can you be so blind?

You mean they don't? :confused-84:


If I hear him correctly his solution is not working together it is that blacks need to unite.

My opinion is that any race given the same opportunities then their behavior will be much the same. Telling blacks to get a job then flooding the border and taking in immigrants from all over the world seems to me to be counter productive.

Arm yourself. Go get a CCW and carry always. :D

Shadow 355

What is suppose to be funny about the video?

Is it funny that blacks live in a atmosphere of random violence?

What would really make it funny is if the blacks were carrying and put a couple of rounds through the driver's window.

Blacks CREATE an atmosphere of random violence. How can you be so blind?

No doubt that there is an atmosphere of random violence. Whites put in the same situation form up groups like the KKK, skin heads and such.

So again I ask, why is that video suppose to be funny? If the blacks in the video were packing like so many say we should then would the truck driver be so damn stupid? What you see is people reacting to the situation you do not see any of them acting out with violence.

Arm yourself. Go get a CCW and carry always. :D

Shadow 355

What is suppose to be funny about the video?

Is it funny that blacks live in a atmosphere of random violence?

What would really make it funny is if the blacks were carrying and put a couple of rounds through the driver's window.

Blacks CREATE an atmosphere of random violence. How can you be so blind?

No doubt that there is an atmosphere of random violence. Whites put in the same situation form up groups like the KKK, skin heads and such.

Whites don't create places like that. Are you really this brainwashed by the multiculturalist Left?

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